Heart disease is already the number one cause of death in the US, and sleeping more than 8 hours a night increases your chances of dying from it by 34%. Could You Be Suffering From Effects of Sleep Deprivation? And longer sleep can make depression worse. Blame your time between the sheets. and log every trip to the toilet. Try this for several nights in a row to see if it makes a difference. doi:10.5665/sleep.4644.

Kegel exercises! Sleep.

However, this risk may be more so related to being sedentary and overweight rather than related to any specific connection between diabetes and excessive sleep. The evidence on this is purely anecdotal, but many nocturia sufferers have reported positive effects from eating a handful of raisins just before bed. Stop Wasting Water, Soap and Energy — The Only 3 Body Parts You Need... Do These 5 Things Now to Prepare for Cold and Flu Season, Researchers Reveal Their Top Face Mask Picks, The Real Dangers of Breathing Wildfire Smoke, What Research Says About Turmeric is True, Research Reveals That This Food May Cause Cancer, This “Disgusting” Food Has More Iron Than Spinach & More Omega 3’s Than Salmon, Why I Have So Many Dried Boogers and How to Fix It. Daytime sleepiness may not be a symptom of a medical condition in some cases – maybe the person is just bored with life. First human gene implicated in regulating length of human sleep. Among yoga’s numerous benefits are exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor. Further, hypersomnia causes a person to sleep for unusually long periods at night. One of the most common is aging. Discover the 9 Best Treatments for Sleep Deprivation. When people who are prone to headaches sleep too much, they will experience more head pain. "What we're really looking at is a group of people who are spending a long time in bed," says Irwin, who notes that these individuals might not be soundly asleep the whole time. Before anything else. It could be the case that your body is making too much urine, your bladder can’t hold it for long periods of time or it’s a bit of both. Is It Possible to Get Too Much Sleep? Nov 9, 2016 11:21 AM By Mitchell Chamberlain. Studies have shown that performing kegel exercises on a daily basis can significantly strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which helps to address many of the biggest problems associated with urinary issues. Creating a new sleep routine and sticking to it is the best way to stop sleeping too much. It’s always a good idea to strengthen your, , which support a woman’s uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum. Drinking alcohol, regardless of how much, can promote sleep disorders. Avoid caffeine and alcohol too close to bedtime. Tossing and turning night over night can have a big impact on your quality of life. People with narcolepsy have excessive daytime sleepiness and may fall asleep during the day and during normal activities such as driving. You may find immediate relief! Speaking of which…. Children need more sleep than adults. In low doses, cortisol is an important part of your immune system, and can help lower inflammation. All of these things can interrupt your normal sleep pattern, leaving you awake at strange hours of the night. Hold for five seconds, then resume peeing.

In turn, sleeping longer can perpetuate a person's depressed state. Sleeping too much is linked with many of the same health risks as sleeping too little, including heart disease, metabolic problems such as diabetes and obesity, and cognitive issues including difficulty with memory. Getting enough sleep can be a problem for us, but getting too much sleep can be the sign of other serious health issues. If you’re eating or drinking any of these, stop and see if your nocturia gets better: Make sure to scan the complete list of foods to avoid from the Cleveland Clinic. 36(10): 1421–1427.

9 Simple Recommendations for Staying up Late, How Much Sleep Adults Need on Average to Be Rested, How to Choose the Perfect Time to Go to Bed, Make Your Mornings Easier With These Simple Solutions, Narcolepsy: More Than Excessive Sleepiness, Allergies and Asthma at Night Can Make Sleeping Difficult, Feeling Sleepy?

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Chronic long sleeping can age your brain by as much as 2 years and make it difficult to perform everyday tasks, according to research published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Get on down to your nearest yoga studio or search for “yoga and pelvic floor” exercises on YouTube. Sleepiness with hypersomnia cannot be resolved by napping. If oversleeping is caused by a health condition, managing that condition and practicing better sleep habits may help reduce the need to oversleep. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. If you suffer from frequent urination at night — also called nocturia — chances are you’re probably not getting enough restful sleep, leaving you cranky and frustrated with your body. Order the Prevention Smoothies & Juices Book! HelpGuide.Org. Of course, if oversleeping is due to the effects of prescription medication, the medication should not be stopped without the approval of a doctor. Lui Y, Wheaton AG, Chapman DP, et al. It is also known for causing sleep disturbances, especially with sleep patterns and daytime sleepiness.

Again, being more sedentary—and overweight—is likely what's driving this risk factor, says Redline. It may seem like this is an easy way to stop peeing at night, but it could have adverse health effects, like a urinary tract infection. Research has shown that people who sleep too much tend to weigh more. Sleep apnea? This is the medical term for sleeping too much and for excessive daytime sleepiness. You can also use the BladderTrakHer web app and log every trip to the toilet. . Some of the best asanas for your pelvis are: adspeed_zones.push({zoneid:82564,numofads:1,div:'vik_82564_1',wrapper:'0'}); adspeed_zones.push({zoneid:91093,numofads:6,div:'ad91093',wrapper:'adspeedsection-sidebar'}); .

It is also a good idea to go to bed at the same time every night and have the same wake-up time. Anyone who finds themselves consistently sleeping 10 or more hours per night should see a doctor to determine why they are oversleeping. Our genes play a part in our internal sleep and circadian rhythms, the two primary biological sleep systems. Much like insomnia (sleeplessness), sleeping too much is a sign of disordered sleep. Buxton OM, Marcelli E. Short and long sleep are positively associated with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease among adults in the United States. J Am Geriatr Soc. It can also cause an increased need for sleep because it disrupts the natural sleep cycle. No one knows exactly why, but inflammation probably plays an important role, says Irwin. One of the most common is aging. Sleeping too much can be just as damaging as sleeping too little. There are several reasons why a person might be sleeping too much. Drinking a few too many glasses of wine in your PJs? This may have to do with how often a person wakes up during the night, which means they may not be getting enough restorative sleep necessary for refreshing and restoring the brain. First, talk to your doctor to see if you might have an underlying sleep disorder or other medical issues that could be causing excessive sleepiness. Here are a few of the problems you might face if you regularly overdo it. The more active the person is, the more sleep they will need. Be careful not to overextend your bladder and cause further irritation. Devore EE, Grodstein F, Duffy, JF, et al. But can you have too much of a good thing? Approximately one in three adults over the age of 30 have nocturia (an excessive need to urinate at night), says the Urology Care Foundation. Plus you're more likely to expire at a younger age if you have problems like diabetes and heart disease—which are tied to too much (or too little) sleep. In some cases, shortening your snoozes might be enough to lift your spirits, says Irwin.
Everyone needs to sleep, but not everyone needs exactly the same amount to feel rested and refreshed. Doctors agree: Quality sleep is crucial for your health. Thus, depressed people need to sleep more. In addition, In older men, an enlarged prostate could be the culprit behind nocturia. Researchers think this happens because excessive sleep triggers certain neurotransmitters in the brain. One theory is that too much sleep translates to too little exercise.

Logging lots of shut-eye becomes more common as you get older, and it's not entirely clear whether it's a sign that you have a disease or if it can actually make you sick. In addition, with age, the bladder becomes less elastic, so it can’t hold onto as much urine as it used to be able to. Research has found that some people have a gene mutation that allows them to feel rested with as little as four hours of sleep. According to researchers, nocturia has a significant impact on people’s overall health and wellbeing. Get on down to your nearest yoga studio or search for “yoga and pelvic floor” exercises on YouTube. doi:10.5665/sleep.3028. It could be the case that your body is making too much urine, your bladder can’t hold it for, , nocturia has a significant impact on people’s overall health and wellbeing. The Biology of Sleep: Circadian Rhythms, Sleep Stages, and Sleep Architecture. Oversleeping can cause the brain to age faster and make it difficult to perform the simplest daily tasks, according to research reported in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. With all of that said, it’s important not to reduce your overall fluid intake too much. It’s always a good idea to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which support a woman’s uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum. First, identify the muscle group by interrupting the flow of urine. Frequent trips to the restroom in the middle of the night.
Boredom is a serious issue for senior citizens and they may start sleeping more when their mental, physical, and emotional needs are neglected. So what’s the solution for both men and women?