A total budget of about CHF 800’000 is available.

Apply: http://www.peterstebbingsmemorialcharity.org/apply.html. In Africa the focus is on initiatives which have humanitarian and Christian aims, including: Projects to improve health or address health issues; Education of children and professional education and; Support for micro-businesses. Significant international investments in measuring it directly in the last couple of decades have revealed that we still do not fully understand the extent, nature, and drivers of its variability so that the fidelity of its representation in climate models remains uncertain. The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health crisis that has engaged the attention of researchers who want to be able to contribute their expertise and resources toward a better understanding of the impacts of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease on cancer patients’ disease progression, response to therapy, care delivery, or survivorship.


2517018, Registered Office: Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HQ. Apply: https://www.delarue.com/about-us/corporate-responsibility/relationships/de-la-rue-in-the-community/charitable-trust. Apply: http://www.tmrt.co.uk/guidance-to-applicants/, Type of project: Charities are invited to present proposals to the Foundation's Trustees detailing how a grant would be used and the benefits that it would deliver.

We will keep our website updated with any changes and would suggest that anyone interested in applying to The Waterloo Foundation should check back here before starting to prepare an application. If you subscribe to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, you will receive access to the database as part of your subscription.

Apply: https://izumi.org/approach#geographic-focus. Grant size: The maximum grant is £5,000 per year for up to three years. We understand that applications may include work responding to the Covid-19 crisis. This includes UK registered organisations who work overseas. The History of Art program supports scholarly projects that will enhance the appreciation and understanding of European art and architecture. The Enduring Impacts: Archaeology of Sustainability RFP focuses on the gathering and analysis of archaeological, paleoenvironmental, and paleoclimatological data for the purposes of increasing our understanding of human-environmental interactions over time, to ultimately contribute to mitigating contemporary environmental and climatic crises.

Type of project: The Fat Beehive Foundation is an independent UK registered charity that provides small grants for websites and digital products to other small UK registered charities. Apply: http://www.johnlewisfoundation.org/content/fnd/en/how-to-apply.html. Type of project:  The Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity honours humanitarians who go to extreme lengths to save the lives of others, including those fighting the global outbreak of COVID-19. Eligibility: Applicants must either be registered in the UK as a charity, or locally registered in their country of operation. Funding will enable grantees to strengthen their organisations, plan ahead, become more sustainable and refocus on the new needs of their beneficiaries. Apply: https://www.cumberfamilycharitabletrust.org.uk/grants.php.

The appeal aims to provide an opportunity for raising money and awareness to a variety of charities.

Research must have a direct and primary benefit to the health of vulnerable populations living in LMICs. Eligibility: Organisations should have UK charitable status or, in the case of schools, colleges, universities and Churches, “exempt charity” status. Location: The UK and under-developed communities where De la Rue does business. Eligibility: Any individual, group or organization that meets the following criteria can apply: must be carrying out peace building work in a fragile or conflict affected country for a minimum of six months, defined as any activities that have a strong direct impact on peaceful outcomes in a community; must refuse to use violence or weapons in their work, and embraces the concept of non-violence, is engaging in locally or nationally focused work and must not be a branch of an international organization. There is a focus on the UK and Asia. Trustees prefer to fund: Hydrotherapy pools; Multi-sensory rooms; Mini buses; Sibling projects; Bereavement support; Specialised play equipment / access to play and leisure; Family support / parent-led peer support.

Eligibility: Voice in Tanzania will only accept applications from previous Voice empowerment grantees who are 100% rightsholder-led. Type of project:  GECO is a new cross UK government funding call aiming to support applied health research that will address COVID-19 knowledge gaps. Due to the COVID-19 response, any white papers or full proposals submissions, other than those that are in support of COVID-19, will be put into a queue. The mission of Science Corps is to build STEM capacity worldwide while empowering the next generation of global scientists.To accomplish this mission, Science Corps places recent STEM PhD graduates to teach and develop scientific capacity in regions that lack access to quality science education. These thematic areas have been identified as representing a unique opportunity for collaborative research and are internationally recognized as potentially pivotal fields in the 21st century.

Grant size: the total level of grants at present is c. £350,000 per year. East Campus 5, Second floor, University of Waterloo DIV’s tiered funding model; inspired by venture capital funds, invests comparatively small amounts of funding in a variety of unproven ideas, and provides more substantial support only to those that demonstrate rigorous evidence of impact, cost-effectiveness, and potential to scale. Total fund value is $100,000, Apply: https://www.shiftpowerforpeace.org/en/digital-inclusion/digital-fund/. UNDESA recognizes the innovation, creative achievements and contributions of public sector institutions that lead to a more effective and responsive public administration in countries worldwide. Particular areas of interest include innovative medical investigations, climate change, whole ecosystem studies, as well as research on single species if they are of particular significance in their environments, in the U.S. and abroad.

These include establishing partnership links between research institutions, building on existing links between research groups and extending … The prioritised target groups include the most vulnerable in society that are easy targets for recruitment into modern slavery, and the survivors of slavery-related situations, such as women, girls and children. The Arctic Sciences Section supports research focused on the Arctic region and its connectivity with lower latitudes. Read this E-Book from DonorPerfect to learn how data and reporting can help you... Canadian Based Foundations.

UT faculty and staff seeking advice and engagement with the development of a grant proposal, please reach out to Dr. Jamie McGowan with the Global Research Office. Apply: https://bfss.org.uk/grants/criteria-for-grant-giving/. Short pilots, one-off awards and projects lasting around three years are considered equally. The U.S. Mission engages daily on issues as diverse as humanitarian assistance, global health, international trade, peace and security, arms control, and human rights. Federal Grants.

The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement is to promote collaborative research among US and Indian scientists in the field of environmental health research with a focus on air pollution. The objective of the U.S.-Ireland R&D Partnership is to encourage trilateral, collaborative research projects that address significant research challenges, particularly in the areas of nanoscale science and engineering, sensors and sensor networks, telecommunications, energy and sustainability, and cybersecurity.

These elements include: The U.S. Embassy in the Philippines’ Public Affairs Section (PAS Philippines) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that we are considering proposals for our Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. The conservation of endangered trees requires specific skills and techniques to which it is desirable to refer. The OSME’s Conservation and Research Fund makes grants to support bird research in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. UT faculty and staff who are seeking support from a corporation or a foundation, please be in touch with Jill Passano with UT’s Corporate and Foundation Engagement Office. Eligibility: Registered charities with annual incomes of up to £5m.

We are therefore looking for proposals from partners, or prospective partners, that not only provide details of their project but also explain the specific support they need in order to progress to the next step towards scale-up. Type of project: Social welfare and humanitarian aid projects both in the developing world and the UK.

This fund is primarily for the purchase of phone credit, basic equipment, software and other communications tools. Preference also goes to longer term projects that do not necessarily appeal to the general public. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) has launched the nominations for the 2021 United Nations Public Service Awards. Knoxville, TN 37996-3531 Phone: 865-974-3177 • Fax: 865-974-2985

Professors, researchers, and public intellectuals from any country, field, or discipline may apply.

The central theme of submitted projects must be the quantitative or computational understanding of pathogen transmission dynamics. We have also received an unprecedented number of applications to our Nutrition Main Grants Programme and have already assigned this year’s budget allocation; so sadly, cannot accept any further requests at this time. Grants are to U.S. nonprofit organizations for projects ranging from local to international.

With support from the Google News Initiative, selected projects will receive funding to cover the costs of data collection, analysis, and reporting. Funding Opportunities. Please note, only a small handful of organizations will be invited to submit a full proposal. In the latter category, the Foundation expects the majority of grants to be within the UK but also want to support Charities working in the developing world where their objectives coincide with our focus on Social Change and Children and Young People. Specifically, this initiative will support intervention research on a) novel stigma reduction strategies that link to increase in care-seeking behavior and/or decrease in transmission, b) reducing the impact of stigma on adolescent and/or youth health, c) strategies to cope with the complex burden of stigmatization due to HIV and one or more comorbidities/coinfections, d) reducing the effects of stigma on, and/or by, family members or caregivers of PLWH and e) development of innovative and improved stigma measurement in the context of the implementation of a stigma-reduction intervention. Eligibility: UK registered charities may apply, Apply: https://www.oakdaletrust.org.uk/guidelines/.

This RFP will support storytelling projects that highlight ecosystem-scale stories and solutions-oriented attempts to mitigate or reverse human impacts around tropical rainforests.