8Ways"of"Learning"" May"2012" You can see here the common ground between western and Aboriginal 9. When using the 8 Ways Framework, start by identifying local Aboriginal values, systems, protocols and processes (8Ways.online 2018). Build your knowledge around real relationships with Aboriginal people. Cultural Interface Protocols for Engaging with Aboriginal Knowledge, The Interface Between the Eight-way Framework and Western Pedagogy, 8 Ways Creative and Productive Pedagogy Activities, Using the 8 Ways for Behaviour Management, https://www.aitsl.edu.au/tools-resources/resource/eight-ways-of-learning-illustration-of-practice, http://indigenous.education.qld.gov.au/SiteCollectionDocuments/eatsips-docs/eatsips_2011.pdf​, https://vickidrozdowski.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/individual-investigation-of-a-learning-theory-aboriginal-pedagogy.pdf, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvvNITzxiaA, https://open.usq.edu.au/mod/book/view.php?id=7654&chapterid=702, https://open.usq.edu.au/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=7448, https://researchonline.jcu.edu.au/10974/4/04Bookchapter.pdf, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. ABORIGINAL PEDAGOGY BOOK - 8 WAYS by Dr Tyson Yunkaporta Aboriginal Pedagogy- Our Protocol for using this wiki Best Aboriginal Pedagogy Practice Developments. Bring your highest self to the knowledge and settle your fears and issues. 4. Identify the Aboriginal group/s in the local area. It is a way to develop relationally responsive practice in the way you work with your Aboriginal community. Activity: How might each of the eight aspects of the Eight Way Framework relate to your local Aboriginal community? Christie, Michael J. Aboriginal perspectives on experience and learning: the role of language in Aboriginal education. His holistic approach to learning promotes cross-cultural understanding and adds value to learning. It argues that there are 8 interconnected pedagogies that allow teachers to engage with Aboriginal learning processes while finding a common … The link between the Quality Teaching Framework and 8 Ways (8Ways.Online 2018), (Queensland Department of Education 2016), Online Membership Application - State Library, Mind Maps for note taking and brainstorming, The Aboriginal 8 Ways of Learning Pedagogy. Be grounded in your own cultural identity (not “colour”) with integrity. The Aboriginal 8 Ways of Learning Pedagogy is a framework designed to help teachers to: - guide learning through culture, and not just about culture - include Aboriginal perspectives in their teaching methods, rather than the teaching content The '8 Ways' framework belong to a place, not a person or organisation. Chapter 4, ‘Our ways of learning in Aboriginal languages’ in Aboriginal Pedagogies at the Cultural Interface (Tyson Yunkaporta, 2009) Inquiry skills. See the shape of the knowledge and express it with images and objects.

Some features of the site may not work correctly. Permission sought from the original source is a requirement, out of courtesy. Use this knowledge for the benefit of the Aboriginal community. Share your own stories of relatedness and deepest knowledge. Identify the Aboriginal group/s in the local area. Respect the aspects of spirit and place that the knowledge is grounded in. Our ways of knowing, doing, valuing, and learning remain in an ancestral framework of knowledge that is still strong.” Yunkaporta, Tyson (2009). You are currently offline. The eight-way framework described The eight-way framework of Aboriginal pedagogy brings indigenous ways of knowing and being 'out of the dusty corners of anthropology and linguistics' and into the Australian classroom (Yunkaporta & Kirby 2011, p. 206). Jul 18, 2018 - 8-ways Aboriginal Pedagogy Framework (Yunkaporta 2009) The eight interconnected pedagogies are illustrated below: Figure 1: 8ways…, Aboriginal pedagogies at the cultural interface, Aboriginal Ways of Learning and Learning Styles', paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Australian Association for, An Aboriginal pedagogical model: Recovering an Aboriginal pedagogy from the Woodlands Cree, Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Comparing Aboriginal and Western Ways of Knowing, Practical Application: Applying theory to practice' wikipage post, Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools, Department of Education and Training, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. The 8 ways of Aboriginal Learning consists of 8 key elements, these are; Story sharing, community links, deconstruct and reconstruct, non-linear, land links, symbols and images, non-verbal and learning maps. Yunkaporta, T 2009, ‘Aboriginal pedagogies at the cultural interface’. 1.

5. The interface between the eight-way framework and western pedagogy As Yunkaporta (n.d. p. 27) argues, in spite of its endorsement, non indigenous teachers continue to be challenged by indigenous pedagogy often seeing a mismatch between it and western ways of teaching and learning. A research project conducted by Tyson Yunkaporta (2007-2009) developed this. PhD thesis, James Cook University, Townsville, viewed 26 June 2013, , Topic 1: Respect, relationships, reconciliation, Topic 1: Respect, Relationships and Reconciliation. It is here that the 8 ways of Aboriginal learning can be identified, and through exploration of these knowledge systems in…

Use ‘yarning circles’ with Elders or members of the Indigenous community to explore and localise content using examples from the area. Although The key pedagogy in the eight-way framework is the narrative based one of story sharing. It comprises eight interconnected pedagogies that see teaching and learning as fundamentally holistic, non-linear, visual, kinaesthetic, social and contextualised. 7. Aboriginal inquiry skills and Torres Strait Islander inquiry skills are ways of working, learning and doing, which are embedded in culture. "The Eight-Way Framework of Aboriginal Pedagogy." A research project conducted by Tyson Yunkaporta (2007-2009) developed this 8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning framework. It argues that there are 8 interconnected pedagogies that allow teachers to engage with Aboriginal learning processes while finding a common ground between Indigenous and mainstream pedagogies. Examples of work from communities and individuals guided by this framework should be respected at all times, please follow protocol. This is fundamental to the eight ways as it is not only the way indigenous people keep abreast of current issues in an oral culture but is also the way they manage their dynamic but eternal connection to Country (Yunkaporta & Kirby 2011, p. 206). The Aboriginal pedagogy framework is expressed as eight interconnected pedagogies. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, Our focus was on how we, as teachers, can incorporate Indigenous pedagogy into the classroom.

Ownership of Indigenous Knowledge works belong to Individuals and groups. 3.