Both successful, both in their late 40s, Freed, a conservative in the Reagan tradition, Garcia, more moderate, but with a conservative foundation forged when his family fled Castro’s Cuba when Raul was a boy. Result: A good man with a good message who hasn’t been able to deliver it. I’m only making a few endorsements in a few key races this primary season, but they are contests with a decisive impact on shaping the tone and climate of the 2020 general election at the state level. All of 570 KVI's 2020 Election resources in one place. All registered voters in Kentucky may vote by mail for the general election on November 3. 0 shares. This illegal initiative LITERALLY did not contain the actual language. I have no doubt either man has what it takes to deny Inslee a third term and govern effectively. When Tim Eyman unexpectedly entered the race, a lot of Fortunato’s anti-tax support drifted Eyman’s way. KVI Michael Medved- No. Thank you for considering these choices, and feel free to email me your reaction at: And I believe both candidates will help the rest of the Republican candidates down ballot by making state issues front page issues – which is a vital concern for anyone alarmed at the political imbalance in the current legislature. Yep, this illegal initiative would demand that. But when the legislature passed one of the most radical sex education bills in America earlier this year, Freed not only spoke against it, he gave money to help launch the historic referendum drive to repeal it (almost all by mail and drive-by signings because of the shutdown).

There is a sick blood-lust to prosecute cops and this makes it easier for an anti-cop lunatic to land on a jury to throw a cop away for a split-second move.

Michael Medved- No – Seattle schools, which have made some progress in recent years, need further reform, not another infusion of taxpayer cash. They help shape them. Here are Kirby Wilbur's recommendations for the August 4, 2020 primary for the statewide positions. SECRETARY OF STATE: Kim Wyman is all that stands between Seattle’s liberal political establishment seizing control of Washington’s election system. Four months ago, things looked bleak. Instead, Mike McGinn will be lucky to reach 40 percent of the vote. By all means, vote for Mark Mullet. I-940 is fueled by anti-cop animus. Joshua Freed would make a great one. If you don’t like it, vote in new local representatives. Severe Weather

Todd Herman- Hutchison – Maria Cantwell has accomplished nothing.

Washington Conservation Voters is committed to equal opportunity, and committed to maintaining an accessible and equitable endorsement process. Todd Herman- NO! That’s where his skills lie – in crafting policies that would never make it through the legislature, securing a friendly ballot title, then taking his case directly to the people. I’ve known Tim Eyman for over 20 years. Voters guide for El Paso, Doña Ana counties Election Day is Tuesday in El Paso and Doña Ana counties. By KVI Staff Thursday, July 30th 2020. That is what he should keep doing. And if we don’t like the tax, we can vote the politicians out of office and repeal it. Silly renters will say yes, thinking they won’t get hit by another property tax. Check your mailbox location to ensure there hasn’t already been a pick up! An earlier version of this voter’s guide mistakenly pegged the education levy in Seattle at $6 million. This initiatives does not address: suicides, which make up about 50 percent of all deaths by gun (unless you believe that a suicidal person cannot open their own gun safe). MAKE the paper pushers and con artists do what you do in YOUR family: MAKE THEM prioritize their spending on the actual duties of government. These elected con artists REFUSE to properly spend money. I’m curious who will go door-to-door of our young troops and veterans, asking them to give up their weapons because some Seattle Leftist is scared of guns and a gun culture they don’t even pretend to understand.

Last month, Survey USA released a poll showing state Sen. Ed Murray leading Mayor Mike McGinn by more than 20 points, 52-to-30. Tim should avoid elective office for the same reason. Since then, there’s been huge demand on their services during the pandemic, and even more during the recent wildfires. There is ZERO REVENUE SHORTAGE in our state or King County governments. We have a joke of a governor, Sleepy Jay Inslee, who has destroyed the state’s main mental health care hospital. Both candidates would be serious, formidable challengers to Inslee in November.

Ysleta ISD bond proposition: “The issuance of bonds in the amount of $425,000,000 for the designing, constructing, renovating, improving, acquiring, and equipping school facilities, and the purchase of the necessary sites for school facilities, and the purchase of new buses to transport students and the levying of the tax in payment thereof”, Lower Valley water district, Proposition A: “The issuance of bonds in an amount not to exceed $27,500,000 for waterworks, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and solid waste disposal systems and the levying of a tax in payment thereof.”, Town of Clint, Alderman: Robert Fernandez Patsy Franco, Village of Vinton, Mayor: Ramon Diaz Manuel “Manny” Leos, Village of Vinton Alderperson, Place no. On August 10th-14th, John scaled Mt. | Portions are ©  Associated Press.

Check out our full 'Guide to the 2020 Elections' for more information HERE.

A 20-year-old soldier returns from war and a stinking bureaucrat takes away his or her rifle?

If You Have Questions, Please Contact Us: It was more than a personal challenge. Click here for a refresher on how the ranked-choice voting works.

He told me that he believes both Trump and he can win Washington State in November.

It was for a worthy cause; Climb to Fight Breast Cancer. Pledge To Vote and Request Your Absentee Ballot Down Below, Due to COVID-19, Election Day locations have been significantly reduced throughout the state. It is a serious responsibility that I do not and never will take lightly. I’m voting for experience in this one: Mike Vaska, who has the skillset to dismantle the political attack shop assembled these past eight years by arch-partisan Bob Ferguson.

Check out our full 'Guide to the 2020 Elections' for more information HERE. Here are KVI morning drive talk show host John Carlson's election endorsements for the August 1st primary election. A thief breaks into someone’s home, steals the homeowner’s property and uses it in a crime … and the HOMEOWNER is charged!? The 2020 Elections on 570 KVI. 502-875-5130.

That’s why the campaigns against her are so down and dirty. Daily Weather Forecast Unapologetically American...Period. KVI AM 570 conservative talk radio provides, news, sports and weather coverage and serves Seattle, Washington and nearby communities including Bellevue, Redmond, Renton, Kent, Tacoma, Bremerton, SeaTac, Auburn, Mercer Island, Bothell, Shoreline, Lynnwood, Mill Creek and Everett.

Hear Secretary … We deserve someone better. Jason Rantz- No. If You Have Questions, Please Contact Us: Paid for by the Republican Party of Kentucky and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. I find the sugary beverage tax in Seattle a sin and I hope no other city proposes such a dumb tax. He is also impossible to buy. LT. November 3, General Election - Deposit your ballot in an official drop box by 8 p. m. on Election Day. 1. IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES: Visit our KVI Political Calendarfor a full list. But an executive post like Governor requires deeper knowledge about both government and politics that Loren doesn’t have yet. Result: the people will have the final word on the matter in November. GOVERNOR: Three good candidates in this race, two of whom have waged strong campaigns. ©   When it comes to putting Republican ideas into action, the Republican Party of King County gets it done, bringing together Republican activists, business leaders, candidates, and elected officials to advance conservative principles at all levels of government in King County. Michael Jordan was a great basketball player who after a while decided to try pro baseball. Yep, this illegal initiative does that. It’s not just walking your talk – both Garcia and Freed (and the other candidates) do that. However, it should be up to local government to increases these taxes, however ill-advised they are. Yep, this illegal initiative does that. Todd Herman- No! In the Governor’s race, I’m handicapping each of the five major Republicans, and explaining why I’m supporting or opposing their candidacy.

No, when they fail, the rogue board of paper pushers is REWARDED with even MORE money.

But so have candidates who are every bit as conservative as Loren Culp – Ellen Craswell in ’96 and Bob Williams in ’88. Loren Culp has electrified the rightward base of the party, partly because of his plain, unvarnished, tell it like it is style, and partly because he’s the anti-Inslee – a rural eastern Washington resident who’s never been in politics and never planned to be until he loudly announced two years ago that he would refuse to enforce the gun control initiative 1639. For the first time, Las Cruces city residents need to rank their candidates in order of preference. Michael Medved- No. Jay Inslee is on the wrong side of both issues, plus he’s running for a third term, which rubs many voters, regardless of party, the wrong way. ©   KVI AM 570 conservative talk radio provides, news, sports and weather coverage and serves Seattle, Washington and nearby communities including Bellevue, Redmond, Renton, Kent, Tacoma, Bremerton, SeaTac, Auburn, Mercer Island, Bothell, Shoreline, Lynnwood, Mill Creek and Everett. Michael Medved- Susan Hutchison is the best Senate candidate Republicans have been able to field against Maria Cantwell ever since she stole the election from the great Slade Gorton in 2000. Lastly, NO GUN OWNER I KNOW will actually follow this law; NO COP I know will actually go knock on a gun owner’s door to make sure they are following it. Kim Schrier is a Seattle Progressive — an extreme voice for folks living in the district. City of El Paso, Proposition "A", Public Safety: “The issuance of $413,122,650 general obligation bonds for public safety facilities including police department and fire department motor vehicles and equipment and that taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds will be imposed.” Click here for more information on this bond issue, including what it will cost home owners in additional taxes.

Don’t miss this chance to vote for Sue Kuehl Pederson.