266 See if your friends have read any of John Keay's books. Born in 1941 in Devon, England, Keay was educated at Ampleforth College, York and Magdalen College, Oxford, where he was a demy (scholar) in Modern History. Brit. 408 John Keay (born 1941) is an English journalist and author specialising in writing popular histories about India and the Far East, often with a particular focus on their colonisation and exploration by Europeans. “Histories themselves become history before they reach the shelves.”, “The Tarim Mummies’ (Tarim being the name of the river that once drained the now waterless Tarim basin of eastern Xinjiang) are mostly not of Mongoloid race but of now DNA-certified Caucasoid or Europoid descent. Above all, the colonial era is seen in the overall context of Indian history, and the legacy of the 1947 partition is examined from the standpoint of today. Hist. (Nat. At the time, the 1820s, no other outsider had managed anything remotely comparable. To add more books, The Honourable Company: a History of the English East India Company, The Great Arc: The Dramatic Tale of How India Was Mapped and Everest Was Named, Midnight’s Descendants: South Asia from Partition to the Present Day, Mad About The Mekong: Exploration and Empire in South East Asia, The Mammoth Book Of Travel In Dangerous Places, The Tartan Turban: In Search of Alexander Gardner, Sowing the Wind: The Seeds of Conflict in the Middle East, The Gilgit Game: The Explorers of the Western Himalayas 1865-95, When Men and Mountains Meet: The Explorers of the Western Himalayas, Last Post: The End Of Empire In The Far East, To Cherish and Conserve: The Early Years of Archaeological Survey of India, The Mammoth Book of Travel in Dangerous Places: Siberia and Alaska, On the Edge: Astonishing True Stories of Exploration, Survival and Endurance, The Mammoth Book of Travel in Dangerous Places: East and Central Africa, Classic Exploration and Adventure: Classic Accounts of the Great Stories of Human Endeavour, The Mammoth Book of Travel in Dangerous Places: Australia, The Mammoth Book of Travel in Dangerous Places: North America. 46

The Tartan Turban - In Search of Alexander Gardner, 0007326580.01._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_V1056466915__edited, 51BtblisOTL._SX341_BO1,204,203,200__edited, 510ERYB06QL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200__edited, 41FD42EXDWL._SX297_BO1,204,203,200__edited. Please try your request again later. Hardcover John Keay is the author of about 20 books, all factual, mostly historical, and largely to do with Asia, exploration or Scotland. The first single-volume history of India since the 1950s, combining narrative pace and skill with social, economic and cultural analysis. We advise and represent clients in all areas of Washington family law, including: Divorce and Legal Separation Child Custody and Child Support ), The Honourable Company: History of the English East India Company, ( Error rating book. Five millennia of the sub-continent’s history are interpreted by one of our finest writers on India and the Far East. His function was not necessarily hereditary nor exclusively reserved to a particular social group.”. His combination of meticulous research, irreverent wit, powerful narrative and lively prose have invariably been complimented by reviewers and readers. ). His interests focus on the relationships between economics and business. ), Midnight's Descendants: A History of South Asia since Partition, ( 「John Keay」という名前の人のプロフィールを表示Facebookに参加して、John Keayさんや他の知り合いと交流しましょう。Facebookは、人々が簡単に情報をシェアできる、オープンでつながりのある世界の構築をお手伝いします。 The Great Arc: The Dramatic Tale of How India Was Mapped and Everest Was Named by Early life. And as with Polo, the investigation of Gardner's story enlarged man's understanding of the world and upped the pace of scientific and political exploration.Before more reputable explorers notched up their own discoveries in innermost Asia, this lone traveller had roamed the deserts of Turkestan, ridden round the world's most fearsome knot of mountains and fought, as the first American in Afghanistan, 'for the good cause of right against wrong'. It is thought to have been ‘proto-Tocharian’, an early branch of the great Indo-European language family that includes the Celtic, Germanic, Greek and Latin tongues as well as Sanskrit and Early Iranian.

Welcome back. They are similar to the Cro-Magnon peoples of eastern Europe. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.
Master storyteller John Keay deftly sifts truth from myth-making to uncover fascinating new evidence, revealing an amazing tale worthy of Kipling or Flashman of a life lived further out on the edge than most could even imagine Like the travels of Marco Polo, those of Alexander Gardner clip the white line between credible adventure and creative invention. Error rating book. Ronald William John Keay (May 20, 1920 – April 7, 1998) was a British botanist, who did much of his work in tropical Africa. A history of the English East India company. He witnessed the death throes of that Sikh Empire at close quarters and, sparing no gruesome detail, recorded his own part in the bloodshed (the very same featuring as the exploits of 'Alick' Gardner in the 'Flashman' series).Fame finally caught up with him during his long retirement in Kashmir.

In a tapestry ranging from Southern Africa to north-west America, and from the reign of Elizabeth I to that of Victoria, bizarre locations and roguish personality abound. The work is … He first visited India in 1965 and has been returning there about every two years ever since. Master storyteller John Keay deftly sifts truth from myth-making to uncover fascinating new evidence, revealing an amazing tale worthy of Kipling or Flashman of a life lived further out on the edge than most could even imagine' MICHAEL WOOD During 200 years the East India Company grew from a loose association of Elizabethan tradesmen into "the grandest society of merchants in the universe". 'Among the many gripping tales of travel and exploration the tale of Alexander Gardner is surely one of the most extraordinary. But one mystery he certainly took to the grave: the whereabouts of his accumulated fortune has still to be discovered.Using much original material, including newly discovered papers by Gardner himself, this investigative biography by John Keay, bestselling author of India: A History, takes the reader on a quest from the American West to the Asian East to unravel the greatest enigma in the history of travel. . John Keay, in writing a one volume history of one of the world's largest and oldest civilizations set himself a gargantuan task, and has pulled it off rather well. engelsmännen i Indien, Himalaya och Centralasien, har nu även kommit ut med en biografi – The Tartan Turban: In Search of … Without it there would have been no British India and no British Empire. This vast region and its peoples wield an enormous influence over global economics and geopolitics, yet their impact is too often simplified by accounts that focus solely on one nation and ignore the intricate web of affiliations that shape relations among British India's successor states.

From the Caspian to Tibet and from Kandahar to Kashgar, Gardner had seen it all.
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As a commercial enterprise it came to control half the world's trade and as a political entity it administered an embryonic empire. John Keay has 46 books on Goodreads with 26473 ratings. India book. Refresh and try again.

His first book stayed in print for thirty years; many others have become classics. The Honourable Company: a History of the English East India Company, The Great Arc: The Dramatic Tale of How India Was Mapped and Everest Was Named, Midnight’s Descendants: South Asia from Partition to the Present Day, Mad About The Mekong: Exploration and Empire in South East Asia, The Mammoth Book Of Travel In Dangerous Places, Sowing the Wind: The Seeds of Conflict in the Middle East, WOODROW WILSON: A BIOGRAPHY - GLOSSARY (SPOILER THREAD), GLOSSARY - STAYING ON - THE RAJ QUARTET SERIES~ (Spoiler Thread), INDIA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS (International Relations). After thirteen years as a white-man-gone-native in Central Asia, Gardner re-emerged as a colonel of artillery in the employ of India's last great native empire.