"I suspect that this is going to be the first of a good many now," West said. By the time I’d finished, I had tracked 117,134 movies made in 151 countries over the past twenty years. So in a sense musicals weren't seen as a kind of escapism as much as a sign of disrespect.". Next week I’m going to look at which countries prefer to make which genres. Conversely, simply stating that a movie is a Western conveys a great deal of information about what may be on offer, including time period, location, tone, plot elements, character tropes and more. In 1998, 15.9% of movies made were Romances whereas last year it was just 7.6%. He’s got a knife!”. We learned that Italians enjoyed more comedies, that Asian nations love action, Europeans love drama and that romance burns brightest among Mexican film fans. I allowed each movie to have up to three genres, which was derived as an aggregate of all the sources listing that movie. (TV gives you) stories you can really immerse yourself in, characters you can follow for long periods. A nonprofit journalism website produced by: It might be a toe-tapping, jazz-handed renaissance. Global film production is increasing and so even if a genre is comparatively less popular than it once was, there still may be more movies made in that genre than in previous years. "Instead of putting us in a joyous mood, it winds up breaking our hearts," West said. I would have thought that it is ONLY what people want to watch that counts. ".

In 1930, Hollywood put out 100 musical movies. The genre exploded in the early 1930s as the U.S. struggled through the Great Depression. In 1930, Hollywood put out 100 musical movies. The 20 genres I included were Action, Adventure, Animation, Biography, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Family, Fantasy, History, Horror, Music, Musical, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Sport, Thriller, War and Western. It starred Ruby Keeler, Hollywood's top tap-dancer of the time. I disagree totally! This research is focused on fiction feature films (so not short films, TV movies, documentaries, etc) and includes all movies produced, not just those that were released in cinemas. However, the majority of these

why shouldn’t people see the tent poles if they want–they have other options, no one is force-feeding them(i say them, but i’m crazy about cartoons and sci-fi and sometimes even superheroes too; i just also happen to gluttonously consume all kinds of movies). I would have thought that if over half the number of tickets sold, are for the usual comedy or fantasy/action/thriller movies featuring loud bangs and gratuitous violence, then that should be the measure of all things. "You see (musical film) in the 1940s but I think World War II put a damper on that," she said. Like, how do we go from here?". I have access to more movies at the theatre then i can find time and money to see. "The more practical thing is: more people are watching television, movies are in crisis. In 1998, there were 410 Romance movies made globally and in 2017 the figure stood at 887. Once we add tv/streaming/internet, i have access to exponentially more movies than i could even stay aware of, let alone watch–and i put a lot of screen-time in, more than most people. Note: Some of today’s charts may add up to more than 100% as each film could have up to three genres. "La La Land" swept the Golden Globes last night and has been lauded as the second coming of musical film in American cinema. "It is escape and it's wonderful and the most poignant moment in that film is when Judy Garland sings 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,'" West said. Making movies is, after all, a part of the entertainment industry – so a movie that nobody wants to watch is a movie that probably should not have been made, or perhaps is better classed as an art-installation. The data from today’s research suggests that the broad nature of Drama may be further compounded by the sheer number of such movies on offer.

Spectacular action thrillers featuring loud bangs and gratuitous violence cost money. By the mid-1930s, the taste for musical film was already starting to dwindle, West said. They are even more clear that they do not want to see gritty urban kitchen-sink dramas with poor production values such as point-n-shoot, location-based cinematography and poor scores, or even no music whatsoever! Across the dataset, the average movie had 1.7 genre classifications. The depression was raging on and Americans desperately needed an escape," West said. The movie's very meta plot takes a look, and a bit of a lighthearted jab, at 1920s Hollywood and the come-up of the "talkies. "Musicals presented an ideal genre for the escape because it made people leave the gloom and doom of poverty behind and see films that depicted people in joyous movement but had very lavish surroundings.". Other modern movie musicals like "Pitch Perfect," "Into the Woods" and "Les Miserables" and TV shows like "Glee" and "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" (not to mention the recent trend of networks broadcasting live musical productions) have gotten a ton of attention—and made a ton of money. Their numbers may have doubled but because global film production quadrupled over the same period, they appear relatively less popular. The 20 genres I included were Action, Adventure, Animation, Biography, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Family, Fantasy, History, Horror, Music, Musical, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Sport, Thriller, War and Western. For example, although romantic films make up a smaller percentage of movies made, their raw production numbers are still increasing. "It's all about us not being together, maybe we'll be together next year if not this year. but those films also finance the cool indie movie that only made 79 dollars, and the haughty period film adapting an elitist type novel that made just 9 people go squee, etc. As a distinct genre, the film musical refers to movies that include singing and/or dancing as an important element and also involves the performance of song and/or dance by the main characters. But she thinks "La La Land" could bring the genre back into the cultural foreground. An internationally popular film genre, featuring music, song, and dance in varying combinations, often intertwined with a romance plot with a happy ending. Twenty years ago, horror movies accounted for 4.3% of all movies made, whereas in 2017 they represented 12.4%. I have access to plenty of cinema fare that aren’t the handful that make all the money.–at any given moment in my city there are 50-80 big screen options open to me that include foreign films, anime, classic cinema, indie fare, adult focused dramas, documentaries….anything i might like. Remember that these charts show the relative interest, not the raw number of films made.

“It’s worth noting that we’re measuring production numbers, not amount spent, meaning that a micro-budget film has the same weight as a mega-studio tentpole. That study looked at how films were received in cinemas, but a few weeks ago, it occurred to me that there was another group of people whose genre tastes we could measure – the filmmakers making the movies. So I’m going to split the results into two articles. But the political landscape might be also be calling for a cultural pick-me-up.