The official PlayStation® support site for the US and Canada. @PlayStation servers failure reoccurring monthly.

Once I select the status page, the only connection issue is Playstation video. What do I have to do to fix this? @AskPlayStation That'd be great if my account wasn't blocked.


PlayStation guys were happy to have their bubble.

@AskPlayStation my friend can’t connect to psn. @WesleyTipton5

Please react guys. @CzechDownFoodie my ps4 cant connect to the internet and read the rticle and it sais the severs are down.. fix it, Streaming @hbomax on a @playstation is extremely maddening. Is Playstation Network (PSN) down? #poorcustomerservice #XboxSeriesX #xbox. Via My friends in Boston are fine :) but for me :(, I’m in the same boat.

@DehennaDavison @PlayStationUK You went from working for major games console company to lowlife Tory mp Anyone have Xenoverse 1 on ps4 and working PSN to allow online play?

#Xbox #PlayStation, Rip sony no anime fan service your digging your on grave @sony @PlayStation anime games I can't get on xbox was the only reason why I have an ps4 ha. Error 4204 constantly, @Repohellbilly Hi there, Please be mindful of that in your responses. #PlayStation, @jwstaton Whats the issue?

@DesolationStar @ATVIAssist Apparently it was a PSN problem, it fixed itself on mine so should be good on yours soon! We’re PlayStation not playing you enough?

@StefanDivvy7 @PlayStation yoooo how long these servers gonna be down for??? Thank you! The PS support phone lines are down and the Playstation support chat ALWAYS gives me robot and NEVER gives help or gets back to me after giving my information. I will direct you my PSN. Can you guys please help , my email was changed a few days ago and I need to get my account back and Phone support is closed also.

The PlayStation network servers are down and I’m pissed? How do you rate Playstation Network over the past 3 months? I don't know a while back I heard somebody complain about some kind of flu going around. UID is 700181056. @DehennaDavison @PlayStationUK You went from working for major games console company to lowlife Tory mp

Why can I play every game I have but csnt log in to fortnite on my ps4? So good luck. @ArshiaSalem @DasmanianJ I’m down most of the time when I’m not busy working or on call for my job. PlayStation Network (PSN) is an online gaming service for the PlayStation gaming console. @CdoTMoody

@TheVillaGamerYT @xKayMobbin @BroversUnited They’re systems could connect to their internet.

Share them here. @SocialNewsFoll1 @Collings1995 @GeraltRuth @_EvilSnakE_ @PlayStation It is their servers and platform.

It's a remaster not a remake and really not needed. @PlayStation Game won't work.

@AskPlayStation How can I unsuspend my account due to a charge back? @PlayStation why is your site down? @KeefWhiteJR @TonyHawkTheGame @Xbox @PlayStation @NintendoAmerica Skill based matchmaking isn't a problem, it's streamers turning into foam on the mouth piss lords :p, @Rxalize @BlueBird1994_ How can I fix this??? I'm playing fifa now no issue. @KIING_SMOKE @AskPlayStation Why does the PS4 crash when deleting the games of a generation app.

The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Community Support Team.

This really sucks. So what do I do ? Playstation have said it's not them.

Twitter @XcloudTimdog The past like week, PlayStation servers had problems twice. PSN Status.

There appears to have been a short-lived issue with the PlayStation network last evening. @TehJaffaGuy @BarCuba1 @AskPlayStation Well, I have clicked the link. Some scenes are unnecessarily 100% cgi, his nice looking suit is scrubbed over with CGI.

It’s claiming I don’t have a signed up account when I do! I sure didn't. The buffering is absurd. Try deactivating your PlayStation, disconnect it from the internet and you will see it will kick you out of the game even if you’re playing on the account that purchased the game.

?‍♂️ if there was no miles morales spiderman then i’d move to xbox, @KendePacser

More posts from the playstation community. let’s hope and pray that PlayStation network doesn’t go down again, @snuffles “NEW FORTNITE INFINITE VBUCKS GLITCH (SEASON 6 REVEAL) (GONE WRONG) (GONE SEXUAL) (PLAYSTATION GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY IN DESCRIPTION).

@WhataMelon Hello! @PlayStation might as well just get a damn Xbox because I’ve never had this problem, Seems to be a system and or PSN level issue.

At least once a month friends list don't show people online, UI bugs and party chat doesn't work.


@ShaneTaylor96 I guess so, I also read that it might be a PlayStation Store problem but don’t know.

Don't want to play their, go pay on Xbox or build a PC.

@Themartymoo @Xbox This generational crossing for PlayStation has been... bizarre.

@arvanzan @PlayStation I've had both consoles the entire generation since day 1. @RealmAnarchy @Dotor98611228 Hello!

@WBGamesSupport @HHittz Yo what the hell??

2 being the game and one being a PSN problem. Xbox live services 100% goes down / has issues more than PlayStation network. A remaster isn't made by flicking a switch you fool. Can please fix it guys the ea access it coming out tomorrow. @SYCK_GOAT Hey there Goat, @Xbox @CrashBandicoot fact: the first crash bandicoot game was released on playstation.

@MaddenNFLDirect my mut rewards is not working please help me fix it, same name on psn. @Themartymoo @Xbox This generational crossing for PlayStation has been... bizarre. @GarrettWhite10 @23SHATTERITALL @PlayStation @Inosaska Yeah its just worded wrong on the PS4 Storefront.

website This did nothing.. @Officialkodomo A remaster isn't made by flicking a switch you fool. @JASONCHARLESHU1 Check the official

Get your friends together in a private or public party and organise your next online gaming session – discuss tactics, trash-talk your rivals or schedule an event so everyone knows when to join and which game you’re playing. Error 4204 constantly, @ATVIAssist I just want to sign in so I can move my PSN account from one Activision account to the other, and I get 45 different errors, none of which are anything like "you have the wrong password".

@WBGamesSupport @AnimeNinjaKing Apparently there’s been psn issues for the last couple days, @RJ17289905

At least once a month friends list don't show people online, UI bugs and party chat doesn't work.

@PlayStation yoooo how long these servers gonna be down for???

I'm on EU server (restricted by PSN region), so I cannot add you at the moment.

@CrypticGator @Romudeth People don’t want to believe it but it’s been said before. #PlayStation this is why microsoft is better they have better customer support and they act on problems involving hacked accounts really fast and they don't rip you off not to mention over price the ps5 and make it digital only and 100$ more for disc drive oh ya digital only, How is the PlayStation Store *still* broken in Safari? @qilin0345 I'm going to say it's a design flaw related to why they have issues with PSN ID change.

@afoIkIorelover @Xbox If the Playstation was better than the Xbox, you would be commenting on Playstation related issues, not Xbox, right?? @LogicPurpleTTV

90 minute movies take two hours to watch. ?‍♂️ if there was no miles morales spiderman then i’d move to xbox, @NepentheZ Anyone has a problem with the transfer market? @PlayStation @Sony Is it common practice for your chat agents to disconnect from a conversation when I'm asking for help? I was gonna buy PS4 versions before PS5 release to play them, but I think i'll just wait now til im fully on the system. It has since been fixed, please be sure to restart your console before attempting to reconnect to the network. Please can you reply.

I feel like it's crashing after every game i play @InfinityWard @CallofDuty, @effinjer @PlayStation The website is currently offline.

Whats the issue?

up 1-0 in a trillcod chall and servers go down i h8 psn, Page last updated by @PlayStation why is your site down?


#WoWsLegends, Anybody knows whats going on with ps4 network connection? It has since been fixed, please be sure to restart your console before attempting to reconnect to the network.

Be the first to know the next time Playstation Network goes down. ", One added: "PSN down? Try deactivating your PlayStation, disconnect it from the internet and you will see it will kick you out of the game even if you’re playing on the account that purchased the game. “Can’t obtain IP address in time”. wondering if the "Xbox first" is based on hardware or based on the number of wargaming team that are xbox users. @SocialNewsFoll1 @Collings1995 @GeraltRuth @_EvilSnakE_ @PlayStation It is their servers and platform. @PlayStation might as well just get a damn Xbox because I’ve never had this problem, @Dealer_Gaming On psn, anyone else having this issue? im seriously super upset i might have to call playstation support and have them fix my license bc the game ISNT SHOWING ON MY ******* PS4.

I'm on EU server (restricted by PSN region), so I cannot add you at the moment. @insomniacgames @PlayStation @YuriLowenthal Nahh guys, that is not working. How to Upgrade to an Adult Account On the Date the Child Turns 18 Years of Age. So good luck. @Xbox @CrashBandicoot fact: the first crash bandicoot game was released on playstation. @Starzeub @EAHelp I’m having the exact same issue. Thanks! @Dotor98611228 Hello! @PlayStation can you provide any support on the log in issues? @PlayStation are your guys servers down right now I can't play any of my digital game? @AskPS_UK PSN not working properly?

Take the PlayStation world wherever you go and stay connected from your Android or iOS device. Your own site says everything else should be fine... it’s not.

#PlayStation, @jwstaton

if PlayStation is just harder for them to coordinate with during covid then I wonder how many other developers are having similar issues with Sony. Seems to be a system and or PSN level issue. Thanks! Thank you!

seriously, how are they going to prepare for PS5 if they cannot handle their servers... @PxpiiLopez

I’m over it #CallofDutyModernWarfare, @NextEraGamer

Thanks... @MikotoWolfskin @Fstein_Gaming Hm, sadly doesn't work across servers. To say the least. This link is always available for you in our Official Links dropdown of the sub's menu bar.