- Special respect should be given to Elders, Parents, Teachers, and Community Leaders. (CoPAR Bulletin 10) http://copar.org/bulletin10.htm, Freedom of Information Act http://www.usdoj.gov/04foia/foiastat.htm and www.aclu.org, Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Intellectual Property Rights: An Enabling Tool for Pray often. 0000003479 00000 n 0000002184 00000 n This includes knowing the laws and policies of their home nation and institutional workplace that pertain to harassment and assault based upon sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, national origin, religion, or marital status. Do not fill yourself with your own affairs and forget your most important talks. If the council has made an error, that error will become apparent to everyone in its own time. Always treat your guests with honor and consideration. The honour of one is the honour of all. Know those things that lead to your well-being, and those things that lead to your destruction. http://www.oralhistory.org/wiki/index.php/Evaluation_Guide, Society of American Archivists Code of Ethics 0000022743 00000 n - Never speak about others in a negative way, whether they are present or not. Archaeologists should work actively for the preservation of, and long term access to, archaeological collections, records, and reports. Native American Code of Ethics 1) Rise with the sun to pray. Seek the courage and strength to be a better person. 7.
Northern College Indigenous Council on Education. Always treat your guests with honor and consideration.
An interest in preserving and protecting in situ archaeological sites must be taken in to account when publishing and distributing information about their nature and location. Pray often. - Do not speak unless invited to do so at gatherings where Elders are present (except to ask what is expected of you, should you be in doubt). Os documentos e materiais nos quais a publicação e outras formas de comunicação são baseados devem ser armazenados permanentemente em um local seguro. Receive strangers and outsiders with a loving heart and as members of the human family. Seek for the things that will benefit everyone. 0000016199 00000 n Ethics are precepts that guide the moral conduct of professionals; they are not the same as practice standards, which prescribe competent practice at various levels of development. La adopción de estos principios representa la culminación de un esfuerzo iniciado en 1991 con la formación de la Comisión de Ética en Arqueología. 0001282229 00000 n Intellectual property, as contained in the knowledge and documents created through the study of archaeological resources, is part of the archaeological record. 0000071326 00000 n The bylaws change just voted by the members has established a new standing committee, the Committee on Ethics, that will carry on with these crucial efforts.
0000437224 00000 n 0001416229 00000 n
Society for American Archaeology1111 14th Street NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20005-5622, © Society for American Archaeology | Terms & Privacy, Photo by the Society for American Archaeology, Historically Underrepresented Groups Scholarships, Cheryl L. Wase Memorial Scholarship for the Study of Archaeology, H. and T. King Grant for Precolumbian Archaeology, Matthew Tobin Cappetta Archaeological Scholarship Endowment, this report on revisions of the SAA Principles of Archaeological Ethics, Principle No. 0000071069 00000 n Always treat your guests with honour and consideration. Each morning upon rising, and each evening before sleeping, give thanks for the life 0000435764 00000 n 0000010448 00000 n All are beautiful. 0000023044 00000 n True happiness comes only to those who dedicate their lives to the service of others. Expect guidance to come in many forms; in prayer, in dreams, in times of quiet solitude, and in the words and deeds of wise elders and friends. Considerando isto, arqueólogos devem encorajar colegas, alunos, e terceiros a usar as coleções, registros e relatórios de forma responsável nas suas pesquisas, como um dos meios para a preservação do registro arqueológico in situ, e de aumentar o cuidado e atenção dados a essa porção do registro arqueológico, o qual foi removido e incorporado em coleções arqueológicas, registros e relatórios.
- Never interrupt people who are conversing. Do not fill yourself with your own affairs and forget your most important talks.
5. The documents and materials on which publication and other forms of public reporting are based should be deposited in a suitable place for permanent safekeeping. Authorship: As children of the Creator they must all be respected. 3. �|��2J0:Ͱ\��A���E� ,��0�c� Z���i���f���Zh��R Listen to and follow the guidance given to your heart. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001325/132540e.pdf, United Nations. The hurt of one is the hurt of all, the honor of one is the honor of all. 0001426478 00000 n 10. Within a reasonable time, the knowledge archaeologists gain from investigation of the archaeological record must be presented in accessible form (through publication or other means) to as wide a range of interested publics as possible.
Report an Issue | 9: Safe Educational and Workplace Environments, Principio No. The commercialization of archaeological objects - their use as commodities to be exploited for personal enjoyment or profit - results in the destruction of archaeological sites and of contextual information that is essential to understanding the archaeological record.
Give thanks to the Creator each morning upon rising and each evening before sleeping. J. Lynott e Alison Wylie, pela sua execução habilidosa desta importante tarefa. Respect. Respect demands that you listen intently to the ideas of others in council and that you do not insist that your idea prevail. 0001418600 00000 n http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Fdark%2Flayout.xml&showFlipBtn=true, http://www.aaanet.org/committees/ethics/ethcode.htm, http://www.ala.org/ala/aboutala/offices/oif/statementspols/codeofethics/codeethics.cfm, http://www.printerinks.com/Understanding-Copyright-Law-Practice-and-History.html, http://www.ifad.org/english/indigenous/pub/documents/Indigeknowledge.pdf, http://www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/tk/en/folklore/creative_heritage/docs/mataatua.pdf, http://www.grain.org/brl_files/brl-model-law-pacific-en.pdf, http://www.oralhistory.org/wiki/index.php/Evaluation_Guide, http://www.archivists.org/governance/handbook/app_ethics.asp, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001325/132540e.pdf, http://issuu.com/karinzylsaw/docs/un_declaration_rights_indigenous_peoples?mode=embed&layout=. The Sacred Tree published by the Four Worlds International Institute in 1984 is available at 4worlds@uleth.ca.
9. Once you give an idea to a council meeting it no longer belongs to you. 0000032292 00000 n To serve others, to be of some use to family, community, nation, and the world is one of the main purposes for which human beings have been created. Propriedade intelectual, conforme contido no conhecimento e documentos criados através da análise de fontes arqueológicas, é parte do registro arqueológico. Through its Committee on Ethics, annual Ethics Bowl, and Principles of Archaeological Ethics, SAA is a leader in defining and practicing ethical conduct. La comercialización de los objetos arqueológicos – su uso como productos sujetos a explotación para disfrute o ganancia personal – redunda en la destrucción de los sitios arqueológicos y de la información contextual que es esencial para entender el registro arqueológico. 0001415943 00000 n Archaeologists should reach out to, and participate in cooperative efforts with others interested in the archaeological record with the aim of improving the preservation, protection, and interpretation of the record. 0001284973 00000 n The Society for American Archaeology has long recognized that the buying and selling of objects out of archaeological context is contributing to the destruction of the archaeological record on the American continents and around the world. If the council has made an error, that error will become apparent to everyone in its own time. Indeed you should freely support the ideas of others if they are true and good, even if those ideas are quite different from the ones you have contributed. Observe moderation and balance in all things. Como tal, esta deve ser tratada de acordo com os princípios de acompanhamento e não como um caso de posse pessoal.
Given the destructive nature of most archaeological investigations, archaeologists must ensure that they have adequate training, experience, facilities, and other support necessary to conduct any program of research they initiate in a manner consistent with the foregoing principles and contemporary standards of professional practice. 0000430409 00000 n 0000058882 00000 n - No person should be made to feel "put down" by you; avoid hurting other hearts as you would avoid a deadly poison.
0001420869 00000 n Dentro de un período prudencial, el conocimiento que adquieren los arqueólogos a través de la investigación del registro arqueológico, deberá presentarse en forma accesible (mediante publicación u otros medios) a la gama más amplia posible de públicos interesados. Be truthful at all times, and under all conditions. 6: Información Pública y Publicación, Principio No. The adapted version is presented here.
La SAA publicó el borrador de los principios junto con ponencias de posición del foro y comentarios históricos, en un informe especial distribuido a todos los socios bajo el título de Ethics and Archaeology: Challenges for the 1990s (Ética y Arqueología: Desafíos para los años noventa), editado por Mark J. Lynott y Alison Wylie (1995). To this end, they should encourage colleagues, students, and others to make responsible use of collections, records, and reports in their research as one means of preserving the in situ archaeological record, and of increasing the care and attention given to that portion of the archaeological record which has been removed and incorporated into archaeological collections, records, and reports. 0000007231 00000 n Download the SAA Principles of Archaeological Ethics [PDF 183 KB] to print or use for classrooms or training. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak. Observe moderation and balance in all things. - Never interrupt people who are conversing. It belongs to the people.
Pray that they will find guidance. Part of these responsibilities involves fostering a supportive and safe environment for students and trainees. 0001261853 00000 n Solicitou-se comentários dos membros neste relatório especial, através de um aviso no boletim da SAA, e em duas sessões efetuadas na cabine da SAA durante a reunião anual de 1995 em Minneapolis, Minnesota. La investigación arqueológica responsable, abarcando todos los niveles de la actividad profesional, requiere reconocer la responsabilidad pública y el compromiso de hacer todo lo posible, de buena fe, para consultar activamente con los grupos afectados, con la meta de establecer una relación de trabajo que sea beneficiosa para todas las partes interesadas. Respect means "To feel or show honor or esteem for someone or something; to consider the well being of, or to treat someone or somethin with deference or courtesy". Arqueólogos em todos os ambientes profissionais, educacionais e outros ramos profissionais, incluindo trabalhos de campo e conferências, são responsáveis pela formação da próxima geração de arqueólogos.
0000432682 00000 n 4.
0000434456 00000 n O Conselho executivo apoia firmemente estes princípios e encoraja o seu uso por todos os arqueólogos "na aplicação das responsabilidades complexas que eles tem junto aos recursos arqueológicos, e para todos que tem um interesse nestes recursos, ou que são afetados pela prática da arqueologia" (Lynott e Wylie 1995:8). - Show deep respect for the beliefs and religion of others.
- Treat the earth and all of her aspects as your mother. - Never speak about others in a negative way, whether they are present or not. Um seminário sobre ética, efetuado em Reno, no estado de Nevada em 1993, resultou em uma minuta dos princípios que foram apresentados em um fórum público na reunião anual de 1994 em Anaheim, Califórnia. Listen with your heart.