La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 9 avril 2018 à 09:28. A newspaper article in the Moruya Examiner dated 1892 recounts a story by local Aborigines about the drowning of 150 members of the Wagonga Tribe when their canoes were swamped in a squall during their return from the island early in the 19th century. Montague: Prince Edward Island: National: Population: 1,999: 154,478: 37,465,430: Population density (sq km) 632: 27: 4: Median age: 51.2: 43.7: 40.9: Male/Female ratio: 1.3:1: 1.0:1: 1.0:1: Married couples: 59%: 71%: 66%: Families w/ kids at home: 27%: 40%: 43%: Speak English only: 92.8%: 86.6%: 68.8%: Speak French only: 0.0%: 0.1%: 4.5% Montague Island was called Barunguba by Aboriginal people.

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It's a spot teaming with marine life, and a place that Sarah visits often. Ang kasarangang pag-ulan 1,428 milimetro matag tuig. Ang klima kasarangan.Ang kasarangang giiniton 11 °C.Ang kinainitan nga bulan Pebrero, sa 16 °C, ug ang kinabugnawan Hulyo, sa 6 °C. Cet évènement a accru la superficie de l'île de 0,2 km2, et fournit les premières observations scientifiques d'une éruption volcanique sur de la glace. Nahimutangan sa Montagu Island sa Ostralya. Cette île inhabitée mesure 10 sur 12 km, avec 90 % de sa surface couverte en permanence de glace. NASA Earth Observations: Land Cover Classification, NASA Earth Observations: Population Density, NASA Earth Observations: Rainfall (1 month - TRMM),, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Aborignal – Montague Island – Sapphire Coast, New South Wales. Population Aucun habitant Autres informations; Découverte 1675: Fuseau horaire UTC-4 : Géolocalisation sur la carte : Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud. Montagu Island; Geography; Location: Atlantic Ocean: Coordinates : Coordinates ... Population: Uninhabited: Montagu Island is the largest island of the South Sandwich Islands. Hapit nalukop sa lasang ang palibot sa Montagu Island. L'île Montagu est la plus grande des îles Sandwich du Sud, située dans la mer de Weddell près des côtes de l'Antarctique. These have high scientific value because of their potential to provide information about Aboriginal use of island resources such as mutton birds and penguins, the use and manufacture of water craft and the transportation of raw materials for making stone According to legend, Montague Island is part of a social and cultural complex which includes several important landscape features, particularly Mount Dromedary. Shield volcano 1370 m / 4,495 ft UK, South Sandwich Islands, -58.42°S / -26.33°W Current status: normal or dormant (1 out of 5) | Reports Montagu Island volcano books [enlarge map] Typical eruption style: unspecified Montagu Island volcano eruptions: 2007 Last earthquakes nearby: Time: Mag. [5], Gikan sa Wikipedia, ang gawasnong ensiklopedya. Le volcan mont Belinda est une particularité géographique notable, culminant à 1 370 mètres au-dessus de la mer. Aborigines were still visiting the island well after European contact. Montague Island lies in the Gulf of Alaska at the entrance to Prince William Sound, Alaska. Montague Island is a little slice of heaven just off the Eurobodalla Coast in the South of New South Wales. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Montagu Island This page was last changed on 8 March 2013, at 17:35. Since then, the 2010 abandonment of the United States Coast Guard station on Attu Island in the Aleutian Islands, which at 892.8 km² (344.7 sq mi) is larger than Monta… [2] Kunhod pa sa 2 ka tawo kada kilometro kwadrado sa palibot sa Montagu Island. The island contains numerous Aboriginal sites, comprising artefact scatters and middens. Ang kinabasaan nga bulan Agosto, sa 220 milimetro nga ulan, ug ang kinaugahan Pebrero, sa 46 milimetro. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The sites are small and have little depth, indicating seasonal use of the island by small hunting groups. Montague island was an important seasonal food source for the Aboriginal community. Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud, First recorded eruption of Mount Belinda volcano (Montagu Island), South Sandwich Islands, Bull Volcanol (2005) 67:415–422 (PDF), Géorgie du Sud-et-les îles Sandwich du Sud, Portail de la Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud,Île_Montagu&oldid=147349078, Île de Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud, Wikipédia:ébauche Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud, Page avec coordonnées similaires sur Wikidata, Portail:Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud/Articles liés, Portail:Territoires britanniques d'outre-mer/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Shearwaters were valuable because of their high fat content and together with fish, penguins, other seabirds, eggs and possibly seals would have made the dangerous trip to the island worthwhile. Aborignal – Montague Island – Sapphire Coast, New South Wales. [1] Nahimutang ni sa estado sa State of Tasmania, sa habagatan-sidlakang bahin sa nasod, 700 km sa habagatan-kasadpan sa Canberra ang ulohan sa nasod. Here, Sarah shares the postcard-perfect pictures of her last trip into the waters of Montague and her encounters with its local seal population. artefacts. Île Montagu.

A thin scatter of artefacts and hearth stones occurs over most of the island but concentrations appear to coincide with the locations of bird breeding colonies, particularly shearwaters. As of the 2000 census, Montague did not have a permanent resident population, making it at that time the largest uninhabited island in the United States. The Aboriginal sites have not been dated, and appear to be older than 4,000 years and almost certainly post date the last rise in sea level.

L'île fut pour la première fois signalée par James Cook en 1775, et nommée d'après John Montagu, 4e comte de Sandwich et premier Lord de l'Amirauté au moment de sa découverte. selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. The island has a land area of 790.88 km² (305.36 sq mi), making it the 26th largest island in the United States. Freshwater springs on the island would have enabled extended visits by groups of Aborigines. Hapit nalukop sa lasang ang palibot sa Montagu Island. Montagu Island. Pulo ang Montagu Island sa Ostralya. Îles au Royaume-Uni: L'île Montagu est la plus grande des îles Sandwich du Sud, située dans la mer de Weddell près des côtes de l'Antarctique. Island Aboriginal sites are rare, and the artefacts located on the island provide useful historical information on how aboriginals used watercraft and transported raw material. Ang kasarangang giiniton 11 °C. Ang kinainitan nga bulan Pebrero, sa 16 °C, ug ang kinabugnawan Hulyo, sa 6 °C. The sites are small and have little depth, indicating seasonal use of the island by small hunting groups. Kining maong panid kataposang giusab niadtong 2 Mayo 2019 sa 19:37. Accommodation Montague Island – Fishing at Montague Island – Penguins around Montague Island – Bird Life around Montague Island, Accommodation – Camping and Caravan Parks, Accommodation – Bed and Breakfast throughout Bermagui, Accommodation – Campsite and Caravan Parks, Accommodation – Hotels, Motels, Seviced Apartments, Bermagui in a Strange Sunset (Poem) – Henry Lawson 1910, Accommodations – Hotel / Motel / Apartments, Endangered animals that live in the Nadgee Reserve. Most of the artefacts found on the island are made from silcretes and other acid-rich stone which must have been carried over from the mainland since this rock type does not occur on the island.

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The Aboriginal sites have not been dated, and appear to be older than 4,000 years and almost certainly post date the last rise in sea level. Kunhod pa sa 2 ka tawo kada kilometro kwadrado sa palibot sa Montagu Island. En novembre 2005, des images satellites montrent qu'une éruption du mont Belinda a créé une coulée de lave de 90 mètres vers le nord de l'île. [3] Ang klima kasarangan. [4] Ang kasarangang pag-ulan 1,428 milimetro matag tuig.