Provide hope for all who struggle with crime, poverty, terrorism and injustice. Jesus pierces through this disaster — “With faith the size of a mustard seed, you could uproot the sycamore. For those who suffer because of bad health or grief.
For young people heading off to college, particularly those going away for the first time. For anyone who feels crushed by the pressures of life. This is true discipleship. For patience, unity, cooperation and compassion For the grace of surrender. We ask: Receive our prayer, O God, For the hungry and the poor of our world. 07 April 2017 | For those who live amid violence and with fear, for those who struggle with abuse, addiction and disease. Show us how to best accept and love each other. Prayers of the People, concluding with: Receive these prayers, O God, and transform us through them, that we may have eyes to see and hearts to understand not only what you do on our behalf, but what you call us to do so that your realm will come to fruition in glory. In today’s Gospel, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at the well. For the church. May this Boilermaker weekend be a time of safety and refreshment for all. Response to each petition: Come to us, Spirit of God. When will the world listen? For our nation. without judgment and with compassion. to remain faithful and strong. In this week's intercessionary prayers for parishes, let us pray for all who call us to ecological conversion. Heal the divisions that politics has caused among us. In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes, let us pray for those excluded from the table of life. May faith be the tool we use often during these times. Renew their vision, encourage their imaginations
In our deepest selves, if we can enter there, we may discover a peace and a goodness, a forgiveness, a gentleness and a hope.
18 April 2017 | that more people may experience God’s compassionate love. Give us insight that we may lay aside all selfishness and divisions, that we may be of service to the poor and and seek to provide safety for immigrants and refugees. For an end to prejudice, war and violence. 㟃wªğ!²g*øLAş"Têà"ò¯]Äîuüß[hÛ‚Û”UÊ¡[Úrû²àºBûO€ ¸©4 endstream endobj 14 0 obj <>stream May this be a time of inspiration and deep prayer. For our beloved sick, dying and grieving. For the prayers we offer in silence. May they find healing and peace For all with special needs — for the sick and dying. Baptism identifies us as God’s own children. For the human family. In this week's intercessionary prayers for parishes, let us pray for all those putting climate justice into practice. know the solace of our continued prayer. 21 February 2017 | In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes, for all who live in constant danger of death. “Stir into flame the gift God has given.”. For all who face the future There, we can share our own visions of who God is in our lives. That this may be a time of imagination and renewal. We ask: Receive our prayer, O God. Prayers for this Sunday Mass for use in parishes, 14 January 2018 | We pray for patience so that we never abandon our hope. For the church. Intercessionary prayers for parishes for this Sunday’s Masses.
Free us from every bias When we look at anything through eyes that are jaded, cynical, jealous, or bitter, we will not see correctly, will not understand, and will not properly appropriate its mystery.”. In these autumn days, let us remember that God’s grace is like the mustard seed — yearning to sprout anew in us and in our world. For children and adolescents who need direction. From Teilhard de Chardin: “Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. the addicted and the abused, For those who we need to forgive and who seek our forgiveness. to cease all types of violence against creation and God’s children, Inspire world leaders to find ways to end hatred, bigotry, prejudice and violence. We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.
For all who died in the 9/11 attacks and for all who mourn or still suffer from those events. We ask: Receive our prayer, O God. insight to preserve peace
That the… Continue reading Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, August 30, 2020. Get free weekly homilies, prayers of the people, articles and other reflections for your parish via our Parish Life e-newsletter. For all who struggle with guilt or non-acceptance. Inspire all who have been baptized and confirmed to be faithful to our promises, to believe that we are Your “beloved” and to understand our mission in the world. Spirit of Love and Discernment, We bless our neighborhood, city, country and world in the north, south, east and west. May this season help us recognize the love we have for each other — for spouses, family members, friends and for all who are significant in our lives. For our beloved sick, dying and grieving. know our love and find blessing with God. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. May God’s strength comfort and sustain all who wait. Prayers for this Sunday Mass for use in parishes.
Here are a few samples of what is available on line, with links so that you may explore these resources further for yourself. And for any other intentions we hold in silence …. Intercessionary prayers for parishes for this Sunday’s Masses. For all who graduate from colleges. that we may bring forth a rich harvest For those victimized by poverty, war, injustice, addiction or abuse. May they have God’s blessings. for our ever changing world.
In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes, let us pray for all who blindly adopt the unspiritual values of the day. May God’s love and healing sustain We pray for an end to racial intolerance and anti-Semitism. Wars are waged, women degraded, children disposed of. In the name of Christ who is the Wisdom of God renewing all things in creation.
Even the Earth groans with ominous quakes, hurricanes, floods, and drought. We reject temptation, rebalance our priorities, and choose to be in relationship with God. Bless our children and our aged parents. 09 September 2020 | Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. For the world. Bring peace to those who are alienated and alone.
17 July 2019 | For the intentions we hold deep in our silence … For a lasting peace. We ask: Receive our prayer, O God. Jesus requires radical discipleship. Today’s Scriptures call us to understand that earthly wealth means nothing, that we must nurture compassion in our relationships, pray for others and forget about ourselves. For the needs we offer in silence … for our beloved sick, dying and grieving …. In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes, let us pray for those who live in fear of the future. Guide governments and people of every nation to work together to bring healing to our world, to resolve conflict peacefully and to envision a new co-existence that accords dignity to all.
For government leaders in every nation. Prayers for this Sunday's Mass, for parishes.
For these times when we struggle through pandemic. to sustain their lives
For all who are alienated from the church. Help us find ways and opportunities to be more generous in our sharing; For all who struggle with finances and employment. Tenderly hold the sick and the dying, all who are addicted, alone or grieving. May we be persistent in our prayer, seeking growth in our relationship with God and with our brothers and sisters in every land. On this Feast of Pentecost, the dying and the grieving, . May we be signs of God’s mercy, welcome and compassion Today invites us to rejoice in all the good around us. confident that our prayer can bring us peace And for the needs we hold in our silence … Help them find healing, direction, and care. That’s exactly the combination that makes for living the Christian vocation. He ran a good race and he didn’t lose faith in God. Renew their vision and strengthen them. When we hear God’s words that Jesus is his beloved, we know that we, too, are beloved sons and daughters of God. May every person deeply honor and appreciate the great gift of life from conception to natural death. Ours is a plain and crucial choice. to end to violence and hatred May God open the hearts of our human family so that all swords, guns, bombs and weapons for war may be converted into plowshares and resources for peace and human development. during this Easter season. Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. 01 October 2017 | Prayers for this Sunday Mass for use in Parishes, 12 July 2018 | May we reimagine and find new ways Today’s first reading echoes the Christmas Eve proclamation of the birth of Christ as a light dawning in the darkness.
In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes we pray for all who are imprisoned by fear. Stir the gift of the Spirit within us. Let us pray to the Lord.
in the church, in our nation and in the world. For the church. O Lord, receive our prayer. Help us find many ways to provide healing and hope. Those who follow this Christ never give up. To him is given the revelation that danger is at hand and they must flee to Egypt. It challenges us to recognize the presence of God in everything that promotes freedom and communion. May we find ways to surrender our own anxieties and fears, For an end to systemic racism. Connecting the Gospel to our experience: Holiness is not a goody-goody, otherworldly mode of living.
May they be models of holiness and truth. Prayers for this Sunday Mass for use in parishes. In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes, we pray for peace-makers and peace-keepers at home and abroad. nda to end all forms of violence. These prayers are exactly what their name suggests – prayers of the gathered faithful. May they be blest with steadfast faith. How different is our God from this corrupt judge. In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes we pray for all who walk in a valley of darkness. that all people may be able to live, breathe, and grow in health. May we deeply trust that God is always with us and that God will never abandon us. or those who deal with constant pain or addiction. With the prophet Habakkuk, we plead for help, but God does not seem to listen. In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes, we pray ‘Give us today just what we need for today’. Prayers for this Sunday Mass for use in parishes. For college students, teachers and administrators For all who have died and for those who grieve For Pope Francis and the church. And may we know that God never abandons us For all who have lost loved ones during this time of pandemic.
12 December 2018 | in the church and in the world. May we be willing to let go of all that impedes us May there be reconciliation and peace wherever there is division, suffering or violence. On this last Sunday of the church year, we celebrate Jesus Christ, king of the universe and savior of the world. Who will prop up my arms wearied with prayer?
May the poor find dignity, the hungry be fed, the hurting be strengthened, the angry find forgiveness. The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference offers a very fine set of liturgical resources for the Season of Creation, which you can find here. In this week's intercessionary prayers for parishes, let us pray for believers who have become disillusioned and discouraged. Free of these things, we can follow Jesus with single-minded hearts such as the tower builders of the Gospel who begin with the proper foundations. hŞÄVÁnã6½û+æ¨ c)Š¥Ó¬½I±Ø±ŠbÛí�‘Ƴ²(�Ríg´ıàÎP²-+YtQ¨rM‰œ™÷Ş. Heal our divisions. Prayers Of The Faithful Fourth Sunday Easter May 11 12 2019 Presider Knowing That Lord Is Good And His Kindnes. Would you please write for me the prayer of the faithful for Sunday July 14th 2019. For our own community.
05 August 2020 | For the grace of “tough love.” Can we actually see the Wisdom of God embedded in our storms?