I agree I took a test and it was real easy as cake. Example Sentence; She usually eats at home, because she likes cooking. Example Sentence; Germany is a developed country. Declare the punishment decided for (an offender). Since Jill’s mother is French and her father is Swiss, her ethnic origin is a mix of both backgrounds. You can define the word by tracing its origin back to the Greek language. Example Sentence; He was feeling very ill. Examples of Origin in a sentence. A series of signs or symbols expressing a proposition in an artificial or logical language.
Example Sentence; They met in order to get information from each other about the project. They are forced to return to their country of, 44. Example Sentence; The house is spacious enough for me. Illegal aliens are usually deported to their country of, 50.
Hi how is everyone I have a test its gonna be easy as cake. CK 271879 There are many theories about the origin of life. Example Sentence; The general manager is in the meeting room. Example sentences with the word origin. (A sort of underhand and hidden insult to unknowing white ruling class.).
Since Jill’s mother is French and her father is Swiss, her ethnic origin is a mix of both backgrounds. Example Sentence;. Example Sentence; It’s the biggest sports shop in the region. Example Sentence; Public opinion can force the government into action. Your definition about anything invented in the 1870s during slavery in the southern states of America loses a bit of credibility when one considers that the Civil war ended in 1865 and slavery had been pretty much abolished by the Emancipation proclamation in 1863.
Example Sentence; Though it was very late, students kept studying. Meaning; a person that is studying at a school or college. - Ok May 15, 2018. Climbing up the Everest mountain ia not a piece of cake. Many of the place names are Scottish in, 35. These sentence are so well, good job!
Considerable doubt exists as to the precise, 45.
The most elegant couple/team would be given a cake as an award. All goods must be clearly labelled with their country of. The samples were all labelled with a date and place of, 41.
origin example sentences. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Example Sentence; Samuel isn’t at the hotel. Du bist offline. Example Sentence; We need some direction. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Example Sentence; Please, talk to my lawyer. As part of a dance or celebration organised by slave owners, black slaves would compete in 'cake walks', performing a dance which imitated and subtely mocked the elaborate and ostentatious gestures of the white slave owners. Origin is in offline mode. Example Sentence; I’d like to improve my English skill. However, he went to school. The sentence is unpunctuated and uses three different readings of the word "buffalo". 224+22 sentence examples: 1. Meaning; a building for human habitation, home.
4. Example Sentence; I’m sorry but I must leave.
She made an interesting broadcast about the, 40. Origins in a sentence. Does English Have More Words Than Any Other Language? Example Sentence; My dear, you cannot buy happiness. Meaning; an institution for providing medical treatment. Meaning; It is used to show two opposite statements.. When you use "i.e." Origin v10.4.74-2461-76aa5f66.
- Naman Saini May 25, 2018.
Meaning; It is a conjunction. ‘Traditional grammars say that sentences express complete thoughts.’ ‘Both the words and the ways they are combined into sentences convey meaning.’ ‘What I wanted to teach these people was not to decipher words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, paragraphs into pages or even pages into books.’ There are some areas of wetland which are of ancient, 47. Example Sentence; My sister gets up earliest in my family. Example Sentence; The reason why we are holding this meeting is to meet each other. Example Sentence; I’m completely exhausted. I’ve traced the girl’s origins. Swift 27036 The origin of the universe will probably never be explained. c. 1200, "doctrine, authoritative teaching; an authoritative pronouncement," from Old French sentence "judgment, decision; meaning; aphorism, maxim; statement of authority" (12c.) Example Sentence; If you get behind in your car payments, the car may be repossessed. Example Sentence; I am very hungry, but the fridge is empty. 62 people chose this as the best definition of origin: The point at which someth... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Example Sentence; My father’s answer is final. Considerable doubt exists as to the precise origin of this custom. It would bring owls to Athens. Example Sentence; I could write Mary a note if it would help. Example Sentence; I will be a scientist when I grow up. Example Sentence; May the force be with you. Read on. Example Sentence; Is Samuel under arrest? CM 52644 John is going to tell Lucy about the origin of rugby. Origin v10.4.74-2461-76aa5f66. Living conditions are vastly different from those pertaining in their country of, 39. Solving the question paper was a piece of cake, My dog ate my homework because it was a piece of CAKE! How to use origin in a sentence. They are forced to return to their country of origin. Example Sentence; I’ve got some bad news. Meaning; together with all of its peoples, and natural features etc…. The subject is implied or elliptical, meaning that the verb refers directly back to the subject. Example Sentence; Although he speaks seldom, he says meaningful words. Most coughs are viral in origin . İt is used to express a contrast. c. 1200, "doctrine, authoritative teaching; an authoritative pronouncement," from Old French sentence "judgment, decision; meaning; aphorism, maxim; statement of authority" (12c.) There are 6 origins to choose from:. although. a string of words satisfying the grammatical rules of a language, (criminal law) a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed, the period of time a prisoner is imprisoned, pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law.
Here Are Our Top English Tips, The Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage, The Most Common English Language Questions. 1A set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. Example Sentence; The horse which Mary was riding is very friendly and beautiful. This is used as a noun adjunct in the sentence;; n. the noun buffalo (American bison), an animal, in the plural (equivalent to "buffaloes" or "buffalos"), in order to avoid articles. You're offline. Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences. , ruling, pronouncement, decision, determination, decree, , prison sentence, jail sentence, penal sentence, , impose a sentence on, pronounce sentence on, mete out punishment to, punish, convict, These Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In English. We must contextualize the problem before we can understand its, 58. Example Sentence; Rabbit is a small animal.
There are many ways to make online and writing articles, or blog post is one of the best freelance business in the online field. as "judgment rendered by God, or by one in authority; a verdict, decision in court;" from late 14c. Example Sentence; The girl ran toward her house. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. "to pass judgment," c. 1400, from sentence (n.). Hahaha, Logging in to my computer is a piece of cake. Example Sentence; That requires a bit more research first. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. 55. 224+22 sentence examples: 1. Meaning; the spiritual part of a human being or animal. Example Sentence; We usually take size seven shoes. Sense of "grammatically complete statement" is attested from mid-15c. Example Sentence; I will get around from town to town. Bitte geh online, um auf alle Origin-Features zugreifen zu können. From early 14c. and directly from Latin sententia "thought, way of thinking, opinion; judgment, decision," also "a thought expressed; aphorism, saying," from sentientem, present participle of sentire "be of opinion, feel, perceive" (see sense (n.)).
Example Sentence; Germany national team logo gains the first star. All meat should be clearly labelled with its country of, 59. The students were listed by name and by country of, 46.
Origins; Don't know their own Origins. Examples of Origin in a sentence. Example Sentence; I have to learn English. Example Sentence; My daughter always prays before eating. Example Sentence; I didn’t sell Alex those. Example Sentence; My father’s answer is final.. garden. Example Sentence; Samuel break into the conversation and told us. in a sentence, you're using it in place of a phrase like “that is” or “in other words.” For example, instead of writing "She likes superheroes, that is, social misfits who save the world," you'd write "She likes superheroes, i.e., social misfits who save the world." Example Sentence; Jack is completely unlike his father. Don’t change the meaning of the text; Always use a proofreading tool like Grammarly to enhance grammar and therefore text readability. Meaning; a piece of ground for growing flowers etc…. Example Sentence; She takes after her mother. Example Sentence; Don’t forget, everybody need some financial advice. Example Sentence; Three families live in the same house. Sentence definition: A sentence is a group of words which, when they are written down, begin with a capital... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Example Sentence; She was a good student and a good footballer.
Can you explain the meaning of this idiom and make a sentence for this idiom? 5. "Meaning," then "meaning expressed in words." Example Sentence; My father always gets involved in my private life. Example Sentence; I think, this is impossible. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Example Sentence; They are suffering from hunger. Example Sentence; It hasn’t been decided yet. This book finally explodes some of the myths about the. Origin. Use "origins" in a sentence. Meaning; an expression of readiness to do something if desired.
Example Sentence; Vocabulary and grammar skills plays an important role on your English journey. To get access to all Origin features, please go online.
The illness is organic in origin. Related: Sentenced; sentencing. 3.
2. Meaning; a piece of ground for growing flowers etc…. As to the cakewalk part of your definition, that is somewhat more credible as a cakewalk as originally established was a contest in which pretty much anyone who wanted to keep playing won something eventually. Example Sentence; I and Mary are soul mates.
In order of their first use, these are: a. a city named Buffalo. Meaning; parents and children living together in a household.
as "subject matter or content of a letter, book, speech, etc.," also in reference to a passage in a written work. Example Sentence; If you want to be fit, you need to do exercise every day. Example Sentence; I was born by the river. Example Sentence; We use since to talk about a point in the past, a specific point in time. Origin befindet sich im Offline-Modus. Sentence Rewriter is the best tool available online that will enhance your writing ability for free and make you able to earn more in the online field. 4.