© 2020. Disruption to third party services (eg installers) is highly likely too, and we recommend that customers stay in touch with us regarding ongoing applications. Many of us have been embracing active travel as we take advantage of quieter streets and avoid non-essential driving. Applications are available upon request from by emailing eBikeGrantsScot@est.org.uk. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Find guidance and funding to help your organisation respond to the crisis, Read all the latest news from TFN Subscribe to TFN, Funding Scotland lists funders with a track record of supporting projects in Scotland and is run by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. Applications can be submitted at any time up until December 2020, however interim deadlines are set for application reviews and awards granted on an ongoing basis. “It’s a lovely way to travel and it makes a longer commute like mine manageale. If you are a key worker and are interested in using an ebike, get in touch with your local centre by phoning 0808 808 2282 for information on availability and terms and conditions. They are a good alternative to a normal bike especially if your route includes hills, is more than 5 miles long or if you need an extra boost on the road.

Here’s how…. If you are considering purchasing an ebike there is an exciting funding opportunity available in Scotland through Energy Saving Trust. If you sign up you'll be able to save this fund to a list. About us      Partner with us      Latest news       Contact. Round four is available to assist local authorities, public sector agencies, further and higher education institutions, active travel hubs and community groups to adopt ebikes as a sustainable alternative to car journeys. The interest free loan, delivered by Energy Saving Trust on behalf of Transport Scotland, offers up to £6000 with a repayment period of up to 4 years. We’ve made it easier for customer… The loan, funded by Transport Scotland, aims to make cycling as accessible as possible to everyone in Scotland. Round one allocated £470,000 to 19 organisations, round two awarded £462,000 to 27 projects while round three distributed just over £1,050,000 to 58 projects. The fund can be used to cover the cost of ebikes, etrikes,…, To see more information about this fund, please, To see contact information for this fund, please, In partnership with the National Emergencies Trust, Foundation Scotland is delivering the Community Response, Recovery and Resilience Fund. Ruth continued to use her ebike throughout the wet and windy winter months, and has found that the extra assistance given by the on-board motor helps her power through a Scottish headwind! Having no previous experience of ebikes, she first had to get used to the electrical assist before finding the one that she really liked. This builds on three previous rounds of funding. As a result she feels fitter and loves the time spent outside, knowing that she is using a carbon neutral form of travel to get to work and back. The popularity of pedal assisted electric bikes or ebikes for short, has been growing year on year. Ruth uses the money she is saving on fuel to help pay back her loan – over half of her monthly loan repayment is covered by the money she would have spent on fuel. Call 0808 808 2282 to get your application form. Alternatively, you can find other cycling offers for key workers on Sustrans’ interactive map. A keen cyclist, she found that after an accident her 12 mile daily commute to work was becoming harder and she was driving more and more. Ruth lives in Edinburgh and works for the Water of Leith Conservation Trust. You will receive tracking direct from our couriers on dispatch so you can see when to expect your delivery. For more information call Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282 or click here.

Before applying for a loan you need to call 0800 0931 669 and speak to a Sustainable Transport Coordinator. The RRR Fund will support organisations to continue their operations in the ‘new normal’, to re-establish or re-design their a…, National Lottery Awards for All offers funding to support what matters to people and communities. e-bikeshop.co.uk and our partners serve cookies to analyse traffic and provide personalised advertising. © 2020. Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS), Non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) certification, Developing an electric vehicle charging infrastructure, Electricity tariffs for electric vehicles. The fund can be used to cover the cost of ebikes, etrikes, ecargo bikes, cargo bikes and trailers, tandems, adaptive bikes and trikes.
The fund can be used to cover the cost of ebikes, etrikes,…, To see more information about this fund, please, To see contact information for this fund, please, In partnership with the National Emergencies Trust, Foundation Scotland is delivering the Community Response, Recovery and Resilience Fund. Category A – Deadline 3 – Friday 18 December 2020. Supported by the eBike Grant Fund, the Business eCargo Research Project offers businesses the chance to apply for a free trial of an ecargo bike for a 12-month period. 10 ecargo bikes will be on offer and applications will be assessed on a first come, first served basis. This opportunity enables businesses to trial an ecargo bike free of charge to be used for deliveries and essential operating needs of the company. Additionally, Energy Saving Trust is offering previously funded ebike grantees the chance to apply for up to £20,000 of funding for the provision of ebikes to support key and essential workers. You then pay us and we proceed to deliver the bike to your door. Step 1: Call Home Energy Scotland. Round four is available to assist local authorities, public sector agencies, further and higher education institutions, active travel hubs and community groups to adopt ebikes as a sustainable alternative to car journeys. Which you can be rest assured all of our bikes do. The process of applying for the loan was straightforward and quick. Our qualified eBike technicians will fully build and setup your new electric bike ahead of carefully boxing it. The eBike Grant Fund will continue to be split into two separate streams. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Home Energy Scotland is a Scottish Government program managed by Energy Saving Trust. It's important to read our COVID-19 policy as some of our operating procedures have changed, at least for the interim. Being new to ebikes, Ruth trialled a few to see if one would work for her daily commute. We are proud that our relationship with Energy Saving Trust helps to promote greener and healthier transport choices. These funds are the latest in a range of measures the Scottish Government is introducing to encourage sustainable and active travel. The programme is a partnership between the National Lottery Community Fund Scotland, sportscotland and Creative Scotland. If you sign up you'll be able to save a note on this fund. Home Energy Scotland’s short-term ebike trials are currently on hold. To help, here are our top 6 picks for electric bikes purchased under the Low Carbon Transport Loan Fund.
Round four is available to assist local authorities, public sector agencies, further and higher education institutions, active travel hubs and community groups to adopt ebikes as a sustainable alternative to car journeys. Find out about schemes Recently the Scottish Government announced details to offer interest free loans to residents of Scotland via the Energy Saving Trust.