Create a free website or blog at Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft hatte Dieter Nuhr um ein Statement zu einer Jubiläumskampagne gebeten. Was passiert, wenn die Arktis schmilzt und das Meereis verschwindet? Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) hat sich zur stark kritisierten Streichung eines Audiobeitrags des Kabarettisten Dieter Nuhr von ihrer Kampagnenwebsite „Für das Wissen“ erklärt. Andreas Engelke, Mathematics and Engineering Sciences 2, DFG, Tel. : Mit GEPRIS stellt die DFG ein Informationssystem bereit, das über laufende und abgeschlossene DFG-geförderte Projekte informiert. (01.10.20) Heute und morgen richten die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina und die DFG virtuell eine internationale Konferenz zur Regulierung von genetisch veränderten Organismen aus: Expertinnen und Experten diskutieren über „Genome Editing“ in Europa – zur Beratung von Politik und Gesellschaft. Funding will be offered for research projects on the fundamental biological and medical aspects of a pathogen, preventive measures and therapeutic methods, and the psychological, social, cultural, legal and ethical implications associated with the emergence, spread and treatment of epidemics and pandemics. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (ed. Interner Linkmehr, Interner LinkWeitere Ausschreibungen und Informationen für die Wissenschaft, Informationen zur DFG als Arbeitgeber und Tipps zur Bewerbung. The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical. Their interdisciplinary approach combines chemistry, biotechnology, pharmacy and pharmacology and is intended to serve as a key to the development of natural active agents. Try again later.

Please note that medical information found This way, companies are given the opportunity to get involved in research innovations at an early stage.

Thomas Bergs and Tim Grunwald, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT), Aachen; Application partner: J. Hauser GmbH & Co. KG, Solms), “Aluminium-copper bonding wires for power electronic modules” (Project leaders: Associate Professor Dr.-Ing. Hier können Sie die Rechte an diesem Artikel erwerben. Martin Schneider-Ramelow, Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM), Berlin; Application partners: Hesse GmbH, Paderborn, Vitesco Technologies GmbH, Nuremberg), “Development of a system for robot-based CO2 jet cutting of large-volume and geometrically complex lightweight construction materials”, (Project leaders: Professor Dr.-Ing. Thomas Zwick, KIT Karlsruhe, Dr. Arnulf Leuther, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF), Freiburg; Application partner: VEGA Grieshaber KG, Schiltach), “EMMA4Drive – dynamic human model for autonomous driving”, (Project leaders: Professor Dr.-Ing. Interner Linkmehr, Abonnieren Sie unseren RSS-Feed ... Interner Linkmehr, Die Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen sollen Antragstellenden dabei helfen, ihre Anträge vorzubereiten. All four groups take an interdisciplinary approach, with one Research Unit involving international cooperation with Switzerland. In this year’s second call for proposals, 35 draft proposals were initially received: these were evaluated by a review panel using a written process according to the criteria for trilateral transfer projects. They found one newly generated antibody that was highly specific for a previously unknown marker on undifferentiated cells that they termed stage-specific embryonic antigen-5, or SSEA-5. What are, to a large extent unclear, however, are the underlying neurobiological and neuropsychological active mechanisms. F.A.Z.-Redakteur Andreas Kilb verrät die Besonderheiten des Films und weshalb er sehenswert ist. Nach gelöschtem Audiobeitrag: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft macht Dieter Nuhr ein Angebot, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft macht Dieter Nuhr ein Angebot. 1985; 63 (3):196–199. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley; 2006. +49 228 885-2109. Der Präsident hat sein Fernsehduell gegen Joe Biden zu einer Mini-Version seiner Präsidentschaft gemacht: Eine Ungeheuerlichkeit jagt die nächste, bis allen der Kopf schwirrt. They also intend to focus on vascular and immune cells. Externer, Mehr als 200 Statements aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Kultur und Gesellschaft haben uns bereits erreicht. The call is expected to be presented and published before the end of March. (in alphabetical order according to the university locations of the DFG projects): “Technology development for the efficient production of glass components for the interior and exterior of future automobiles” (Project leaders: Professor Dr.-Ing. The Linked Data Service provides access to commonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the Library of Congress. Bitte geben Sie hier den oben gezeigten Sicherheitscode ein. with these terms and conditions.

Das kann so nur einer: Söder.

The Research Unit aims to analyse these and to use the resulting knowledge of these phenomena to support therapeutic effects and reduce negative side effects.

Dr. Gabriela Schumann, Strategic Business Development Unit, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Tel. Interner Linkmehr, Die Meteorologin Susanne Crewell erforscht die komplexen Prozesse im arktischen Klimasystem. Interner Linkmehr, In der anhaltenden Debatte um den Beitrag von Dieter Nuhr hat die DFG mit Einverständnis des Kabarettisten dessen Statement wieder auf die Internetseite der Online-Aktion #fürdasWissen gestellt und dazu eine Erklärung veröffentlicht. Drukker is the senior author of the research, which will be published online Aug. 14 in Nature Biotechnology. Among other goals, the newly-established Research Units aim to develop new methods for surgical interventions on the skull, as well as to extract natural products for cancer research from myxobacteria. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is establishing four new Research Units to facilitate cross-regional, interdisciplinary cooperation among researchers. Für junge Frauen in Amerika geht es derzeit um Bestand oder Rücknahme elementarer Rechte. Not least, this results in gaps in the investigation of their molecular mechanisms, and their potential for pharmacology has not yet been exhausted. Donaldson J, Hemming R, LaBella F. Vanadium exposure enhances lipid peroxidation in the kidney of rats and mice. The DFG Joint Committee and the Fraunhofer Executive Board have now selected six projects from the twelve proposals submitted. Funds have been awarded to project B3YOND (acronym for “Beyond nanofabrication via nanoscale phase engineering of matter”), coordinated by Edoardo Albisetti, which proposes innovations in the nanomanufacturing scene. They are, however, difficult to isolate and to produce in sufficient quantities.

Dieter Nuhr hat recht! Eckart Uhlmann and Christian Mohnke, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology (IPK), Berlin; Application partners: CTC GmbH Stade, Stade, FFT Produktionssysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Fulda), “Scalable THz miniature radar for industrial applications”, (project leaders: Professor Dr.-Ing. ", Verleihung des Ursula M. Händel-Tierschutzpreises, Sechs neue Forschungsgruppen, eine neue Klinische Forschungsgruppe. In this interview, News-Medical speaks to Stepan Nersisyan about his discovery of a molecule that could replicate SARS-CoV-2. An interview with Dr. Carmen Escuriola-Ettingshausen MD, Mörfelden-Walldorf, Germany on providing personalized care for bleeding disorders. Kabarettist Dieter Nuhr This should enable operation sites and the surrounding areas to be sterilely separated using what are known as “ports”. Die Preisverleihung wird live übertragen. Auf der DFG2020-Webseite können Sie sich durchklicken und inspirieren lassen. “The study of glycans is becoming an active area of stem cell biology,” said Tang. Sie schildert den Ablauf der letzten Tage, entschuldigt sich bei Nuhr und hat eine Erläuterung parat. © Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH 2001 - 2020Alle Rechte vorbehalten. It is about cooperation, anticipatory action, solidarity and ensuring protection for those who need it most.".

Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-515-09099-5. Dr.-Ing. Like fine chefs, scientists are seemingly approaching a day when they will be able to make nearly any type of tissue from human embryonic stem cells. Schicken Sie uns Ihr Statement per E-Mail an - oder posten Sie es selbst mit dem Hashtag #fürdasWissen auf Twitter oder Instagram! Joachim Linn, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM), Kaiserslautern; Application partner: fleXstructures GmbH, Kaiserslautern), Benedikt Bastong, Press and Public Relations, DFG, Tel. ", Professor Dr. Katja Becker, President of Germany's largest research funding organization, Becker, who before taking office as DFG President in January was involved in malaria research in West Africa and elsewhere, also called for more intensive international cooperation. By continuing to browse this site you agree to our use of cookies. Walter Lang, University of Bremen, Professor Dr.-Ing., Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport und Kultur, Herausgegeben von Gerald Braunberger, Jürgen Kaube, Carsten Knop, Berthold Kohler, Zeitung This requires comprehensive long-term research, with the aim of understanding the genetic, biological, environmental, medical and socio-economic factors associated with an outbreak of this kind.

Combining anti-SSEA-5 with two other antibodies known to bind to pluripotent cells completely separated the pluripotent from the differentiated cells, although the researchers did see some smaller, less-diverse growths in some cases. Permalink: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Die DFG beteiligt sich mit verschiedenen Aktivitäten, z.B. DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Senate Commission.

Schicken Sie uns Ihr Statement per E-Mail an - oder posten Sie es selbst mit dem Hashtag #fürdasWissen auf Twitter oder Instagram! In the end, 15 consortia were invited to submit a full proposal and twelve proposals were submitted. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an den F.A.Z.-Newslettern. Thomas Zwick, KIT Karlsruhe, Dr. Arnulf Leuther, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF), Freiburg; Application partner: VEGA Grieshaber KG, Schiltach), “EMMA4Drive – dynamic human model for autonomous driving” (Project leaders: Professor Dr.-Ing. From research to application DFG and Fraunhofer to Fund Six Trilateral Projects (15.09.20) The DFG and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft are providing approximately €5 million of funding over a period of three years for six new trilateral projects that involve the transfer of findings from DFG-funded projects to industry. Politecnico di Milano has won a new Starting Grant issued by the European Research Council (ERC), the European Union’s programme that funds scientific research. Impacts on global and regional economic development, production and value creation chains, logistics, transport and communication will also be examined. Fraktur Janis Eitner, Head of Communication, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Tel. A one-stop-shop for tools and information sources supporting the ongoing efforts to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Oktober verleiht die DFG an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen den Ursula M. Händel-Tierschutzpreis 2020. That’s why Tang, Drukker and Weissman decided to try to develop an antibody that would recognize and bind to only pluripotent cells and enable their removal from a mixture of cells. Jörg Fehr, University of Stuttgart, Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Reese and Professor Dr.-Ing. They owe their remarkable composition to the fact that the cells from which they arise early in development are pluripotent. Wir freuen uns über Text-, Bild- und Videobeiträge!