When Balin falls in his attempt to retake Moria, he's 231 years old. Adding to that sense of seniority is the fact that Frodo is some years older than Sam in the books, who is only 38 when the Fellowship is formed. He was associated with light and fire, much like his peer Varda. For context, when Thorin Oakenshield is prematurely killed during the Battle of Five Armies, he's nearly 200 years old. Craig first began contributing to Screen Rant in 2016, several years after graduating college, and has been ranting ever since, mostly to himself in a darkened room. He's experienced (seriously, the guy fought with both Denethor and Théoden's dads) and knows how to be patient. Galadriel, for instance, is over 8,000 years old during the events of The Lord of the Rings. Like his fellow Hobbits, Merry is portrayed on film as more or less the same age as Frodo, helping to sustain the idea of a younger protagonist group. In fact, he's just one of two immortal beings on the team, easily making him one of the oldest members of the Fellowship. If it weren't for Merry's help, the ents likely wouldn't have attacked Isengard. As such, it is revealed how and why some characters are much older than they appear. Along with destroying his handiwork, Gandalf mentions that the elimination of the Ring also means Sauron "will be maimed forever, becoming a mere spirit of malice that gnaws itself in the shadows, but cannot again grow or take shape.". Gandalf is, therefore, around 2000 years old, although his true form is decidedly more ancient. How old is each member of the Fellowship of the Ring? Tolkien's world is filled with a huge variety of different inhabitants. Having previously written for various sports and music outlets, Craig's interest soon turned to TV and film, where a steady upbringing of science fiction and comic books finally came into its own. At the beginning of Time, he was amongst the Ainur who entered into Eä. In fact, even the recklessly brave Éomer describes him as "a worthy man; all spoke his praise," adding that he was "likely to prove a great captain of his people when his time came.". Related: Lord Of The Rings: All FIVE Of Gandalf's Staffs (& When They Appear).

The Fellowship take on an arduous journey in The Lord of the Rings, but how old is each member of the group? The Ranger's bloodline, which includes some elvish DNA, is well-known for creating long-lived kings. The wisest of the Maiar, Gandalf was created by Ilúvatar before the Music of the Ainur. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. He's idolized by both the soldiers of Gondor and the riders of Rohan. While Aragorn may not live as long as his ancestors once did, he's still part of that lineage, and his age is referenced in The Two Towers. Unfortunately, the true ages of the Fellowship members are diluted in the transition from page to screen. A one-stop shop for all things video games. While Merry spends most of his time waffling between adulting and rabble-rousing — he does drink a lot and even gets caught stealing fireworks — he turns out to be just as valuable an addition to the crew as Pippin. The only member of the Fellowship to perish during the War of the Ring (if you don't count Gandalf's death and resurrection), Boromir ultimately dies at a fairly young age, without even getting the chance for a good mid-life crisis beforehand.

In The Two Towers, Gandalf refers to Treebeard as "the oldest living thing that still walks beneath the Sun upon this Middle-earth.". Then, as he watches Pippin race away with Gandalf on Shadowfax, he informs Aragorn that he's always been there to get his friend out of trouble. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, is unique among the men of Middle-earth, particularly during the events of The Lord of the Rings. However, Gandalf's wizarding pursuits are actually little more than the latest stage of a much longer career. He sees the inherent danger that they're facing and chastises Pippin for his foolishness, throwing in the jab that his friend smokes too much — even if he is enabling him by giving him tobacco while he does so. In other words, Legolas' life stretches way back to before Rohan was ever founded, making him definitively over 500 years old and likely much, much older than that. Cookies help us deliver our Services. For those who need a refresher or — heaven forbid — haven't read the books or seen the movies yet, the Fellowship of the Ring is the group of companions who set out to destroy the One Ring. Slightly younger than Sam and only a few years since coming of age, Merry is still a young Hobbit. Taking his infinitely longer pre-history into account, then, we're going to give Gandalf the top spot in the Fellowship age rankings.

Curiously, Sean Astin is a full decade older than Elijah Wood. Heck, when Dain II Ironfoot — the dwarf who becomes "king under the mountain" after Thorin — dies in battle during the War of the Ring, he's 250 years old and still swinging a battle ax. Brave, strong, and daring, the heir to the steward of Gondor displays equal parts experience and energy throughout the adventures of the Fellowship. An argument can be made for the fact that, if you're only counting the age of Gandalf, the flesh-and-blood wizard, perhaps Legolas is older, but even that can't be definitively decided. It's an appropriate accolade considering the one-two punch that Gandalf is the company's primary leader and the strongest member of the cast by far. While a bit early to go traipsing around the continent on life-or-death, world-saving adventures, Pippin ultimately exonerates his youthful presence in multiple ways. For instance, when Pippin casually shrugs off the repercussions of looking into Saruman's seeing stone, it's Merry who calls his friend out on his flippant attitude. On top of that, Pippin helps convince the ents to attack Isengard and ultimately saves Faramir from being burned alive by his own father, which — nice job, dude. It's strange then, that Pippin's Billy Boyd was actually the oldest of the four Hobbit actors. But the fact that Legolas never visited Lórien as his ancestors often would, and isn't mentioned to have fought in the original battle against Sauron at the end of the Second Age hints that Legolas is one of the more junior Elves. Related: Where The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Originally Ended. That gives us a total of 727052 years. Dwarves are always more straightforward than Elves, so its fitting that Gimli's age in The Lord of the Rings is much clearer than that of his pointy-eared rival. Dwarves, while hearty, still only live for centuries at a time. He is a wizard, one of the Istari order, and the leader and mentor of the Fellowship of the Ring. Frodo Baggins has a full ten years on Boromir, making him 51 years old throughout his adventures. Although Eru decreed that he had already foreseen the creation of the Dwarves and therefore permitted their existence, the race would not be granted the same immortality as the Elves, but nor would they suffer the same short lives as men, as they needed to endure the dark influence of Morgoth. The question of Gandalf's age is unique in that sense that there are two equally legitimate answers. Even after he falls to the lure of the Ring, Boromir is able to rally his spirits and sacrifice himself in defense of his younger companions, Merry and Pippin. Looks aside, Gandalf is hands down the oldest member of the Fellowship of the Ring for multiple reasons — and likely by a good margin, too. Older than they look in most cases. The magic of the Ring prevents his body from aging, keeping him young and attracting the envy of his rapidly aging neighbors.