Now the goal has switched to equal outcomes.

The role of subculture in perpetuating poverty is usually ignored. Yes, this has been an interesting, although slightly abstract discussion. Differences, and attempts to counteract unequal individual opportunities. In contrast, in the second image there is “equity” — each person has the number of crates they need to fully enjoy the game. Conservatives and libertarians believe in equality of opportunity. Equality of opportunity provides in a sense that all start the race of life at the same time. Equity involves trying to understand and give people what they need to enjoy full, healthy lives. Obviously, there is huge diversity within every broadly-defined demographic group.

Equality of outcome attempts to ensure that everyone finishes at the same time. So, let’s increase the taxes on This zip code to improve the schools, fund community policing or invest in economic development in That zip code, so they are both safe to inhabit and do business.

( Log Out /  Piketty’s book on the inevitable concentration of capital is indicative. Historically, America represented one of the strongest breaks from the monarchical form of government. Now, I am politically progressive and consider social justice to be an important goal and feature of government and society. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Systemic equity is a complex combination of interrelated elements consciously designed to create, support and sustain social justice. I don’t know about you but I fraternize with + read about a wide variety of people. While this is helpful for the middle-height person, it is not enough for the shortest and superfluous for the tallest. I don’t understand this idea of “The nature of the equality debate mostly revolves around how much equality is practical economically.” Either one believes in equality or one doesn’t.

Is the right to medical care, education, housing and food only for some? Many offices provide lactation rooms for nursing mothers. If your culture doesn’t encourage personal growth of some sort, you are screwed. And yes…equality of value is perhaps the most important trait to think of in the equality realm. Equality of opportunity vs equality of outcome, 80-85% of jobs are landed through networking. One of the difficulties encountered in communist countries is that to achieve total equality they need tight control on most economic activity. Of course, nobody wants that at all.

And you are right. Obviously, not many of us would like to live like that. Race equity expert John A. Powell writes: “‘Racialization’ connotes a process rather than a static event. Words and Phrases That Sting: “Black Marble”... Chick-fil-A: From Muppets to Mayors to Mayhem. What could be less personal freedom than that? Equal treatment under the law is very important. I need to get a few more ducks in line before I’m in the position to land a regular gig that I can “readily access” by automobile. I look forward to your blog posts too. And although an attempt to break it down totally numerically eludes us, the spirit of equality, at least as understood by our Founding Fathers, resonates with many from both sides of the political aisle. That should not be a pretext to bias against entire cultures and classes, create and enforce slums, let alone gerrymander districts or restrict voting rights.

That doesn't absolve us from thinking hard about intersectional issues. For instance, although I’m a firm believer in a social safety net, I’m also well aware of the fact that many people who have a moderate or even lower middle class lifestyle feel that they create a reality based on their needs + sense of happiness as opposed to sticking to the dogma that Liberals sometimes imply that being below middle class results in unhappiness. The assumed outcome is that fairness creates equality. Here, it’s important to acknowledge the distinction between need versus deservedness, a distinction that is too often not made when discussing achievement gaps in the education system.

Even women who take extended maternity leave from their job find that their peers get promoted over them.

So, the question is whether there is or should be social safety nets to prevent individuals from falling below some baseline while facilitating means of advancement through education, health care, and minimizing social and institutional barriers to the extent possible. The same goes if I'm hiring. Oppotunity is the impact with the greater influence, especially over outcome. After all, this was a goal of the Khmer Rouge government. After all, there are countless politicians, economists, pundits, + ordinary citizens that to this day talk about equality in all its various forms. Therefore, as you allude to, a moderate amount of energy needs to be given to making sure that equality of opportunity is attended to in ways that give fair outcomes. Meritocracy assumes that all the factors mentioned here – race, gender, language barriers and socio-economic disadvantage – don’t play a role in determining outcomes, but we know with certainty that they do. This is why I support the social safety net in almost all of its forms + this is why I believe that school funding options can be looked at to create a better starting point for some. It's a disingenuous argument designed to avoid talking about systemic inequalities, and to thwart efforts to correct the balance. When we act upon our prejudices or unconscious bias — whether intentionally, visibly, verbally or not — we engage in interpersonal racism. keeping everyone at the same level. Equality of outcome is an impossibility based on the concepts of differentiation noted above. However, as history has shown, with 100 million dead due to communism’s tyrannical enforcement of total equality as a goal, many of the intelligent conservative people that I know prefer having the personal freedom that America offers them to have pride in their lifestyle-no matter how modest. Never miss our weekly posts by subscribing to our newsletter and keeping up with the latest from The Winters Group! The ideology of race has become embedded in our identities, institutions and culture and is used as a basis for discrimination and domination. it is the state of being the same when it comes to status, rights and opportunities. If you're against that - well, then, I don't know if there's anything we can talk about.

After all, we all wake up + conduct ourselves in a somewhat private fashion even though we live in broader society. Painted as such, equality of outcome is an oppressive, Harrison Bergeron idea. following your comments and responses is taking a course in theology. Hey Tom…thx so much for pointing out that my attempt to promote thoughtful discussion resonates! These policies violate the principle of equality. Equality of outcome, as Charlton Bryant notes, is impossible even if they were identical twins in the same household. But I can’t help but feel, as a Christian, that each of us has been granted a specific, divinely drafted design that should logically lead to our finding out own niche in society if given the opportunity to do so. History is a guide. Equity refers to fairness and equality in outcomes, not just in supports and opportunity. Despite this, I offer an even greater challenge to contemplate. In the second illustration above, the supports are differentiated based on individual need, and those supports make it possible for each student to have the same vantage point, regardless of their individual heights. The equality, in contrast, all the people get the same thing, i.e. Institutional racism is racial inequity within institutions and systems of power, such as places of employment, government agencies and social services. Equality of opportunity vs equality of outcome Lately I've increasingly encountered arguments for "equality of opportunity vs equality of outcome", which is usually shorthand for a bunch of nastier opinions held by people who don't think we should be aiming for a more inclusive society.

Of these three, equity is the most egregious, self-righteous, historically-ignorant and dangerous. And yes, many economists + economic experts accept this as an economic fact based on history. Thx Pankanzy + nice to hear from you! As our preamble states, “To provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”.

As unique individuals we all offer a contribution to society.

As you know, finance deregulation that was pushed by both sides of the political aisle has now led to what some call a “financialization” of our economy. Explore the resources below to learn more and help promote equity and inclusion in your life: Get our data, reports and news in your inbox. If only a few people enjoy a healthy, safe environment, access to high quality education and health care, then we can see the disparity right away and it seems unfair. On the other side, many Democrats and Socialists are in favor of a society that works to create equality of outcome. Mentioned in: Striving for diversity and inclusion demonstrates social intelligence. It most likely isn’t even desirable. When you provide reasonable accommodations you let people with disabilities fully participate in society. Basically, many Republicans and Libertarians are in favor of a society that works to maintain equality of opportunity. As opposed to looking at equality as something that needs to be achieved totally + numerically, we need to keep the flavor of it alive. Whether you go to college X or are offered career Y are heavily dependent on being at the right place at the right time, having parents that supported you, being born with the right genes, meeting good teachers instead of bad, living in an area that actually had opportunity for a particular course of action, etc. When ya think of it, its hard to totally get a handle on.

Great piece Perry. Nice to hear from you again America On Coffee! Your loss, bigots! On the other end of the spectrum are those who say that creating equality of opportunity is difficult at best. That’s why I try to adhere to the idea of a social safety net that represents a “hand-up” to someone. the distribution is made in such a way to even opportunities for all the people. Tell as many people as you want to about it. Because we're talking about network effects and a society heavily based on who you know, the more diverse the networks, the better the opportunities for diverse individuals.