Start your application here: #ResilientCommunities, La prochaine date limite pour soumettre une demande de subvention du Fonds pour les communautés résilientes est le 2 septembre. Family Innovations TEST Grant: Allows groups to test new ideas, strategize, or research in ways that are culturally anchored and will advance one Family Innovations Priority Outcome.

Depuis 2015, la FTO a octroyé 5 M$ à l’appui d’initiatives de bibliothèques et d’alphabétisation. is a Problem-Solving Guide for Ontario residents and a marketplace for Ontario businesses. Envoyer un message à Ontario Trillium Foundation: Nous sommes fiers d’être nommés une des cultures d’entreprise les plus admirées au Canada par @waterstonehc. Privacy Policy. The OTB is the combined payment of the Ontario energy and property tax credit, the Northern Ontario energy credit, and the Ontario sales tax credit. Apprendre fait partie de nos vies. Register here now, Rappel : le 16 sept est la date limite d’inscription auprès de le FPJ pour les organismes principaux désirant soumettre une demande de subvention de la source d’investissement Innovations des systèmes. 2,676 Followers, 900 Following, 357 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Ontario Trillium Foundation (@ontrillium)

Ontario Government Health Programs and Services, Ontario Making Homes More Affordable for Families, New CARE tax credit – Reducing the Cost for Child Care, Publicly-Funded Dental Care for Ontario Seniors, Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund, Applications for Parents Reaching Out Grants Now Open, A charitable organization or foundation registered as a charity by the Canada Revenue Agency, An organization incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation without share capital in a Canadian jurisdiction, An unincorporated branch or chapter of a registered charity or incorporated not-for-profit organization. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Ontario Trillium Foundation, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more.

Thanks to books, we can learn, explore other worlds, go on adventures, and expand our imagination. The login page will open in a new tab. La Fondation Trillium de l'Ontario, l'une des fondations subventionnaires au Canada, aide à bâtir des communautés saines et dynamiques en renforçant la capacité du secteur bénévole en soutenant des initiatives communautaires. Grassroots work is about community-led and community-inspired work.

Depuis 2015, la FTO a octroyé 21 M$ à l’appui d’initiatives au profit des communautés francophones. Grants from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) stimulate Ontario economy through innovation and collaboration. Hosted by Marigold Capital in partnership with OTF & The DUCA Impact Lab. Le FPJ appuie les groupes dirigés par des jeunes autochtones et noirs et leur offre des ressources.

Family Innovations SCALE Grant: Allows groups to grow existing project that has demonstrated success in achieving one Family Innovations Priority Outcome. Check out our resources here email [email protected] to connect with a Program Manager about your group's idea.
How NGOs can become Successful Online Fundraisers? Ontario Trillium Foundation – Resilient Communities Fund, Coach Professional Development Opportunties. Soumettez votre demande finale le plus tôt possible afin d’éviter un fort volume d’achalandage prévu dans le portail de demandes le dernier jour! The Ontario Trillium Foundation is accepting another round of applications for their Resilient Communities Fund to provide not-for-profit organizations with medium-to-long term funding in their recovery from COVID-19.

Restez à l’affût pour des nouvelles sur notre date limite de soumission des demandes de subvention du 2 décembre. Learn more here:, Le Fonds pour les communautés résilientes offre une gamme souple d'activités et deux dates limites en 2020 afin de répondre aux divers besoins des organismes ainsi que de les aider à se rétablir et se reconstruire.

800 Bay Street, 5th Floor | 800, Rue Bay, 5e étage,

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Family Innovations projects will engage parents, guardians, and caregivers who face systemic barriers and challenges to family well-being. Congratulations to all the organizations that made the list. Apprenez-en davantage ici :, Vous avez des questions sur le Fonds pour les communautés résilientes?

The Family Innovations Stream invests in the work of grassroots groups delivering culturally anchored projects that empower, support, and strengthen families.

Syrian International Business Association. Loving Spoonful’s Grow Project is celebrating the final instalment of a three-year Ontario Trillium Foundation grant.“It’s this kind of funding that lets charities do this great work. More info: #YOFatOTF #Deadline, Rappel de date limite!

Since 2015, OTF is proud to have supported close to 1,400 charities with over $375M in funding. Copyright 2014 CurlON.

Member Clubs

By helping successful initiatives scale up and enabling organizations to work together. Apprenez-en davantage ici : #CommunautésRésilientes, 800 Bay Street, 5th Floor | 800, Rue Bay, 5e étage Toronto, ON Entreprenez votre demande ici : #CommunautésRésilientes, OTF is introducing the one-time Resilient Communities Fund to invest in the #COVID19 recovery efforts of non-profits.

En concrétisant des idées novatrices pour changer des vies. Please stay tuned for news on our December 2nd deadline.

By creating spaces for people to connect. Applications are open to eligible NFPs, such as social service organizations across Ontario, from food banks to shelters, to help them rebuild and recover, with funding to support a range of capital and non-capital costs. What type of Due Diligence do Donors undertake to identify the NGO they can fund? Consultez nos ressources ici CurlON Social Media User Agreement. Applications are open to eligible NFPs, such as those that work to support the positive development of children and youth, to help them rebuild and recover, with funding to support a range of capital and non-capital costs.

Il y a de nombreuses façons de favoriser l’épanouissement de communautés saines et dynamiques. Consultez nos ressources ici