Firstly, by drawing on relevant experience and best practice, particularly on energy efficiency, established in countries with similar local conditions in terms of, for example, building The Dutch Energiesprong (literally, energy jump) system changes this by delivering retrofit in one off-site manufactured package. Best Practice: Ensure Safe Infrastructure so as to provide a safer environment for all users and modes by implementing traffic engineering enhancements. Enjoy the webinars with your colleagues and peers; Better Plants Program & Better Plants Challenge, CPACE Financing Turns 10: Impacts, Challenges, and What Comes Next, Wastewater Treatment 2.0: The Next Phase of Energy Efficiency and Recovery, Planning for Resilience in Multifamily Housing: A Portfolio-Wide Approach, Scaling Impact: Multi-Building Approaches to Zero Energy Ready, Beyond Energy Savings: Quantifying the Additional Benefits of Energy Efficiency, David & Goliath: Financing Energy Retrofits from the Tiny to the Giant, Risk Assessments: Evaluating Buildings Sites for Portfolio Resilience, Perspectives on Resilience: Insurance and Credit Underwriting, You Have a Data Center - Now What? Best Practice: Convene leaders of municipal departments, businesses, local citizen groups, regional planning agencies, and private and non-profit organizations to align interests with a goal of creating an ongoing process of community assessment, action planning and implementation, and prioritize age and dementia-friendly efforts. Use the CDC’s BRACE framework to develop and implement a plan that introduces health system program changes.

Energy Efficiency covers wide-ranging topics related to energy efficiency, energy savings, energy consumption, energy sufficiency, and energy transition in all sectors across the globe. They are also expected to create roughly 3,500 construction-related jobs, provide training for more than 7,000 building operators and staff, and generate $1.4 billion in annual cost savings for New Yorkers.

Best Practice:  Align Land Use Regulations, especially zoning, capital investments, and other municipal actions with Housing Development, Economic Development, Master, Land Use Priority or other plans for future growth. Succeed with Submetering: How to Make the Business Case, Everyone has a Data Center: How to Be an Energy Champion for Yours. Date Posted.

among regional vocational technical schools, comprehensive high schools, and community colleges to maximize opportunities for high school students and adults to access specialized vocational education programs. In addition, when an administration body refurbishes a building, it has the opportunity to improve the well-being of tenants at the same time as reducing energy consumption.

Best Practice:  Implement collaborative arrangements among regional vocational technical schools, comprehensive high schools, and community colleges to maximize opportunities for high school students and adults to access specialized vocational education programs. : Disaggregate data by race/ethnicity, income status, sexual orientation/gender identity and expression, and other key demographic factors to identify and address health inequities. Best Practice:  Develop, document and implement Financial Policies and Practices including reserve levels, capital financing, and use of Free Cash.

The community will demonstrate participation in the Commonwealth’s Office of Public Safety and Security’s trainings and conferences as well as the dissemination of public safety information to citizens. Best Practice:  Implement the Complete Streets Program by becoming certified through MassDOT and demonstrate the regular and routine inclusion of complete streets design elements and infrastructure on locally-funded roads.
Local residents should be involved in the process of planning and designing the renovations so that their needs are taken into consideration and they feel engaged in the process and have a better appreciation of the social, economic and environmental benefits.

Join this webinar to learn about a new methodology for quantifying these benefits. Best Practice:  Perform a general IT assessment that results in a written evaluation and best practice recommendations. Examples include infectious disease surveillance and follow-up, retail food establishment inspections, and recreational camp inspections. Improve the alignment and integration of YouthWorks and Connecting Activities programs for local high school students pursuing summer jobs and paid internships.

We will develop world-class green building and energy codes.

9. Similarly, Ackermannbogen in Munich used landscape to decrease the urban heat island effect and integrated renewable energy sources into the surrounding area. In addition to the best practices that can be adopted to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings, this section focuses on social housing buildings that have their own peculiarities (different sizes, specific accessibility needs, shared facilities and so on) and includes examples of refurbishments and conversions to social housing of buildings with a previous different use. Innovative Energy Efficiency Financing in Public Housing, Smart Energy Analytics Campaign - Spring 2020 Recognition, Smart Energy Analytics Campaign - Spring 2019 Recognition, Smart Energy Analytics Campaign - Fall 2019 Recognition, Smart Energy Analytics Campaign - Spring 2018 Recognition.
Best Practice: Utilize Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) fundamentals to create zoning around transit centers that  maximizes bike, pedestrian, and transit use and which allows for lower levels of required parking and mixed use to put needed amenities near population centers.

This webinar will explore the successful implementation of two energy efficiency projects, one small (<$150,000) and one large (>$10 million); there will be a facilitated discussion to compare and contrast the characteristics of each.

The evaluation may lead to a Community Food Plan that identifies priority actions (i.e., addition of food retail into a town’s economic development plan). includes student education on pedestrian safety. Tuesday, September 15, 2020 I 3:00 - 4:00 PM ET If prepared to proceed, develop action plan and timeline for the creation of the urban renewal entity. : Assess where in the municipality overdoses occur and develop environmental solutions          and improve monitoring of hotspots. Best Practice: Develop a Pavement Condition Index that rates street condition for the municipality. How can I access the additional resources from the webinar?

City of New York. The community will demonstrate participation in the Commonwealth’s Office of Public Safety and Security’s trainings and conferences as well as the dissemination of public safety information to citizens. complying with the CPP, states and localities can offer energy efficiency programs to low-income households or businesses and community-based organizations that serve low-income communities.

Best Practice: Disaggregate data by race/ethnicity, income status, sexual orientation/gender identity and expression, and other key demographic factors to identify and address health inequities. The municipality will demonstrate regular and routine improvements on locally-funded roads, such as cutting back vegetation at intersections where it is known to interfere with sight distance, clearing brush that obscures traffic signage, renewing or installing pavement markings, conducting nighttime surveys to check visibility and retro reflectivity, implementing traffic calming measures at known high crash locations. Best Practice: Implement and enforce evidence-based tobacco control strategies at the point of sale to reduce youth initiation of tobacco use.

Stay up-to-date on the latest Better Buildings webinars by signing up for our email list. Strengthen partnerships between public safety, social services, healthcare providers, and local public and private schools to establish systems and protocols for assessing and identifying children and young adults who present risks to themselves or to others, in order to ensure effective and pro-active responses that can prevent violence and provide timely supports to individuals in need. Best Practice:  Determine need and appropriateness of establishing an Urban Renewal Entity in accordance with MGL chapter 121B. Using HUD data, local data and knowledge, a significant community participation process, and the assessment tool provided by HUD, the community will prepare, complete, and submit its AFH to HUD.

Run by Cecodhas-Housing Europe, with partners including the National Housing Federation, the project is at the halfway stage. It recognises that, from a property management perspective, you want to refurbish a building only once every three decades rather than in small steps over many years. Navigating RFPs and Procurement for Energy Management and Information Syste... Driving Decision Making with Energy Information Systems, Dashboards and Beyond: Designing Energy Information Systems for Success. Best Practice: Create maps from the research conducted through the baseline analysis, illustrating the geographic properties of the indicators.

This webinar will spotlight the latest effort to help water resource recovery facilities achieve energy savings and implement advanced technologies, introducing the Sustainable Wastewater Infrastructure of the Future (SWIFt) Initiative – aka SWIFt 2.0.

Best Practice:  Develop IT resiliency, recovery and contingency plans that are aligned with community realities and position the community to effectively manage unforeseen events.

For states, local governments, and K-12 schools seeking to reduce costs and meet efficiency goals, financing needs to be customized and simplified through technical assistance. Energy Efficiency: A Sound Investment: On average, TIAA-CREF's portfolio is 17% more energy efficient than it was in 2007. This webinar will take you through the steps of getting started. If I miss the webinar, can I still access it at a later time? c. 25A §10 to realize the energy & environmental benefits, Best Practice:  Construct Zero Energy Buildings (or communities) to eliminate GHG emissions, reduce cost, & enhance resiliency, Best Practice:  Provide Electric Vehicle Infrastructure to facilitate the purchase & use of electric vehicles, Best Practice:  Become a Solarize Mass or Solarize Mass Plus Community in order to help achieve renewable energy use & GHG reduction goals, Best Practice:  Complete a Master or Open Space & Recreation Plan to guide land conservation & development decisions including zoning & land acquisition, Best Practice:  Zone for Natural Resource Protection, Transfer of Development Rights, Traditional Neighborhood, or Transit Oriented Development, Best Practice:  Invest in Land Conservation or Park Creation/Restoration via Community Preservation Act or other funds to protect land & provide outdoor recreation, Best Practice:  Plant Trees or Adopt a Tree Retention Bylaw/Ordinance to preserve and enhance tree cover. : Conduct assessments to ensure people with disabilities have access to facilities, goods, and services.

Place signage in areas where overdoses occur (such as public bathrooms) to promote carrying naloxone and calling for help. As the retrofit principally adds a new building envelope to the existing structure it can take place in a week, and without residents needing to leave their home. protections into multifamily energy efficiency retrofits and other building upgrade projects Create a custom verification checklist using the Multifamily Checklist Generator Apply best practices modeled by case studies from the Mankato Housing Authority and the Hempstead Housing Authority Pilot studies. Best Practice: Conduct a Community Food Assessment (CFAs), an evaluation of the food system within a single neighborhood/municipality/region that defines needs and assets to improve access to healthy foods. Tuesday, August 4, 2020 I 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET The evaluation may lead to a Community Food Plan that identifies priority actions (i.e., addition of food retail into a town’s economic development plan).