And after a couple of years, people will start complaining about how it seems to be getting slow and clunky, looks dated, and "could really do with freshening up.". Just because not everyone is going to notice an improvement, it doesn't mean it isn't worth making. Think about a PC for a moment. What logical fallacy have I made? Then everyone will get used to it. My biggest concern was the UI and system operation.

Do you know how to use a full stop?
Having grown up alongside PlayStation, Stephen has developed a wide knowledge of video games, from AAA blockbusters to the smallest indie gems. Good UI lets the user have options to help them things more easily. Games are increasing in size exponentially, though, so Sony’s strategy might well be to expect gamers to delete games they’re not really using to make room for those they are using. Hosted by 44 Bytes. At Pax maybe if they still have that slot? Comments outside of this are actually irrelevant. I never said it wasn’t functional, I said it was unnecessarily hard to use compared to the PS3 UI which is completely fine. New PS5 Details Emerge - Here’s What To Expect. Lastly, I'm not arguing against changes or that the UI is perfect, however, this is a tiny arbitrary thing and that the current method generally makes more sense, because again, it obviously stands to reason you will be playing the game to then search for or look through trophies. Seems pretty shallow if so. The whole point you’re arguing for is that no ones cares yet you haven’t proven that. In the grand scheme of things it's not a massive issue, but you're wasting your time by telling people that UI doesn't matter on a thread specifically about UI. @Suckitbanmoderat do you feel better about yourself now that you’ve got all those insults written down on the Internet? Okay guys, let's keep things on topic and not throw insults around. The UI is one of the least important things for me personally. @sabaki08 I think they just said games, no release date or price was promised, rather everyone would have crucified them if they had not, their hand was forced. Whatever decisions Sony makes about the PlayStation 5’s user interface, we’re betting it’s going to be a knockout. The brightness has been an issue, perfectly fine when you close your eyes on a sunny day but QA testers have ended up deleting their saves in a dark room with no backlight.

AMD freesync ect. One way it could do that is with a split-screen option. @TheNewButler The UI isn't going to change anyone's mind.

Ever since Ryan took over, it just reeks of corporate greed. You haven't cited a single bit of data. So again just to reitterate, so you may retain at least something, move on if you can't handle reality, but your opinion doesn't make the subject and your opinion any less arbitrary. They have been banging on about this oh so special SSD and shown barely anything to demonstrate it’s capabilities. According to a leaked image of the PS5’s devkit software, the UI will look very, very similar to the PlayStation 4’s, but we don’t expect that to be the case. I will however know the NAME of game, hence why A-Z would be an easier searching method. I remember the video for the ps4 showing off all the wonderful features like the share button and UI. These changes would make a massive difference and they are not hard to do at all. That’s the PS5’s user interface and the user experience it will have on offer. But far more importantly: successful. @wiiware Lol it's a UI screen why wouldn't it? Get over it, dipshit LMFAO. hopefully it looks awesome and better than the PS4 UI, @get2sammyb we've all bought it now though. (2020) Wiki – Everything You Need To Know About The Game, Marvel’s Avengers Guide – All Chest Locations, Marvel’s Avengers Guide – How to Farm Exotics and Legendaries, and Best Builds, Madden NFL 21 Guide – How to Farm Training Points, and Drafting Tips, NBA 2K21 Guide – How to Hit Shots, Passes, and Dribbles, Marvel’s Avengers Guide – How to Farm Vault Coordinates and Hit Max Power Level, Spider-Man: The Heist DLC Walkthrough With Ending, LEGO DC Super-Villains Walkthrough With Ending, The Walking Dead: The Final Season – Episode 2 Walkthrough With Ending, Life Is Strange 2 – Episode 1: Roads Walkthrough With Ending, Valkyria Chronicles 4 Walkthrough With Ending.

You're not any less stubborn than me. The PS4 has sold over 100 million consoles, why would Sony not have games made for it still. Who doesn’t have bias for how they think things should be? @Flurpsel and I get you say what’s the point, well the point is have you tried to load up days gone or gt sport on PS4 recently, they take an age. Do you really need that dongle with the 3D headset?

The question is though Mr Ryan, are there really some cool features or are you just saying things to win folks round again? Games come first, not a clusterf*ck of self-congratulatory promotional bs and a million revisions just to kinda get close to the point: games first. Interface with each other in the comments section below. Tech Analysis: How Are Xbox Series X And PS5 SoCs Manufactured? My solution: make better use of space, give people the OPTION to sort games how they want. New PS5 Features Discovered in PS Store's Source Code, News Apple TV Plus Seemingly Streaming to PS5, PS4 Soon, News Spider-Man PS5 vs PS4 Comparison Shows Off a Generational Leap, Gallery Sparks Fly in Destruction AllStars PS5 Screenshots, Guide New PS4 Games This Week (28th September to 4th October), PS4 to PS5: All Games with Confirmed Free Upgrades. In the end it just boils down to cognitive dissonance and a classic case of annoying stubbornness to save face. Speaking with, PlayStation head Jim Ryan assures we'll be shown the menus in due course. @Suckitbanmoderat My standards really are not unreasonable. But any idiot with half a brain would know that it's not ideal if you want to look at trophies for a game you played years ago. Bit late given that people probably won't have a choice about buying one for months now. It's fast. Besides, asserting your opinion is all you have in light of nothing else to say. PS5 User Interface Will be Revealed Soon. Also, game development is way easier and a game like Horizon and Gzow already has the textures and assets, so all they need to do is to drop the shadow maps (because ray tracing, duh) and scale the resolution accordingly. They'll use development time to make a new UI anyway, so why on Earth wouldn't they try and get it right? It's simple. I’ve not said anything like the PS4 UI or console in general is awful, just purely the trophy UI. If I can actually back up my points with facts and arguments it’s not cognitive dissonance or stubbornness. What’s worse is that I don’t remember the exact dates I played games, meaning its ***** to think that’s a good way to look for old games. It's bonkers how people are getting so bent out of shape about what are, at the end of the day, some fairly irrelevant things.

'My standard isn't that high' despite the fact you have arbitrary issues on things that aren't a deal breakers in perspective of what the console is an does first and foremost, suffice to say nitpicking. I only hope they won't have a user interface that constantly shoves ads down our throats on the home menu. Needs to be a constant flow of information from here now. With digital downloads and purchases an increasing priority for gaming companies, it’s reasonable for Sony to implement something a little more useful when it comes to folders. Can you copy to USB while doing something else? Trophy hunters aren't the only people who are going to look at the menu, anyone who is remotely interested in trophies will look at it from time to time, which will be a very large amount of PS players.I never said improving the UI alone will get people into collecting trophies, but it would potentially increase the likelihood of certain people being more interested if they can be presented in a more appealing manner. According to PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan though, that info is coming, and it’s apparently going to be worth the wait. I never disputed the importance of UI, however, this aspect is perhaps far removed from any kind of perspective and the generally irrispective of the UI focus in regards to what it the ps4 UI does well: adapt.

At absolute best, Sony's approach with showcasing PS5 has been downright baffling. On a side note pre orders were insane. Hoping they sort out the trophy menu. I want a tear down more than an UI demo, I want to see how to upgrade storage......... we saw the back of the Ps5 and there was no slots on the back?So looks like one OR both white panels DO come off?2 Usb 3.0 or 3.11 Hdmi port 1 Ethernet port1 power supply. Very excited. Will PS+ still provide 2 old shooters a month, or games that are already on PS Now?!? If you don't mind waiting a bit, there's no harm in that either. Given the prices went up around 7.30am'ish Aussie time,& subsequently sold out by 9.30/10'ísh for the bigger retail options here (for bricks & mortar stores anyway),I ended up holding off.There'll be production runs after Xmas,& hopefully competition driving back against the regional game price gouging of $125 odd for the likes of Demon Souls & similar titles.I'm glad for Sony its kicking off well demand-wise & goodluck if you've nabbed one. The PlayStation 5’s user interface will be incredibly important, but there hasn’t been much word on what it might look like. Treating us like mugs, and it's not amusing. Saving clips without being able to record your voice feels outdated on PS4. Where does it save video? In this specific instance, no the UI isn't great due to all of the flaws I have mentioned. Lots of wasted space and being unable to sort games A-Z makes looking at trohpies a joke. @Suckitbanmoderat My standard really isn't that high. This is isn't even for the PS4 UI, this is about making a brand new UI for PS5. Until then, you can read about 5 improvements we’d wish for it to incorporate. Then drop the mic and walk away. I think all this should have been put before the pre-orders went live. You’re making a massive deal out a simple improvement I suggested. Obviously a dedicated thing such as PSN profiles would be better, since what is its intended purpose and focus, but that's not the case when gamers just want to game and Sony have nailed the focus.