Example: Cucina con amore He cooks with love Con (with) is the preposition that connects the verb cucina (cooks) and the noun amore(love) establishing a relationship of mode between the two. Definite articles (il, la, lo, etc.) The first job is to format all of the exercises not yet done, and ideally to find a home for them in one of the existing 54 lessons… Perhaps you’d like to help? A preposition, in Italian preposizione, is the part of the speech that connects words or sentences, specifying the relationship between them. Simple prepositions in Italian, or preposizioni semplici, are the magical little words that allow us to connect the meaning, details, and specificity of actions: with whom we are doing something, for what, to what end, where, and where to.They are a neat little bunch, easy to remember, and this is the order in which they are taught to Italian children. Prepositions are short words which express conditions, directions, specifications, such as of, over, to, from, etc. On the left most column we have the Italian Prepositions (at, in, of, for, on respectively).

Because Italian nouns get articles most times, you use articulated prepositions most everywhere. I’m back to working on our Italian Grammar Lessons series, a never-ending task it seems! When followed by a definite article (“the” in English), a preposition combines with the article and together they transform into a new word that signifies the two words together. Di can be used to show “ownership,” as frequently accomplished by the apostrophe + s in English. 1. And that's what we have in Italics (slanted font). Di, a, da, in, su, and per can be simple, when they are used alone, without article; or articulated, when they are tense with the article, forming a whole word. Italian Prepositions. The basic Italian prepositions are di, a, da, in, con, su, per, tra/fra. Prepositions are those little words that mark places in space or time.
Below are links to five exercises on prepositions.

But in constructions that don't use an article before a noun, you do not articulate your preposition (since there is nothing to articulate with). Italian prepositions often change form based on the word that follows them. Il nonno di Lui… Prepositions are short words used to complement an adjective, adverb, noun, or pronoun. The preposition dican mean “of” or “by,” among other things. When you put the Prepositions and the Definite Articles together, you form a Prepositional Article! Italian is different from English in that it includes two distinct classes of prepositions: simple prepositions (those that appear alone), and articulated prepositions (those that are combined with the definite article of the nouns that follow them). It combines with the definite articles as follows: di + il = del di + lo = dello di + l’ = dell’ di + la = della di + i = dei di + gli = degli di + le = delle Also, if di is directly followed by a vowel, it must become d’: La borsa d’Agata— Agata’s purse Here are the major uses of di. are the Italian words for the. Prepositional Articles are used to say things like "on the" or "from the," for example.