* How can the world get on a pathway to meet global climate targets and other sustainable energy goals? (yroylqj wudqvlwlrq (7 0ruh hqhuj\ 0(/hvv joredol]dwlrq /* 5dslg wudqvlwlrq 57 5hqhz +\gur 1xfohdu GBp There is no single story about the future of global energy and no long-term IEA forecast for the energy sector. President and CEO, Resources for the Future, RFF Live by Contact us. Richard Newell, Daniel Raimi, and Gloria Aldana Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE), Procurement and Supply Chain Management (PSCM), Strategic planning and business development, 2Q 2020 results and strategy presentation, Trinidad Onshore Compression, Trinidad and Tobago, Section 172 statement and workforce engagement, BP Capital Markets p.l.c. The Energy Outlook explores the forces shaping the global energy transition out to 2050 and the key uncertainties surrounding that transition. The 2019 Global Energy Outlook is accompanied by a data tool that allows users to explore energy projections from the world's leading energy organizations, along with a supplemental report that outlines the methodology behind the Global Energy Outlook. The analysis targets the key uncertainties facing the energy sector in relation to the duration of the pandemic and its implications, while mapping out the choices that would pave the way towards a sustainable recovery. Each edition tends to have a particular geographical or policy focus. How can the world get on a pathway to meet global climate targets and other sustainable energy goals? is the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers and statistics and is the knowledge base of OECD's analysis and data. The global economy becomes more energy efficient over time, though carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions continue to grow unless there is a shift in current policy and technology trends. Developing countries in Asia account for over half of the global growth in generation from renewables. Electricity plays an ever-growing role in final energy consumption, and while electric vehicles also play an important role in the future of transportation, their effect is more likely to restrain the growth of, rather than lead to a decline in, global oil demand over the next two decades. Select one or more items in both lists to browse for the relevant content, Browse the selectedThemes and / or countries. Outlook for Energy Report. The first WEO was published in 1977 and it has been an annual publication since 1998. This year's edition updates the outlooks for all fuels, technologies and regions, based on the latest market data, policy initiatives and cost trends. 10| World Energy Investment 2019 | IEA 2019. �#�C7+��qގ�̱���F�v���p3���q�v�=� �^`����GѤ�����g���&�ǫeh���l�#��w�+�+^�/��������W���r�|*q�&6P��]��,��-�q��H*�(tR����*�UD���MLߣ� *L*P.�4�M�� ��2�]n�p��8�o6��KZ&]V�k��RWO�ͦO�֧I�k��&X�j�:�� )#m� The World Energy Outlook series is a leading source of strategic insight on the future of energy and energy-related emissions, providing detailed scenarios that map out the consequences of different energy policy and investment choices.. The two REGION spreadsheets include Energy demand (Mtoe), Electricity generation (TWh), Electrical capacity (GW), CO2 emissions (Mt).
World Energy Outlook 2019 The World Energy Outlook series is a leading source of strategic insight on the future of energy and energy-related emissions, providing detailed scenarios that map out the consequences of different energy policy and investment choices. The International Energy Agency’s annual energy projections. See here for the structure of the scenario projections file available with the book purchase.
This year's edition updates the outlooks for all fuels, technologies and regions, based on the latest market data, policy initiatives and cost trends. 4 World Energy Outlook 2019 capacity under construction worldwide), provides coal with considerable staying power in the Stated Policies Scenario. Renewables are the main challenger to coal in Asia’s power sector, led by China and India. series is a leading source of strategic insight on the future of energy and energy-related emissions, providing detailed scenarios that map out the consequences of different energy policy and investment choices.
4 World Energy Outlook 2019 capacity under construction worldwide), provides coal with considerable staying power in the Stated Policies Scenario. The World Energy Outlook series is a leading source of strategic insight on the future of energy and energy-related emissions, providing detailed scenarios that map out the consequences of different energy policy and investment choices. India’s energy consumption has almost doubled since 2000 and the potential for further rapid growth is enormous (IEA, India Energy Outlook, 2015). regulatory news service, Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, Advancing Low Carbon accreditation scheme, How the Advancing Low Carbon programme works, Revenue transparency and payments to governments, Health, safety and environment charting tool. — World Energy Outlook 2019 effetti della crescita economica e demografica prevista su scala mondiale. endstream endobj 320 0 obj <>stream Carry on browsing if you're happy with this, or find out more. What do the shale revolution, the rise of liquefied natural gas, the falling costs of renewables and the spread of digital technologies mean for tomorrow's energy supply? Energy matters to everyone and we all play a role in shaping its future. This year's edition updates the outlooks for all fuels, technologies and regions, based on the latest market data, policy initiatives and cost trends. The strategic insights from the WEO-2020 are based on detailed modelling of different potential pathways out of the crisis, covering all regions, fuels and technologies and using the latest data on energy markets, policies and costs.
OUTLOOK FOR ENERGY: A PERSPECTIVE TO 2040 The 2019 Outlook for Energy is ExxonMobil’s latest view of energy demand and supply through 2040.
The definitive comparative analysis of global energy projections, featuring the GEO data tool. * How large a role could offshore wind play in the transformation of the energy sector? We update a harmonization methodology previously developed in 2015 to facilitate comparisons of long-term global energy projections.
and Ariane Millot, Low fuel prices provide a historic opportunity to phase out fossil fuel consumption subsidies, Working together to improve Africa’s energy future, Outlook for biogas and biomethane: Prospects for organic growth, The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions, IEA and NITI Aayog hold India launch of IEA Special Report on Sustainable Recovery, IEA Clean Energy Transitions Summit on 9 July will bring together countries representing vast majority of global economy, IEA offers world governments a Sustainable Recovery Plan to boost economic growth, create millions of jobs and put emissions into structural decline, Africa’s energy future matters for the world, Climate Change Impacts on African Hydropower, Clean Energy Ministerial Hydrogen Initiative, Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies, Global Commission for Urgent Action on Energy Efficiency. The global energy system is likely to undergo a fundamental restructuring in order to decarbonize, which will create challenges and opportunities for the industry. The World Energy Outlook series is a leading source of strategic insight on the future of energy and energy-related emissions, providing detailed scenarios that map out the consequences of different energy policy and investment choices.
We use cookies to collect and analyse information on our site's performance and to enable the site to function. But how much? Renewable energy, led by wind and solar power, grow rapidly, though they primarily add to, rather than displace, fossil fuels unless more ambitious climate policies are put into place. The International Energy Outlook 2019 provides long-term world energy projections 7 * What are the energy choices that will shape Africa's future, and how might the rise of the African consumer affect global trends? uȕ�P���V#KFR�ܿ��~,�X���0̦�D��E"ҹ�P��"J"��b�����rQ�r��wƶ���Dx�˽������l��=����ǎ�}�7�'�(h\3�H\. Thank you for subscribing. %PDF-1.7 %���� This explainer gives an in-depth outline of the central factors. The usual long-term modelling horizons are kept but the focus for the World Energy Outlook 2020, to be released on 13 October, is firmly on the next 10 years, exploring in detail the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the energy sector, and the near-term actions that could accelerate clean energy transitions. {�9��R�8H�i'��YUlY�� Տjx�1�?��O��������E�5u�Y֍i8Ǻ!��?�؆�`P۱u�K�U�N�kPe42l��=r. This growth is driven by population and economic growth in the global “East,” while energy consumption in the “West” remains roughly flat. For more information, please visit our website: www.iea.org/weo/. It explains the impact of today’s decisions on tomorrow’s energy systems, and describes a pathway that enables the world to meet climate, energy access and air quality goals while maintaining a strong focus on the reliability and affordability of energy for a growing global population. — Jul 1, 2019. Keep up to date with our latest news and analysis by subscribing to our regular newsletter. 319 0 obj <>stream This report provides an analysis of long-term energy projections from governmental, intergovernmental, and private organizations using a unique methodology that allows for “apples-to-apples” comparisons. *Market data delayed by 20 minutes. Could the world's gas grids one day deliver low-carbon energy. — Sep 30, 2020. Developing countries in Asia account for over half of the global growth in generation from renewables. This year's edition updates the outlooks for all fuels, technologies and regions, based on the latest market data, policy initiatives and cost trends. * Could the world's gas grids one day deliver low-carbon energy? Electricity networks include transmission and distribution. (Loading)*, We aim to be a very different kind of energy company by 2030, Sign up to receive our energy economics newsletters, Explore demand and energy supply across fuel types around the world.