The EU has a unique institutional set-up where broad priorities are set by the European Council; decision-making involves European Parliament, Council of the EU and European Commission and number of other institutions. When a project uses EU grants and InvestEU, the InvestEU rules will apply for the entire project. See the factsheet InvestEU: what will it finance? It aims to foster inclusive growth and strengthens investment in the social dimension”, said José Manuel Fernandes (EPP, PT), co-rapporteur for the Committee on Budgets. Using a budget guarantee – and not only financial instruments or grants – can help increase the impact of public funds. It will further boost job creation and support investment and innovation in the EU. For the remaining 25% of the EU guarantee, International Financial Institutions (the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Council of Europe Bank, etc.) The InvestEU programme, expected to run from 2021 onwards, has been designed to address this challenge. The European Investment Bank Group – the EU Bank – will be an implementing partner for 75% of the EU guarantee. The Commission wants to ensure that the beneficiaries of InvestEU can get the best possible support and with easiest access. The new InvestEU programme, approved on Thursday, follows and replaces the current EFSI (European Fund for Strategic Investments), set up after the financial crisis.. The conclusions of the evaluations will be communicated to the European Parliament and Council so that they can feed into the decision-making process in a timely manner. It aims to bring together the various EU financial instruments currently available (among others: EFSI, the CEF instruments, specific facilities under the COSME programme, as well as specific guarantees and facilities under EaSI) in order to benefit from economies of scale, and expand the Juncker Plan’s model (i.e. See our factsheet: What is the InvestEU Programme? What is the InvestEU programme? © 2020 EMN aisbl • Journalists, film crews and photographers require accreditation in order to access the EU institution buildings. It aims to foster inclusive growth and strengthens investment in the social dimension”, said José Manuel Fernandes (EPP, PT), co-rapporteur for the Committee on Budgets. We don’t share email addresses.
Investment in sustainable infrastructure, research and innovation is still inadequate; InvestEU can continue and improve the positive change brought about by the European Fund for Strategic Investment.
Projects passing this initial check will be passed on to the Investment Committee. The InvestEU Fund will be implemented through financial partners who will invest in projects using the EU guarantee.
using guarantees from the EU budget to bring in other investors). InvestEU will consist of the InvestEU Fund, the InvestEU Advisory Hub and the InvestEU Portal (More information), © PDC Informatie Architectuur - Alle rechten voorbehouden. Third, the Commission issues a call for expression of interest and any entity in the process of passing the Pillar Assessment can apply to become an implementing partner. We made sure that the InvestEU Fund would support social infrastructure and programmes, along with projects that are technically and economically viable. Site by Tilt Factory. 06 June 2018. The Council adopted this amendment in November 2018. It will bring together, under one roof, the European Fund for Strategic Investments and 13 EU financial instruments currently available. “InvestEU” programme: new boost for jobs, growth and investment - Hoofdinhoud Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) , gepubliceerd op donderdag 13 december 2018 . This in turn will be leveraged by each financial partner. The new approach also helps to reduce uncertainty for final beneficiaries and financial intermediaries about which instrument is the best for them. The two committees adopted improvements to the Commission proposal, including: The draft report was adopted with 52 votes in favour, 5 against and 3 abstentions.
“InvestEU will mobilise almost 700 billion euros from 2021 to 2027, in infrastructure, research and innovation and support to SMEs. Get the latest information from the sector. It will help to address market failures and investment gaps to foster jobs and growth and to reach EU policy goals such as sustainability, scientific excellence and social inclusion.
“Today we adopted a good text that marks a decisive step towards creating jobs and mobilising investments to support growth and enhance cohesion. What role will the European Parliament and Council play? This approach will enlarge and diversify the pipeline of projects and increase the potential pool of final beneficiaries. Speakers from Directorates-General for Budget, Economic and Financial Affairs and Regional and Urban Policy will provide some updated information, which would be important for the managing authorities during the programming, notably as regards the latest state of play of the InvestEU, the organisation of an InvestEU member state compartment and the possibilities for combining financing under InvestEU and the Common Provisions Regulation. The InvestEU programme (part of the MFF 2021-2027 package “EU budget for the future”) aims to address this problem. ➡ See the factsheet InvestEU: what will it finance?
The €15.2 billion budget earmarked for InvestEU allows the EU budget to provide a guarantee of €38 billion. The investment conditions in Europe have improved since the Investment Plan for Europe, the Juncker Plan, was launched, thanks to structural reforms carried out by the Member States, a more a favourable economic situation and interventions such as EFSI. The eligibility criteria are defined in the Financial Regulation. It is composed of representatives of implementing partners (one member each) and Member States (one member each). The access through other financial partners – compared to EFSI – should allow the Fund to better serve local needs and to be complementary to other sources of EU funding under shared management.
increasing the EU budget guarantee to €40.8 billion (current prices) to mobilise more than €698 billion of additional investment across the EU (Commission proposed €38 billion to mobilise €650 billion); introducing a steering committee to ensure the right balance between policy and banking experience in governing the programme; an EP appointee will also sit on the committee; to ensure better accountability to European citizens, the Commission and the Steering Board should report annually to Parliament and Council on the progress, impact and operations of the InvestEU Programme; clearer and new objectives, such as increasing the EU employment rate, climate protection and economic, territorial and social cohesion. As in the case of EFSI, a Steering Board will give strategic direction on programme implementation. The InvestEU Advisory Hub will provide technical support and assistance to help with the preparation, development, structuring and implementation of projects, including capacity building. Also, when blending grants from other programmes like Horizon Europe, the Single Market Programme or the Connecting Europe Facility with support from InvestEU, InvestEU rules will apply for the entire project. English (838.3 KB - PDF) Download PDF - 838.3 KB. EMN receives funding from the European Union within the framework of Partnership Agreements with EU-level networks active in the promotion of microfinance and social enterprise finance (2018-2021). Yes.
Its investment period now lasts until end-2020, the end of the current long-term budget, or Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). This has been shown with the successful implementation of the European […] The InvestEU Fund will capture the objectives of existing instruments such as COSME and InnovFin and be able to boost investments even further thanks to the larger scale and efficiencies of the single InvestEU Fund. The programme should continue to facilitate access to finance for SMEs, the cultural and creative sectors and climate actions”, said Roberto Gualtieri (S&D, IT), co-rapporteur and Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary affairs. Nederlandse afdrachten aan de EU, subsidies en naheffingen, EVP/ED Europese Volkspartij en Europese Democraten, S & D Progressieve Alliantie van Socialisten en Democraten, ECR Europese Conservatieven en Hervormers, Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen Links, Raad Onderwijs, Jeugdzaken, Cultuur en Sport, Raad Vervoer, Telecommunicatie en Energie, Raad Werkgelegenheid, Sociaal Beleid, Volksgezondheid en Consumentenzaken, Gevoelige relatie met Turkije centraal op EU-top in Brussel, COM(2018)439 - InvestEU programme 2021-2027, Europees Fonds voor Strategische Investeringen (EFSI), Bekijk onze selectie van boeken over de Nederlandse politiek op, Investeringsplan voor Europa eerder dan verwacht boven investeringsdoelstelling van 500 miljard EUR, 350 miljoen euro financiering EIB voor aanpak snelweg A9, Commissie: Junckerplan bracht 1,1 miljoen mensen werk.
This Advisory Board will be able to issue recommendations to the Steering Board on the implementation and functioning of the InvestEU programme.
The InvestEU Fund will bring under one roof the 14 EU financial instruments currently supporting investment in the EU, giving it a single, strong brand. The four InvestEU Fund policy areas place emphasis on areas of strategic importance for the EU, with €11.25 billion each of the guarantee earmarked for small businesses and a further €11.25 billion earmarked for research, innovation and digitisation. Despite numerous initiatives to remedy the situation, there is still an important investment gap in the EU. Once the full house has confirmed the Committees’ position during the January session, MEPs will start negotiations with the Council. Members of the Investment Committee will be external experts with expertise from the relevant sectors. The InvestEU Programme builds on the successful model of the Investment Plan for Europe, the Juncker Plan. If the result is positive, the Pillar Assessment can take place. It is an excellent tool for creating jobs and strengthening the competitiveness of the European Union.
Questions and Answers on the EU budget for recovery: Recovery and Resilience Facility (28 May 2020) InvestEU. The InvestEU Fund will also feature a Member State compartment for each policy area, meaning that Member States may add to the EU guarantee's provisioning by voluntarily channelling some of their Cohesion Policy funds to these compartments. InvestEU is the EU’s proposed flagship investment programme to kick-start the European economy. WHAT IS THE InvestEU PROGRAMME? The opening of the guarantee to national and regional promotional banks aims to better address where the financing needs are and how best to serve them. By crowding-in private investors, it will help achieve the EU's ambitious goals in sustainability, scientific excellence and social inclusion. The funding from Member States would be declared compatible with EU State aid rules, as long as certain clear conditions are fulfilled.