This could be followed by a contrasting passage: “Regardless of such strictures, sexual relationships between men (or women) of different ages has generally been unacceptable. With any speech activity, however, you can use goal sheets for students to set individual goals for improvement, a natural differentiation option. I’m Staci! One pagers allow teachers to gather valuable information about students as readers because we can directly align one pager content to standards and skills we want to assess. If you’re tired of grading the same thing over and over again, Shana Ramin from Hello, Teacher Lady suggests utilizing digital choice boards and interactive learning menus. Change ). In this post, we offer alternatives for ten words commonly used in academic writing. Required fields are marked *. She even assigned these projects during distance learning!

It truly is the bane of academia. CLAUDIA’S GRANDMOTHER HAS LIVED THROUGH SO MUCH. An important tip when assigning one pager is to provide specific structure for students who aren’t quite sure where to start with a blank paper. The best part is that this activity works for so many texts! In this essay I will be discussing the feminist manifesto that is Make Some Noise by Hannah Montana, a song that encourages young girls to be … A writing makerspace is a workshop space with all of the tools writers need to work through the writing process independently. roles (prosecution, defense, and jury, EVERY learner will be engaged. Students simply work their way through the slides at their own pace. You can find all of Melissa’s scaffolded one pagers for literature and informational texts in this time-saving bundle. Emily Aierstok, from Read it. For example: “In Ancient Greece, it was not uncommon for adult males to take young boys as lovers. Useful phrases that can be used at the start of an introductory paragraph:

Synonyms for the basic term ‘bad’ include ‘poor’, ‘inferior’, ‘negative’ and ‘deficient’. First, the class should agree on a spot in the novel where everyone should start. ( Log Out /  Possible replacements for the verb ‘change’ (i.e. Substitute words for ‘describe’ include ‘portray’, ‘characterise’ and ‘report’. You will notice that the construct we are trying to avoid also starts with the word “in”; the important difference is that the latter is self-reflexive, essentially talking about itself, while the former locates the source of the argument outside of the essay.

For example, after finishing Transcendentalism texts, she reads the children’s book Henry Hikes to Fitchburg to her high school students.

This one is particularly important when quoting other sources. Here’s the sample that I made for Of Mice and Men. Write it. FREE Novel Engineering Digital Handouts here. A mock trial is an engaging, authentic way to practice close reading, citing evidence, interpreting evidence, writing, speaking and listening, and persuasion/debate/argument skills. How does it work? To create a digital writing makerspace, Emily created one makerspace in Google Slides for each of the major genres her 7th grade students were required to write: informative, argument, narrative, and research. With a clear outline, students are writing pages on pages of narrative and rolling in hysterics as they invent new ways for the story to fall apart. If you’re interested in a video tutorial, access to Abby’s mock trial resources, and 29+ other instructional videos, check out the virtual Keeping the Wonder Workshop. empowers her middle school writers by using a writing makerspace as a traditional essay alternative. ✨she/her The Daring English Teacher offers her graphic essay assignment as a traditional PDF and Google Docs option, so you can adjust the assignment to fit your students’ unique needs. For instance when students write and produce a radio commercial, they will not only practice writing with a new format, but they will also practice writing in a succinct way. Once you’ve mastered them, throwing in the objective “I” can be very beneficial to your writing style, especially if you want to go beyond undergraduate essay writing. Wednesday: The Comparison Essay. To learn more about why you should facilitate a mock trial in your ELA class, check out, Do you remember how sponsors sent tributes of. Your email address will not be published.

This post is part of the iHomeschool Network 5 Day Hopscotch. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. You can find goal setting sheets, sample speeches, rubrics and other speech activities in the Public Speaking Unit. So how can I asses student learning in meaningful ways that push them to think deeply? Structure can come in the form of a menu, choice board, or template. That is why the graphic essay is such a robust and exciting project for students. Knowing that public transportation is times more cases are dealt will also receive dividends which able to travel far and. ), StoryBird (paid), PPT or Google Slides, or good o’ paper and crayons. However, as Simon Goldhill points out, sexual penetration was not an acceptable practice.” In this example, the preposition locates the focus of the argument in time. This also provides teachers with time to give valuable feedback students can apply to the next stage of their one pager. That’s why I’m excited that I got to collaborate with some of my absolute favorite ELA teachers to share these twelve essay alternatives your students will love as much as you, even during distance learning! Creative student publishing: 3 engaging tech tools to try this year. Middle school to elementary & back again For instance. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Do you remember how sponsors sent tributes of The Hunger Games a little gift to help them through the games? You can download Emily’s FREE narrative writing makerspace here.

She notes that giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning in different ways can be extremely fun and rewarding. If you want to identify some detail or idea as important, alternate possibilities you might use incorporate ‘significant’, ‘vital’, ‘critical’, ‘imperative’ and ‘essential’. Ask students to write a radio commercial for a nonprofit and bring in an authentic audience. I have had to deal eliminate murders one-hundred percent, but in my professional work experience. You can check out Tanesha’s materials, You can find goal setting sheets, sample speeches, rubrics and other speech activities in the, A mock trial is an engaging, authentic way to, interpreting evidence, writing, speaking and, listening, and persuasion/debate/argument. Then, students outline two possible outcomes from that scene. Lover of all things donut

This project works well with any novel or even short story that has a tangible conflict that characters face. Simply provide your students with some vague clues about a mystery that happened.

The nouns which accompany these words (i.e. When used as a verb (e.g. As a Yank, I couldn’t help noticing the shamelessly overused word “BRILLIANT!” is in your headline, but missing from you list. We were focusing on words used in essay writing (and ‘brilliant’ is a bit informal for that unless you’re referring to something that is especially bright or dazzling). The key components that students pull out include that each PSA has a message, facts, and opinions. Filed under "In this essay I will argue...", Argument, Tagged as English Grammar, English Language Skills, english skills, english writing skills, essay skills, essay writing, essay writing skills, Grammar, In this essay I will, writing skills.

Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts, resources, and more! Good essays always back up points with examples, but it’s going to get boring if you use the expression “for example” every time. There are lots of useful websites students can use to make graphic design a breeze.

For additional alternatives, check out the rest of the days in this series: Monday: The Descriptive Essay. The two sentences in the example are merely directing the reader’s (and your) attention, first to a text (in this case, a primary source), and second to an argument within that source.