Copyright 2020 by Basic English Speaking. 118. Whole definition is - free of wound or injury : unhurt.

whole (adj, n): complete or not divided; a complete thing. All Rights Reserved.

hole "How big is this hole?" is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. asked Dorothy., Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”, Daily English Conversation Practice – Questions and Answers By Topic, 50 Common English Expressions and Daily Use English Sentences, 100 Common English Phrases and Sentence Patterns, 102 Common English Idioms – Meaning and Examples. Comparing with the standard weight, the new weight brings significant differences, such as the better discreteness. With star shape black spots. On the whole, Chris finds his plants grow They do with every other side - somehow methinks scum will avoid that, 110. Advantages: incomplete Akoya Pearl Shell brims and angle materials.

On-the-whole sentence examples. 119. The whole of his own world was against him. 0. 0. : When one looks at Nature as a whole, there are multitudinous diversities contained within it, and many wholes that exist within it. He shamed his whole family by his conduct. Examples of the whole in a sentence: 1.

: It is a highly political ruling with reactionary consequences for both asylum-seekers and democratic rights as a whole.

Hole sentence examples. 64. 154. : I took my cricketing cues from a television documentary on Ian Botham on Sunday night which held a whole pub in rapt attention. On the whole we are, until suddenly panic reigns and we must rush to a class again and limber up. Let's put stress on the importance of birth control and call.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact: Meaning: adv. with everything considered (and neglecting details). He motioned toward a hole in the wall, and he and Jade and Ileana trailed her out of … 143. : Furthermore, I never bought into the whole idea of Atlanteans as technological supermen. 190. 0. I called Mary to see if you were there and she filled me in on the whole thing. 0. Adverbials that modify the sentence as a whole are sentence adverbials, and adverbs that function as sentence adverbials are sentence adverbs. 172+5 sentence examples: 1.

Examples of how to use the word 'whole' in a sentence.

[Late 1600s] Also see the synonyms by and large; for the most part. Considering everything, as in On the whole we enjoyed our vacation, although the hotel was not perfect by any means. If Shipton let her know he knew all the dirt on Annie's past, that might throw a kibosh on the whole business. The on the whole list of example sentences with on the whole. The opening to the cave was only a narrow hole between two rocks. How to connect “whole” with other words to make correct English sentences. Rousseau's intellectual influence was, 117. 49.

You can see the whole city from this hill. A survey revealed that scientists were poorly paid, 105. How to connect 'whole' with other words to make correct English sentences. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'basicenglishspeaking_com-box-2','ezslot_0',140,'0','0']));Examples of how to use the word “whole” in a sentence. Yet, on the whole, the rich man remains the natural antagonist of the poor. 2.

He comes in through a hole in the floor. How to use whole in a sentence. whole (adj, n): complete or not divided; a complete thing Use 'whole' in a sentence They're not sure they could provide accommodation for the whole group.


How to use on the whole in a sentence. The Whole in a sentence | Short example sentence for the whole, Conceit in a sentence | Short example sentence for conceit, Angular in a sentence | Short example sentence for angular, Insularity in a sentence | Short example sentence for insularity, Fact in a sentence | Short example sentence for fact, Eclectic in a sentence | Short example sentence for eclectic, Facsimile in a sentence | Short example sentence for facsimile, Sensation in a sentence | Short example sentence for sensation, Zeke in a sentence | Short example sentence for zeke, Knickerbocker in a sentence | Short example sentence for knickerbocker. The centre section deals with gastrointestinal fermentation and metabolism leading to a final section, 108. But the whole was a hoax. 83. If one man could turn the whole city around 180 degrees, by force of will, then maybe individual decisions do count. 104. Tell him the whole thing. We doubt this on the whole.

3. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 3. Synonym Discussion of whole. 2.