Typically, NPR member stations receive funds through on-air pledge drives, corporate underwriting, state and local governments, educational institutions, and the fed… In a media briefing at the White House, Trump twice stated that the United States funds the majority of the organization's budget. The Senate emergency stimulus compromise package allocates $75 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), the nonprofit that … According to the WHO, the United States … In 2010, NPR revenues totaled $180 million, with the bulk of revenues coming from programming fees, grants from foundations or business entities, contributions and sponsorships. NPR has been criticised for perceived bias in its coverage of Israel and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The funds NPR receives from corporate donors are an important part of the revenues that fuel NPR's in-depth reporting and programming, but only a … CAMERA director Andrea Levin has stated, "We consider NPR to be the most seriously biased mainstream media outlet," a statement that The Boston Globedescribes as having "clearly gotten under her target's skin." The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), a pro-Israel American media monitoring organization based in Boston, has been particularly critical of NPR.

If 50% of funding comes from money that is 40% derived from taxes, then another 20% of NPR's budget comes, indirectly, from taxpayers. That's a … NPR's then-… Adding to this, Soros’ foundation also announced last October a $1 million grant to Media Matters, a liberal activist group with a goal to hold Fox News (no fan of NPR) accountable. According to the 2009 financial statement, about 50% of NPR revenues come from the fees it charges member stations for programming and distribution charges. Soros has also given millions of dollars to other liberal groups, including … Twenty percent! Citing undue influence from China on the World Health Organization among other reasons, the president has said he wants to suspend U.S. funding for the global agency pending a review. It’s funded by left-leaning billionaire financier-philanthropist George Soros, who made his fortune in hedge funds and currency speculation….