One of the key targets proposed is for the share of renewable energy to reach at least 27 % by 2030. Indeed, the amount of electricity generated from hydro was relatively similar to the level recorded a decade earlier. With more than half (54.6 %) of energy from renewable sources in its gross final consumption of energy, Sweden had by far the highest share among the EU Member States in 2018, ahead of Finland (41.2 %), Latvia (40.3 %), Denmark (36.1 %) and Austria (33.4 %). To achieve this, on 11 December 2019 the European Commission presented the European Green Deal (COM(2019) 640 final), the most ambitious package of measures that should enable European citizens and businesses to benefit from sustainable green transition. Becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 is the greatest challenge and opportunity of our times.

the Working Group on Energy Balances (AGEB). You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any IEA newsletter. Around 6.3 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents were avoided by using biofuels.

As a consequence, several countries are revising their data leading to an increase in their share of energy from renewable sources (e.g. There is a significant variation between EU Member States.

The IEA produces free monthly statistics with timely and consistent oil, oil price, natural gas and electricity data for all OECD member countries back to 2000. Further to this, the body is also tasked with creating a basis for meeting the German government’s various national, EU and international reporting obligations in respect of renewable energy, and with generally providing information about the status and development of renewable energy sources.

This article presents the results applying these accounting rules. On 11 December 2018, the EU adopted Directive 2018/2001/EU on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. In 2018, renewable energy accounted for 21.1 % of total energy use for heating and cooling in the EU. By contrast, twelve of the Member States had already surpassed their target for 2020; the extent to which the targets have been exceeded was particularly large — in the range of 5.0 to 8.0 percentage points — in Croatia, Sweden, Denmark and Estonia. Croatia, France, Lithuania and Hungary). * This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. Jobs in energy efficiency experienced significant growth—the sector now employs more than 3 million people in the United States.

Overview of the expansion of renewable energy sources. Consumption for pipeline transport was included in gross final consumption of energy, in line with the sectoral classification of the Energy Statistics Regulation. This will allow Europe to keep its leadership role in the fight against climate change, in the clean energy transition and in meeting the goals set by the Paris Agreement. Data for 2011 onwards: Compliance with Article 17 (Sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids) has to be assessed with respect to Article 18 (Verification of compliance with the sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids). On 1 January 2016, the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau was tasked with directing and coordinating the Working Group.

Compared with the most recent data available for 2018, the targets for France and the Netherlands require them to increase their share of renewable energy in final energy consumption by at least 6.4 and 6.6 percentage points, respectively. Energy Trends June 2015 article, Renewable energy in 2014 added.

IRENA reports that, globally, the renewable energy sector employed 11 …

Only reported compliant biofuels and bioliquids are counted towards the respective shares of renewables. The values in these years are not used for any measurement of legislative compliance with the indicative trajectory defined in part B of Annex I of the Directive. Energy production from non-renewable municipal wastes was deducted from the contribution of biomass to heating and electricity generation. Energy Data, Infographics: the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Wuerttemberg (ZSW). Aerothermal, geothermal and hydrothermal heat energy captured by heat pumps is taken into account, to the extent reported by countries.

The share of energy from renewable sources used in transport activities in the EU reached 8.3 % in 2018.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) produces comprehensive statistics on a range of topics related to renewable energy. The new regulatory framework includes a binding renewable energy target for the EU for 2030 of 32 % with an upwards revision clause by 2023.

The contribution of all liquid biofuels is included within the calculation for this indicator until 2010. It is designed in such a way as to leave no individual or region behind in the great transformation ahead.

As some countries have not yet fully implemented all provisions of the Renewable Energy Directive, some biofuels and bioliquids are not counted as compliant (sustainable) in the period 2011-2015. In some countries consumption of biofuels and bioliquids in the period 2011-2015 were not certified as compliant (sustainable) due to late implementation of Directive 2009/28/EC. These objectives are seen as a step towards meeting the greenhouse gas emissions targets for 2050 put forward in the Roadmap for moving to a competitive low-carbon economy in 2050 (COM (2011) 112 final). The accounting rules in Directive 2009/28/EC prescribe that electricity generated by hydro power and wind power have to be normalised to account for annual weather variations (hydro is normalised over the last 15 years and wind over the last 5 years). Among the EU Member States the share of renewable energy in transport fuel consumption ranged from highs of 29.7 % in Sweden, 14.9 % in Finland and 9.8 % in Austria down to less than 4.0 % in Croatia (3.9 %), Greece (3.8 %), Estonia (3.3 %) and Cyprus (2.7 %), see Figure 2.

This was particularly true in Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Finland and Sweden. Directive 2009/28/EC will be used until reference year 2020.

In February 2015, the European Commission set out its plans for a framework strategy for a resilient energy union with a forward-looking climate change policy in a Communication (COM(2015) 80 final). The Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC stipulates that only biofuels and bioliquids that fulfil sustainability criteria should be counted for the targets. Gross final consumption of energy is defined in the Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC as the energy commodities delivered for energy purposes to industry, transport, households, services (including public services), agriculture, forestry and fisheries, including the consumption of electricity and heat by the energy branch for electricity and heat production and including losses of electricity and heat in distribution and transmission. Reform of the Renewable Energy Sources Act, Energy prices and transparency for consumers, [EN] Link direkt zur Hauptnavigation und Suche.

From 2011, the data for liquid biofuels in transport are restricted only to liquid biofuels compliant with Directive 2009/28/EC (in other words satisfying the sustainability criteria). The share of energy from renewable sources in heating and cooling is presented in Table 3. The Communication also called for a more coordinated European approach in the establishment and reform of support schemes and an increased use of renewable energy trading among EU Member States.