The way we speak reflects—to a degree—who we are [5]. Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field. Hindsight bias is a common tendency to view the past as more predictable than it was at the time. This study first started from Anna Brosius’ master’s thesis. All speeches were delivered in the country-specific language, and transcribed verbatim. Its goal is “to create a healthy, happy society” that does the most possible good for the most possible people. Platonic idealism is the belief that everything that exists in the real world is but a shadow of its ideal self, and it is the responsibility of the enlightened among us to help us see the potential ideal and work toward it.

The former prefer short, unambiguous statements, and the latter prefer longer compound sentences, expressing multiple points of view. The first three are known as the “individualizing” foundations because they are focused on the autonomy and well being  of the individual.


This group systematically hand-coded quasi-sentences in the election manifestos of parties. Plot a reports standardized regression coefficients for liberal-conservative ideology in eight OLS regression models (one for each dataset in the corpus).

Similarly, words such as ‘may’, ‘possibly’, ‘sometimes’ have been argued to high cognitive complexity, and ‘always’, ‘only’ and ‘without a doubt’ low cognitive complexity. For example, liberals are “generally more open-minded in their pursuit of creativity, novelty, and diversity, whereas conservatives’ lives are more orderly, conventional, and neat” [13]. No, Is the Subject Area "Psycholinguistics" applicable to this article? Sigelman [25] shows that U.S. inaugural speeches have become less complex with time. Rather than a linear time trend, the complexity of speech may vary depending on the economic and social context of the time. Confirmation bias is, perhaps, the mother of all biases. Beyond ideology, contextual factors may also influence complexity of language. It’s our tendency to bury our heads in the sand and selectively interpret information that confirms our prior beliefs. In other words, politicians use simpler language when appealing to less educated constituents with fewer linguistic skills [27, 54]. The party congress speeches in the Netherlands and Denmark show a steep decline in linguistic complexity over time (1945-2015). In sum, economic left-right ideology does not systematically relate to linguistic complexity. They conclude that in texts as diverse as daily diaries from substance abuse patients, daily writing assignments from students, and journal abstracts from social psychologists, stable linguistic habits can be observed. These countries are Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Poland and Portugal.

I may update these definitions to improve them as I continue to research these topics: Conservatism is the psychological profile of the all-foundation moral matrix in combination with the cognitive style of holistic intuitionist Aristotelian empiricism.

Our results replicate and generalize earlier findings: speakers from culturally liberal parties use more complex language than speakers from culturally conservative parties. Survey research shows that Conservative MPs score higher on conscientious and lower on openness to experience than liberal or left-wing MPs [58–60]. Yes .

Based on our analysis of 381,609 speeches of Prime Ministers, Members of Parliament and party officials, our conclusion is that conservatives do indeed use less complex language than liberals. Our findings offer considerable support to the claim that language conservative politicians use less complex language than liberal politicians.

For example, people high on openness to experience use more tentative words and longer words [7], people low on extraversion prefer rich vocabulary and use more formal language [15], people high on conscientiousness dislike using discrepancies (should, would), causation and exclusive words [16].

Plot b reports standardized regression coefficients for left-right ideology. Yes Fig 1 presents mean, unstandardized complexity scores for a number of selected speakers. In our statistical models, we regress speech complexity on the following independent variables: left-right ideology, liberal-conservative ideology, a measure for time, and a dummy for speakers from the government party.

Conservatism and Climate Science. Conservatism bias is our inclination to stick to our guns too much instead of revising our beliefs when presented with new information. In Denmark, we observe a similar pattern, where the average Flesch Kincaid grade level score changes from approximately 14 to approximately 9. Taking the pledge once you’re used to a certain income seems like a much more drastic sacrifice. No, Is the Subject Area "Europe" applicable to this article? Check out this massive list on Wikipedia. . We’ve already seen a few examples in previous weeks, like optimism bias and hindsight bias, but I saved the best for this section. Data Availability: The data and scripts required to replicate the findings reported in this paper are posted on Harvard’s Dataverse: We thank Zoltan Fazekas, Randy Stevenson and panelists at the 2017 European Political Science Association Meeting, the 2017 and 2018 Midwest Political Science Association Meeting and the 2017 International Communication Association Meeting for feedback. This sidebar lists a series of posts which together make up an essay relating Moral Foundations Theory to today's politics, and even a little history, as viewed through The Independent Whig's six-foundation moral lens. This raises the question whether the relationship between ideology and linguistic complexity is a more general phenomenon or specific to this small group of politicians. Conservatism, political doctrine that emphasizes the value of traditional institutions and practices.. Social science research now allows us to crisply define left and right in terms of the psychological profile of cognitive processes and “, It turns out that many, MANY aspects of human nature are common to liberals and conservatives alike; things like, Conservatism is the psychological profile of the all-foundation moral matrix in combination with the cognitive style of, Liberalism is the psychological profile of the three-foundation moral matrix, with extra emphasis on care, in combination with the cognitive style of, Nine Challenges to Moral Foundations Theory, Thesis Part One – Introduction: What Divides Us, and How to Fix it, Venn Diagram of Liberal and Conservative Traits and Moral Foundations, Thesis Part Two – How Moral Foundations Affect Partisan Divisiveness (Updated 3/28/15), Thesis Part Three – Cognitive Style is a Moral Foundation, Thesis Part Four – Recommendations (Update 3/28/15), al-Gharbi: Progressives and Conservatives are Different Types of People, Burke: The Nature of Man is Intricate. . Along these lines, Flesch-Kincaid scores have been used to make the point that during WWII, U.S. President Roosevelt and Australian President Curtis “developed political communication to create the resemblance of a closer relationship between the nation’s leader and citizens” [55, p. 77]. The second three are known as “binding” foundations (although I suggesting “cohering” is more accurate) and are focused on helping individuals form into cooperate groups for the mutual benefit of each member. ... but from the cognitive or epistemological limitations of human knowledge and action associated with philosophers like Friedrich Hayek and Karl Popper ... has happened occasionally in the past, if it weren’t for how the politics of science currently fall out today. For example, during the 2016 primaries, the Washington Post reported that Trump, based on a linguistic analysis of his speeches [1], “speaks like a 5th-grader”, while other politicians used language as complex as that of 6th—8th graders. We analyze 659 speeches from the Netherlands for the following parties: Socialist Party (16), Green Left (31), the Labour Party (187), VVD (the Liberal Party, 112), Christian Democratic Appeal (154), D66 (105) and the Freedom Party (8). Liberty, Equality, Justice, and Fairness Have Different Meanings in Different Moral Matrices, Toward a More Accurate Political Spectrum, How to Better Articulate Conservatism (And Liberalism Too), Openness To New Ideas Is Not A Moral Foundation, Jonathan Haidt's Metaphors Sacrifice Completeness and Accuracy in Favor of Parsimony and Ideology, Part I: Yin/Yang, Jonathan Haidt’s Metaphors Sacrifice Completeness and Accuracy in Favor of Parsimony and Ideology, Part II: Taste Buds, What Moral Foundations Really Are and How They Help Us to Diagnose and Treat The Political Divide, Moral Foundations Theory Explains Much More Than Just The Political Divide, A Methodology Critique in Defense of Those Wascally Wepublicans, Are Liberals More Intelligent than Conservatives? Yes But, most people aren’t psychopaths, so it’s rational to help your friend out. You might also fall into the trap of better rationalizing the decisions you’ve already made, rather than making better decisions or getting closer to the truth. You get the picture. To address this question, this paper analyzes 381,609 speeches given by politicians from five parliaments, by twelve European prime ministers, as well as speeches from party congresses over time and across countries. See for more discussion on various forms of complexity [43] Our approach does impede a comparison between countries, because languages may systematically differ in their complexity. Omission bias is the tendency to judge harmful actions as worse, or less moral than equally harmful omissions (inactions). Compound sentences with multiple clauses, on the other hand, are more likely to convey ambiguity, and may thus appeal more to liberals who are generally more open-minded and tolerant of ambiguity. Methodology,