That one special end and use unto which rich men should employ their worldly wealth should be the help and relief of the poor. To produce tincture tablets, we employ Vogel 's unique method of tablet production using the tincture as the starting point. I will only employ bounty hunters who work for money. They do not represent the opinions of In order to be independent of the accuracy of the thermometer employed for observing the initial temperature of the water introduced, it has been usual to employ water at ioo° C., adopting as unit of heat the " mean calorie," which is one-hundredth part of the heat given up by one gramme of water in cooling from ioo° to o° C. The weight of mercury corresponding to the mean calorie has been determined with considerable care by a number of observers well skilled in the use of the instrument. For high temperature work it is necessary to employ platinum, which would be an ideal standard for all purposes on account of its constancy and infusibility, did not the thermoelectric properties of different specimens differ considerably. From these remarks it will be clear that to employ the most suitable kind of yeast for a given alcoholic fermentation is of fundamental importance in certain industries.
This method of reckoning time is more convenient than those which employ cycles or periods of any length whatever; but it still fails to satisfy in the simplest manner possible all the conditions that are necessary for registering the succession of events. Some of the native tribes in the Congo basin employ it as a material for axes. Perhaps Constable Angua could... um, employ her special talents in the direction of this note? Accessed 1 Oct. 2020. When it is desired to have a uniform magnet with definitely situated poles, it it usual to employ one having the form of an ovoid, or elongated ellipsoid of revolution, instead of a rectangular or cylindrical bar. This unique pilot project will employ six trainees commencing mid April and is supported by the Skillset Film Skills Fund and Film London.
The modern practice is to employ horizontal cylindrical wrought-iron or steel stills, and to introduce steam into the oil. Some religions employ ritual mo : Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishing employ the large majority of the total active population. Speakers featuring Dolby Pro-Logic decoders employ four channels positioned to the left, right, rear, and center of your big screen. The manufacturing industries in the grand-duchy are considerable; they employ 41% of the population. The more general practice, however, is to employ what is termed a "bale opener," or "jute crusher.". He did not employ the Old Testament as now reconstructed by scholarship or judged by criticism, but in its simple and obvious and traditional sense. How to use employ in a sentence. Large as this progress was it would have been much greater if the Telephone Company had been granted adequate powers to put wires underground and thus instal a complete metallic circuit in place of the single wire, earthreturn, circuit which it was constrained to employ. They decide to employ a boy to help them with the duties on their farm and approach the orphan asylum for suggestions. But when Venice took possession of the mainland her builders were able to employ a strong hydraulic dark lime from Albettone, which formed a durable cement, capable of resisting salt water and the corrosive sea air. IMO you would be best to put up the rent by the cost of maintaining the garden & employ a regular gardener. That they do not understand the technicalities of building services is why they employ specialists. Even if your centerpiece is all cupcakes, though, there are plenty of tactics you can employ to give it a "wow" factor. Such was Johnson's reputation that, in 1747, several eminent booksellers combined to employ him in the arduous work of preparing a Dictionary of the English Language, in two folio volumes. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. bank accounts in the jurisdiction and employ the services of local professionals.
Now smugglers often employ dangerous methods to get the illegal substance into the country. The strike of miners in the Pas de Calais after the disaster at Courrieres, leading to the threat of disorder on the 1st of May 1906, obliged him to employ the military; and his attitude in the matter alienated the Socialist party, from which he definitely broke in his notable reply in the Chamber to Jean Jaures in June 1906. If using the subscript notation, solvers often create a larger copy of the puzzle or employ a sharp or mechanical pencil. In order to separate the distillate into various fractions, and to remove as much of it as possible free from condensed steam, it is now usual to employ condensing appliances of special form with outlets for running off the different fractions. Another version makes him employ one Manole or Manoli as architect. Hence it has been a practice, very extensively followed, to employ cycles or periods, consisting of a moderate number of years, and to distinguish and reckon the years by their number in the cycle. All through his reign he preferred to employ as officials men of humble origin, and habitually treated the boyars and great nobles very unceremoniously. The notary will also require that the terms of the contract can be understood, therefore a non-German speaker will be required to employ the services of an official translator. The travels of Le Vaillant in South Africa having been completed in 5785, his great Oiseaux d'Afrique began to appear in Paris in 1797; but it is hard to speak properly of this work, for several of the species described in it are certainly not, and never were in his time, inhabitants of that country, though he sometimes gives a long account of the circumstances under which he observed them.1° From travellers who employ themselves in collecting the animals of any distant country the zoologists who stay at home and study those of their own district, be it great or small, are really not so much divided as at first might appear. Cotton mills, iron foundries, brick and tile works, and collieries employ the large industrial population. At LoveToKnow Makeup we employ a full-time editor to consistently oversee all the content, submissions and changes. In common with other sciences, economics makes use of " abstractions"; but if for some problems we employ symbolic processes of reasoning, we must keep clearly in view the limits of their significance, and neither endow the symbols with attributes they can never possess, nor lose sight of the realities behind them. To find the effect of linear transformation on the symbolic form of quantic we will disuse the coefficients a 111 a 12, a21, a22, and employ A1, I�1, A2, �2. They are equipped with all the latest technical innovations, and employ over 5000 workmen. 289+16 sentence examples: 1.