before stonewall in a sentence - Use "before stonewall" in a sentence 1. 1. Nevertheless, liberals are furious about what they're calling a stonewall tactic, reminiscent of the Bush-Cheney years. 2)The Stonewall really wasn't the greatest place unless you didn't mind the mafia. To engage in delaying tactics; stall: "stonewalling for time in order to close the missile gap" (James Reston).

Stonewall wants to come out for some fresh air, Friend 1: Hey, that's the Stonewall Jackson statue.Friend 2 & 3: Yeah, yeah it is. All rights reserved. Salazar now has someone in Sheriff Mink who is willing to help him instead of the term stonewall in his efforts to get to some of these answers.. Ipswich boss Jewell believed his side had been denied what he called a "stonewall penalty".Nevertheless, liberals are furious about what they're calling a stonewall tactic, reminiscent of the Bush-Cheney years. Such behaviour occurs in situations such as marriage guidance counseling, diplomatic negotiations, politics and legal cases. 2. It's a Time-tested formula for stonewalling protest and dissipating student anger. Your causing me to eat zinc and become queer as folk. Use "stonewall" in a sentence. 3. stonewall definition: 1. , Picketing protestors were determined to stonewall the peace talks and keep the lockout going. 2. Chiefly Brit. And in a notable departure from the official refrain that France looks forward to cooperating with the United States, Araud explicitly threatened that France would "stonewall" if it felt its sensitivities were being ignored. 1)Stonewall Jackson was known for military ability. TheConservative leader, who voted for the retention of section 28 asrecently as 2003, made his comments at a Cameron Direct event in answerto a question from the gay rights campaign group, 28. To refuse to answer or cooperate with; resist or rebuff: THE AMERICAN HERITAGE® DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, FIFTH EDITION by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries. i got old stonewall Jackson! 3. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). stonewall. He was a forceful leader. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact: Meaning: v. 1. obstruct or hinder any discussion 2. engage in delaying tactics or refuse to cooperate. The word "stonewall" in a example sentences. Regular definitions added and latest articles, Copyright © 2010 - 2020 by AZdictionary. Ewell, with several detached regiments under Whiting, had been sent in the Valley to re-enforce that fiery meteor, But before many days Pope found the wily ". Lee met that night with his top general, 25. : 2. I mean it's been 4 days." Don’t stonewall me. For close to a decade before stonewall, he was one of a few openly gay men in America. If you run into a "stonewall" with a question or investigation, that stonewall is now wider and more impenetrable than it was 40 years ago. b. and Bro 2: "If I do, then she'll know I'm into her." Terms of Use "The IM-speak is so prevalent(4) now, " said Austin, a language arts teacher at. I would agree that groups such as stonewall should be allowed to campaign thereby improving the attitudes of people, I just disagree that there moral views ought to be legally enforced by forcing those who disagree with them to associate with people they do not approve of. Beyond the fields a very tall stonewall. Then, in June of 1969, came the acknowledged turning point, the, 27. to obstruct a debate, negotiation, etc. To refuse to answer or cooperate. American general Thoman Stonewall Jackson. Terms and Conditions | Cookie Policy | Contact Us, stonewall uprising, stonewall tactic, to stonewall, stonewall their, stonewall it. 0. 1. 2. Sports To play defensively rather than trying to score in cricket. Cricket to play only a defensive game in order to gain a draw: said of a batsman 2. 1. Stonewall sentence examples. Tellingly, huge increases in those behaviors were all launched at around the same time, the era of Woodstock and, 26. Chiefly Brit. Privacy Policy.

White, Stonewall Jackson (Philadelphia, 1909). General Lee, with Stonewall Jackson nearing the field from the north-west, was ready to take the offensive. The suspect continued to stonewall the investigation, refusing to answer any questions that the detective asked about the crime.

4. 2. Picketing protestors were determined to stonewall the peace talks and keep the lockout going. Darkness only added to its intensity, and the fire was kept up until a shot through mistake lay the great Chieftain, But the Confederates counted it a dear victory in the loss of the intrepid but silent, Hood's old Texas Brigade shared honors with the old. All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved. 30. English Wiktionary.

Stonewalling is a refusal to communicate or cooperate. Informal To refuse to answer. Get your chief out of my way you stonewaller. That was the last mutiny under Stonewall Jackson. Examples of stonewall in a sentence: 1. Yes, I'd like to receive Word of the Day emails from 18. ; esp., to filibuster 3. It was violence that made gay activism explode in the United States: The, 29.

Stonewall; 1. Life Stonewall Jackson. How to use stonewall in a sentence. Stonewall definition is - to engage in obstructive parliamentary debate or delaying tactics. stonewall sentence examples:1.i want you to stonewall it, let them plead the fifth amendment ( richard m.nixon)2.honor to her ! Definition of Stonewall. was founded in 2010 and our goal is to have definitions for any english word. I put them on the stonewall we shared with the. Gosh, Idiot! and let a tear fall , for her sake, on stonewall 's bier .3.senior south korean officials are now telling journalists the south may stiffen its … Examples of stonewall in a sentence The suspect continued to stonewall the investigation, refusing to answer any questions that the detective asked about the crime.

42 sentence examples: 1. Please set a username for yourself. Ipswich boss Jewell believed his side had been denied what he called a "stonewall penalty". Stonewall pronunciation. Just wait it out, don't fall for the tactic. How to use stonewall in a sentence. , The politician tried to stonewall the probe into his money funneling by ignoring the questions and deflecting. Examples of Stonewall in a sentence. The roles returned for some women in the 1980s, although they allowed for more flexibility than before Stonewall. Salazar now has someone in Sheriff Mink who is willing to help him instead of the term stonewall in his efforts to get to some of these answers. 2. 1. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Expertly crafted with high-quality ingredients.

3. At the Stonewall Inn in Green Dr. Carol Swain Lewis, an English teacher at Three Rivers who served as a judge, said it was "heart wrenching" to watch some of the students seemingly rush through the words, but she picked up that she had to keep a "stonewall" face on the panel, as to not make it visible that she was emotionally involved. Bro 1: "Have you tried texting her agian? Bro 2: "Have no idea, we were texting all day Wednesday and she stonewalled me out of nowhere." engage in delaying tactics or refuse to cooperate. Parking for stonewall will be available in the following lots: The cost is $15. By continuing, you agree to our Lee defeated the Union forces commanded by Joseph Hooker. Picketing protestors were determined to stonewall the peace talks and keep the lockout going. stonewall definition: 1. 3. Stonewall in a sentence. 0. As yet no Union generals could be compared with Lee, or Johnston, or Longstreet, or Stonewall Jackson, while the men under their command were quite equal to the Northern soldiers in bravery and discipline. Copyright © 2016, 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Learn the definition of stonewall and how to use it in a sentence. 42 sentence examples: 1. It looks as though King County elections officials "stonewall" just about everyone.

I tried to file my claim, but the insurance agent kept stonewalling. Henderson, Stonewall Jackson (London, 1898), and H. 1. Easily browse through english vocabulary, listen the sentences or copy them. The seniors and the one freshman decided to play stonewall, aka the most fun game known to man.

Did You Know? 3)Stonewall helped the gays rights movement get recognized.

As yet no Union generals could be compared with Lee, or Johnston, or Longstreet, or, He could rest and recruit his army, fortify the south of Richmond with stout works, a detail which had not been attended to before, and send, In consequence, when the day of battle came, there was not a man in the corps who did not feel sure that if he shirked duty, Had Lee's great subordinates, Ewell at nightfall on the first day, and Longstreet on the other two days, seconded him with the alacrity and devotion usually displayed by them, or had, At Second Bull Run, fearfully hammered by the noble Fifth Corps, that had fought like so many tigers at Gaines's Mill and Malvern Hill, even, Longstreet's cannon, cunningly planted to enfilade the Fifth Corps' front, shattered the Federals' attacking column and placed, But the gallant South Carolinian who gave the illustrious chieftain the famous name of ".

When McClellan entered upon his Peninsular Campaign in 1862 the important duty of defending Washington from the army of ", It was eventually decided that General Banks was to oppose ". use "stonewall" in a sentence stonewall would be the first park representing the LGBT community. Body language may indicate and reinforce this by avoiding contact and engagement with the other party. 1. 2.