L. 87-128, title III, §378, as added Pub. The principal component of the Partnership is the State Rural Development Councils. GovTrack.us is not a government website. The principal component of the Partnership is the State Rural Development Councils. All translations of national rural development partnership. Follow @govtrack.us on Instagram for new 60-second summary videos of legislation in Congress. The law authorizes appropriations of $10 million per fiscal year 2002-2006 for the Partnership. Young Americans have historically been the least involved in politics, despite the huge consequences policies can have on them. Sep 28, 2020. Now we’re on Instagram too! |publisher=GovTrack.us By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. The term “Coordinating Committee” means the National Rural Development Coordinating Committee established by subsection (c) of this section. This is part of a new project to develop better tools for bringing real-time legislative data into the classroom. (A) facilitate collaboration among Federal, State, local, and tribal governments and the private and nonprofit sectors in the planning and implementation of programs and policies that have an impact on rural areas of the State; (B) monitor, report, and comment on policies and programs that address, or fail to address, the needs of the rural areas of the State; (C) as part of the Partnership, in conjunction with the Coordinating Committee, facilitate the development of strategies to reduce or eliminate conflicting or duplicative administrative or regulatory requirements of Federal, State, local, and tribal governments; and, (D)(i) provide to the Coordinating Committee an annual plan with goals and performance measures; and. The Secretary shall develop a plan to decrease, over time, the share of the Department of Agriculture of the cost of the core operations of State rural development councils. The United States Government Printing Office may have more current or accurate information.
Change the target language to find translations. This page is sourced primarily from endobj (h).
2008m). L. 110–246, §6019(1), substituted “2008 through 2012” for “2003 through 2007”. Participation by a Federal employee in the Coordinating Committee in accordance with this paragraph shall not constitute a violation of section 205 or 208 of title 18.
We love educating Americans about how their government works too! The Secretary shall establish a National Rural Development Coordinating Committee within the Department of Agriculture. The term "agency with rural responsibilities" means any executive agency (as defined in section 105 of title 5) that implements a Federal law, or administers a program, targeted at or having a significant impact on rural areas. 3 0 obj In GovTrack.us, a database of bills in the U.S. Congress. The National Rural Development Partnership (NRDP) is a collaborative effort by representatives of the federal, state, local, and tribal governments, the private sector, and the nonprofit sector to promote rural development across the nation. The Secretary may enter into a contract with a qualified intermediary under which the intermediary shall be responsible for providing administrative and technical assistance to a State rural development council, including administering the financial assistance available to the State rural development council. The National Rural Development Partnership (NRDP) is a collaborative effort by representatives of the federal, state, local, and tribal governments, the private sector, and the nonprofit sector to promote rural development across the nation. Please join our advisory group to let us know what more we can do. Legislation not enacted by the end of a Congress is cleared from the books. You can also try the grid of 16 letters.
|work=Legislation Congress.gov is generally updated one day after events occur, and so legislative activity shown here may be one day behind. L. 110–234 were repealed by section 4(a) of Pub. |accessdate=October 1, 2020
Get XML access to fix the meaning of your metadata. This bill was introduced on June 27, 2001, in a previous session of Congress, but it did not receive a vote. Foster coordinated approaches to rural development that support local initiatives, not to usurp the individual missions of any of its member organizations or duplicate effort. Company Information |url=https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/107/s1111 §2008m. Partners for Rural Ameria (PRA) was founded in 1998 to support the efforts of its member State Rural Development Councils (SRDCs), which are uniquely positioned to expand economic and social opportunities for America's rural communities and their residents, promote equal treatment of rural America by government agencies and the private sector and provide a collective voice for rural America. (A) support the work of the State rural development councils; (B) facilitate coordination of rural development policies, programs, and activities among Federal agencies and with those of State, local, and tribal governments, the private sector, and nonprofit organizations; (C) review and comment on policies, regulations, and proposed legislation that affect or would affect rural areas and gather and provide related information; (D) develop and facilitate strategies to reduce or eliminate administrative and regulatory impediments; and. endobj
You’ve cast your vote. 107-171, 6021) as an amendment of the Consolidated Agriculture and Rural Development Act of 1972 (7 U.S.C. Add new content to your site from Sensagent by XML. |quote=National Rural Development Partnership Act of 2001 In this section: (1) Agency with rural responsibilities. October 1, 2020
2 0 obj Except as provided in paragraph (2), a State rural development council shall provide matching funds, or in-kind goods or services, to support the activities of the State rural development council in an amount that is not less than 33 percent of the amount of Federal funds received from a Federal agency under subsection (g)(2) of this section. Di, Cookies help us deliver our services. Paragraph (1) shall not apply to funds, grants, funds provided under contracts or cooperative agreements, gifts, contributions, or technical assistance received by a State rural development council from a Federal agency that are used—, (A) to support 1 or more specific program or project activities; or. ○ Anagrams L. 107–171, title VI, §6021, May 13, 2002, 116 Stat. All rights reserved. Regulations & Guidelines - View all |author=107th Congress (2001) To improve the quality of life in rural America by supporting and maintaining a network of State Rural Development Councils (SRDCs) that create and facilitate cross-program collaborations. 1172; Pub. | © 2019 Partners For Rural America. featuring summaries of federal and state (ii) submit to the Coordinating Committee an annual report on the progress of the State rural development council in meeting the goals and measures. A bill to amend the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act to authorize the National Rural Development Partnership, and for other purposes.
○ Wildcard, crossword x��\]s�6�}���x[i˦ ��J�j>2٤n�Ν�V&� S��;�����_� P DO��&ǖH�n��>��͛S�߮ʖ}��͛�]��͚}�������}>nn>���ժ����߳��߱���_�|��� �v��g!��Y��A�YA�����W!��?�~�e���`�?�~�c軲(#��"҈e?���L��mݶ��7U���A��&�����x�~y-oؾa�j)���b�{�L���|Q/���.���S�U�t�_�x�>���x�?��G�`��6�a��a��Yf�~����E��\D�Ia�ؔ�� � �8�R�z)Ky�D��9m^���Ϭ�S9 +2Eq �+aЛ���M��������G�/�~z�B%J���� �AUYd� In conjunction with the Coordinating Committee and State rural development councils, the panel shall prepare and submit to Congress an annual report on the activities of the Partnership. A windows (pop-into) of information (full-content of Sensagent) triggered by double-clicking any word on your webpage.
stream In this section: (1) Agency with rural responsibilities. The wordgames anagrams, crossword, Lettris and Boggle are provided by Memodata. This activity took place on a related bill, S. 3175 (106th). By joining our advisory group, you can help us make GovTrack more useful and engaging to young voters like you.