All persons working for the EAC (Organs and Institutions) shall not practice any form of discrimination.
Date posted.
The Commission is organising a selection procedure to constitute a list of aptitude in order to: engage administrators at level AD 5 within the Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC)
Senior Project Manager EU Funded Projects.
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The Agency uses two main categories of staff: Temporary Agents and Contract Agents. East African Community EAC Close Afrika Mashariki Road P.O. Top Job.
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Agency Join CERN, ESA and ESO for a unique online careers event . Read. Responsibilities; Plans and reports; Leadership and organisation; Contact; Related links ; Responsibilities. These vacancies are open to internal applicants who are already employed within the EU Institutions as Temporary Agents with a contract type 2(f). Download the EAC Employment Application Form Here. Story. DG EAC also supports these issues through a variety of projects and programmes, notably Creative Europe and Erasmus+.
The Agency has now reached its full staffing capacity, but vacancies can become available in the context of normal staff turnover. Effective relationships between the various Organs and Institutions of the Community are geared towards promoting the successful attainment of the strategic direction and credibility of the Community. As part of the Commission’s commitment to transparency, Directors-General publish information on meetings held with organisations or self-employed individuals. Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.
Read. Agency Make a note! Skip to Job Postings, Search Close. Search our database of available job opportunities for permanent and temporary positions, including contract agent posts, traineeships and secondments. Visit our dedicated page to find the job vacancies websites of the institutions. © 2020 European Personnel Selection Office, Profils de carrière dans les institutions de l’UE, Plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne EU Careers, Listes de sélection d’agents contractuels, (FRONTEX) Agence européenne de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes,, (AEMF) Autorité européenne des marchés financiers,,,, (EUROJUST) Unité de coopération judiciaire de l’Union européenne,,, Policy and Communication Advisor for EU Institutional Relations, (AESM) Agence européenne pour la sécurité maritime,, (ETF) Fondation européenne pour la formation,, Policy Adviser for Coastguard Cooperation,, (AEE) Agence européenne pour l’environnement, Brussels (Belgium), Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Strasbourg (France) Head of Liaison Officers Networks Unit. If you are a national of one of the 6 EAC Partner States, you are eligible to apply to join the team.
© 1999 - 2020 East African Community. Open. Education …
DG EAC officials leading on international cultural relations.
Careers with the European Union - by the European Personnel Selection Office This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on education, culture, youth, languages and sport. The EAC Employment Application Form is mandatory when submitting an employment application to the EAC. Directorate-General EAC. More than 400 people are at present working for the various EAC Organs and Institutions in the 6 Partner States. DG EAC develops and carries out the Commission's policies on: Culture and media.
EAC invests in Staff development and focuses on achieving organisational goals.
Training is offered to Staff to assist in the development of skills required to fulfil their roles properly.
Agency Register now to take part in ESA's Open Day 2020.
Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC), Share Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC), Print friendly Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC), Partners, Stakeholders and Interlocutors in the EHEA. Box 1096 Arusha United Republic of Tanzania Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100 Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190 Email:
Recruitment of staff of the Community shall as far as possible, be reflective of equal representation of gender and the Partner States.
Plus d'informations: While recruiting, the EAC seeks to secure the highest standards of efficiency, technical competence, professionalism and integrity. The Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) is the executive branch of the European Union responsible for policy on education, culture, youth,languages, and sport. The content of the agencies’ websites and vacancy notices therein is not EPSO's responsibility. Something special about her:
As a Project Manager you will be responsible for the daily management and implementation of the EUniWell activities at Leiden University under the direct supervision of the... Posted 18 days ago Deadline 29 … ×In these difficult times, EACEA is doing all it can to support its partners and beneficiaries. Browse current vacancies. Temporarily …
Sport. This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on education, culture, youth, languages and sport. All Rights Reserved. Apply to Eac jobs now hiring on, the world's largest job site. Upload your CV. Story. Please visit our Privacy policy page for more information about cookies and how we use them. Director-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.
The Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) is the executive branch of the European Union responsible for policy on education, culture,youth, languages, and sport.
The Agency has now reached its full staffing capacity, but vacancies can become available in the context of normal staff turnover. Official DG EAC directory is available here. There are job advertisements and offers that falsely state that they are from the East African Community.
The content of the agencies’ websites and vacancy notices therein is not EPSO's responsibility.
11/09/2020 5589 views 38 likes.
Leiden. Sign in. Please be aware that the East African Community does not request payment at any stage of the application and review process. Last 24 hours; Last 3 days; Last 7 days; Last 14 days; Remote. DG EAC develops and carries out the Commission's policies on: The department also supports these policies and priorities through a variety of projects and programmes, notably, Commission work programme – overview of institution-wide deliverables for current year, Strategic plan – department strategy, objectives for 2016-2020, Management plan – department forecasted outputs, activities, resources for current year, Annual activity report – department achievements, resources used during previous year, Annual work programme – budget line for certain policies and funding programmes for current year, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Education and Culture - Organisation chart, This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Consultations on education and training policy, Consultations on culture and media policy, Evaluations of European Commission activities, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, Follow the European Commission on social media. 22/09/2020 7371 views 47 likes. © 2020 European Personnel Selection Office, Administrators in the field of external relations, Research Support Officer – Data Management, Budget, Finance and Procurement Assistant, Project Officer for Technical Assistance to European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Partner Countries, CISE Administrative and Financial Officer, Project/programme management (CAST Permanent), Administration / Human resources (CAST Permanent), Political affairs / EU policies (CAST Permanent), Information and communication technology (CAST Permanent), Manual and administrative support workers (CAST Permanent), Educational Psychologists (CAST Permanent), Policy and Communication Advisor for EU Institutional Relations, Policy Adviser for Coastguard Cooperation, Project Officer for Training and Capacity Building, (EUROJUST) The European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit, (INEA) Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, (EU-LISA) European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice, (ACER) Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, (EUROFOUND) European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, (GSA) European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency, (EPPO) European Public Prosecutor’s Office, (CEDEFOP) European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, (FRONTEX) European Border and Coast Guard Agency, (Europol) European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, (ESMA) European Securities and Markets Authority. The Commission is organising a selection procedure to constitute a list of aptitude in order to: Temporary jobs at the European Commission, Apply for temporary jobs at the European Commission, Vacancy: policy and communication officers DG EAC - temporary staff AD 5, Vacancy notice and application form - Temporary staff DG EAC - Policy and communication officers, This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, Follow the European Commission on social media, engage administrators at level AD 5 within the Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC).