$.fn.serializeFormJSON = function () { And then there’s flashing lights and 20 people seeing you naked—it’s actually like psychological torture in many ways.”, The entire process, she continues, “doesn’t seem valuable, but it is valuable, because people engage with the pop star thing.” Still, she adds, “you see pop stars being driven to madness all the time.”, In creating a digital version of herself, she reasoned, the digital version could bear at least some of the brunt of fame. // FUNCTIONS

}, var i = cookieNames.length, setNewsletterCookie('closedSignupBar', 1); function checkCookies() { There’s also a video called AI Meditations Led by WarNymph, a seven-minute guided meditation conducted by the avatar; no price has been set for that as of yet. $email.focus(); $('body').append(ouibounceScript); appendNewsletterSignup();

Dealer Michele Maccarone, who also gave comedian and actor Jim Carrey his first gallery show, has priced Grimes’s manga-influenced prints at $500, in editions of 30, and ink-on-paper drawings from $2,000 to $3,000. if (!onSuccess) { if (generalSettings.loadFontAwesome) { The one exception is when, 15 years ago, she was paid $600 to paint a mural on the side of a Montessori school in Vancouver. return ""; + 'Thank you for subscribing!' } // dataType: 'json', if (!found) { var ctx = this; init: function (formElement, onSuccess) { closeSignupBar(); + '<\/form>' The prints, drawings, photographs, and other work, she says, are a continuation of, rather than a departure from, her music. Grimes makes her visual art debut with over a decade's worth of work. “The price is really related to production costs,” says Michele Maccarone, the Los Angeles dealer who’s increasingly becoming known for doing collaborations beyond the traditional art world. */ timeout: 10000

o[this.name] = [o[this.name]]; “I see myself as a visual artist first and foremost, and I’ve always felt strange that people know me for music.”. } + '<\/div>' if (typeof ouibounce !== 'undefined') { Initially, Grimes toyed with the idea of pricing the work, titled Selling Out, at $10 million, but thought better of it as the world began to descend into financial collapse.

if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) { Pregnant and working to promote her fifth studio album, Miss Anthropocene, released February 21, Grimes wondered what it would be like if a digital stand-in could take on that work for her. The exhibition was conceived as a one-time collaboration between Grimes and the gallery, but Maccarone is open to continuing the relationship, and hopes to one day stage an in-person show of the work. Theaters May Fail, Pro Baseball Will Allow Some Fans at Championship Games in Texas, IRS Cuts Entertainment Tax Break Trump Now Favors, Amid Virus, American Air Joins Rush to Provide Preflight Virus Testing. 2020

var c = ca[i]; var $email = $form.find('.signup-email'); }) $modal.css({ } } else { Have a confidential tip for our reporters? var initOuibounce = setInterval(function() { + '<\/div>' } } Next comes Grimes’ ink-on-paper drawings, which range from $2,000 to $3,000. + '<\/div>' Photo courtesy of the artist and Maccarone Gallery. setTimeout(function() { defernl() }, 250); Instead, it’s being listed for “best offer.”, As for the rest of the work featured in the Selling Out exhibition, Grimes didn’t want the prices to be “prohibitively expensive.” Maccarone Los Angeles’ Michele Maccarone thus set the prices “related to production costs,” determining value “logically, in terms of an emergent artist who doesn’t have a track record….”.

Cait Munro, ctx.submit($form, onSuccess); for(var i = 0; i

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+ ' @media (max-width: 767px){ .close-signup {top:0 !important;} }' The piece itself is a legal document stating the purchaser owns a yet unspecified percentage of Grimes’ soul. //and we can just return here. var $form = $(formElement); She says her purchases amount to “10 or 15 bucks a month.” Asked if the people she’s supporting know their art is being acquired by a superstar singer, she says: “Probably not, my email [address] is really strange.”, To date, Grimes hasn’t sold her visual art through traditional channels. * There is probably no need to call this directly - use setNewsletterCookie(). Mar 19, 2015. if (!window.jQuery) loadJQuery(); + '

' function closeSignupBar() { }; Presented jointly by Gallery Platform Los Angeles (May 28th through June 3rd) and Maccarone Los Angeles (May 28th through August 31st), the show collects numerous drawings, digital prints, photographs, and more that Grimes has created over the last decade. Similarly, she says she’s deeply involved in the world of digital art. } var generalSettings = { while (c.charAt(0)==' ') { setCookie(cookieName, value, expirationMinutes); Initially, Grimes toyed with the idea of pricing the work, titled Selling Out, at $10 million, but thought better of it as the world began to descend into financial collapse. found = true; top: 'auto', break; “I see myself as a visual artist first and foremost,” Grimes told Bloomberg, “and I’ve always felt strange that people know me for music.”, Still, the pieces are “a continuation of, rather than a departure from, her music.” In that way, Selling Out the artwork is an extension of Grimes’ existence as a pop superstar. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- }, In some of the artworks the connection is straightforward: Grimes’s aesthetic preference, which she describes as “edgy-looking, anime-horror,” can be seen in music videos as early as 2012’s Genesis. // Submit the form Finally, there are archival pigment prints of digital works that feature “WarNymph,” a digital avatar scanned from Grimes’s body; she created it with her brother Mac and debuted it in late January. //console.log(prefix + cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/"); // Hide the errors Contemporary Art Needs Big Gatherings and Gossip to Survive, The Fight to Keep Audiences Engaged Until Theater Doors Reopen, New Nonfiction Books To Remind Us That Not All of Reality Is Tiresome, Founder of Court TV: We Need to Examine America’s Culture of Armchair Justice, Banker Walks Free From Insider Trading Charge After Deleting WhatsApp, Cyberpunk 2077 Publisher Orders 6-Day Weeks Ahead of Launch, Seagram Heiress Gets 81 Months for Role in Nxivm Sex Cult, One Day, Thousands of Job Cuts: Economic Pain Is Deepening, Stocks Gain on Stimulus Hopes in Choppy Trading: Markets Wrap. c = c.substring(1); } addCss('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animate.css/3.5.2/animate.min.css'); function loadJQuery() { + '