(b) Vocational rehabilitation services, when provided for the benefit of groups of individuals, may also include the following: (1) In the case of any type of small business operated by individuals with the most severe handicaps the operation of which can be improved by management services and supervision provided by the state agency, the provision of such services and supervision, along or together with the acquisition by the state agency of vending facilities, Or Other Equipment and Initial Stocks and Supplies; and. The secretary shall notify such state agency that no further payments will be made to the state under this title (or, in his discretion, that such further payments will be reduced, in accordance with regulations the secretary shall prescribe, or that further payments will not be made to the state only for the projects under the parts of the state plan affected by such failure), until he is satisfied there is no longer any such failure. (3) The term "Establishment of a Rehabilitation Facility" means the acquisition, expansion, remodeling, or alteration of existing buildings necessary to adapt them to rehabilitation facility purposes or to increase their effectiveness for such purposes (subject, however, to such limitations as the secretary may determine, in accordance with regulations he shall prescribe, in order to prevent impairment of the objectives of, or duplication of, other federal laws providing federal assistance in the construction of such facilities), and the initial equipment for such buildings, and may include the initial staffing thereof. 3176) and Section 2 of the act of June 13, 1934, as amended (40 u.s.c. (a) Establish, on an appropriate regional basis, a multidisciplinary system of providing vocational and other rehabilitation services, specifically designed to meet the special needs of individuals with spinal cord njuries, including acute care as well as periodic inpatient or outpatient followup and services; (b) Demonstrate and evaluate the benefits to individuals with spinal cord injuries served in, and the degree of cost effectiveness of, such a regional system; (c) Demonstrate and evaluate existing, new, and improved methods and equipment essential to the care, management, and rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injuries; and. The purpose of this act is to provide a statutory basis for the rehabilitation services administration, and to authorize programs to--. Sec. (c) The secretary, subject to the provisions of Section 306, is authorized to make grants to any state agency designated pursuant to a state plan approved under Section 101, or to any local agency participating in the administration of such a plan, to pay up to 90 per centum of the cost of projects or demonstrations for the provision of vocational rehabilitation services to handicapped individuals, as determined in accordance with rules prescribed by the secretary of labor, are migratory agricultural workers or seasonal farmworkers, and to members of their families (whether or not handicapped) who are with them, including maintenance and transportation of such individuals and members of their families where necessary to the rehabilitation of such individuals. Title IV--Administration and Program and Project Evaluation, Sec. (12) The term "Severe Handicap" means the disability which requires multiple services over an extended period of time and results from amputation, blindness, cancer, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, deafness, heart disease, hemiplegia, mental retardation, mental illness, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, neurological disorders (including stroke and epilepsy), paraplegia, quadriplegia and other spinal cord conditions, renal failure, respiratory or pulmonary dysfunction, and any other disability specified by the secretary in regulations he shall prescirbe. (b) Provide satisfactory assurances to the secretary that the state has studied and considered a broad variety of means for providing services to individuals with the most severe handicaps; (6) Provide for such methods of administration, other than methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards, as are found by the secretary to be necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the plan; (7) Contain (a) provisions relating to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards, which are consistent with any state licensure laws and regulations, including provisions relating to the tenure, selection, appointment, and qualifications of personnel, and (b) provisions relating to the establishment and maintenance of minimum standards governing the facilities and personnel utilized in the provision of vocational rehabilitation services, but the secretary shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, method of selection, tenure of office, or compensation of any individual employed in accordance with such provision; (8) Provide, at a minimum, for the provision of the vocational rehabilitation services specified in clauses (1) through (3) of subsection (a) of Section 103, and the remainder of such services specified in such section after full consideration of eligibility for similar benefits under any other program, except that, in the case of the vocational rehabilitation services specified in clauses (4) and (5) of subsection (a) of such section, such consideration shall not be required where it would delay the provision of such services to any individual; (9) Provide that (a) an individualized written rehabilitation program meeting the requirements of Section 102 will be developed for each handicapped individual eligible for vocational rehabilitation services under this act, (b) such services will be provided under the plan in accordance with such program, and (c) records of the characteristics of each applicant will be kept specifying, as to those individuals who apply for services under this title and are determined not to be eligible therfor, the reasons for such determinations; (10) Provide that the state agency will make such reports in such form, containing such information (including the data described in subclause (c) of clause (9) of this subsection, periodic estimates of the population of handicapped individuals eligible for services under this act in such state, specifications of the number of such individuals who will be served with funds provided under this act and the outcomes and service goals to be achieved for such individuals in each priority category specified in accordance with clause (5) of this subsection, and the service costs for each such category), and at such time as the secretary may require to carry out his functions under this title, and comply with such provisions as he may find necessary to assure the correctness and vertification of such reports; (11) Provide for entering into cooperative arrangements with, and the utilization of the services and facilities of, the state agencies administering the state's public assistance programs, other programs for handicapped individuals, veterans programs, manpower programs, and public employment offices, and the social security administration of the department of health, education, and welfare, the veterans' administration, and other federal, state, and local public agencies providing services related to the rehabilitation of handicapped individuals; (12) Provide satisfactory assurances to the secretary that, in the provision of vocational rehabilitation services, maximum utilization shall be made of public or other vocational or technical training facilities or other appropriate resources in the community; (13) (a) Provide that vocational rehabilitation services provided under the state plan shall be available to any civil employee of the united states disabled while in the performance of his duty on the same terms and conditions as apply to other persons, and. such delegation is effective at the end of the first period of sixty calendar days of continuous session of congress after the date on which the plan for such delegation is transmitted to it: provided, however, that within thirty days of such transmittal, the secretary shall consult with the committee on labor and public welfare of the senate and the committee on education and labor of the house of representatives respecting such proposed delegation. EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the text of Sections 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Pub. (B) Certain programs; limitations on major life activities. (3) Moneys in the rehabilitation facilities insurance fund not needed for the current operations of the rehabilitation services administration with respect to mortgages insured under this section shall be deposited with the treasurer of the united states to the credit of such fund, or invested in bonds or other obligations of, or in bonds or obligations guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the secretary of the treasury, purchase in the open market debentures issued as obligations of the rehabilitation facilities insurance fund. A copy of each such report shall be submitted to the appropriate committees of the congress by the secretary, together with a summary of such reports and his evaluation of such projects, including appropriate recommendations. The civil service commission shall timely transmit to the appropriate committees of congress any such recommendations.