Some public employees need to be reminded who they work for. KVI is a WA based station and a SBG Television affiliate owned and operated by Sinclair Broadcast Group. The film showcases hypocrisy, financial corruption, media bias, classroom indoctrination, and political correctness.
All rights reserved. US should follow UK lead on challenge trials.

europa. Kirby prepares us for the Presidential Debate tonight and shares what he thinks will happen and what the topics will be, news about billing for services for Veterans and "Real Science with Dr. Alex Berezow" covers the following topics: Europe's coronavirus cases are out of control. People who called 9-1-1 say it took police more than 40 minutes to arrive at the scene. In addition, our station participates in high school career workshops that introduce broadcasting careers to high school and middle school students.

America’s FIRST all-conservative talk radio station 8am hour -- GUEST: KOMO's Matt Markovich has interviewed and covered the criminal actions and street life of Travis Berge for 2 years, Markovich says Berge was obsessed with meth and combat fighting, Markovich spoke with Berge one week ago, Berge took a badge of honor that he would avoid serious court punishment in Seattle, the disturbing confession Berge made to Markovich during an encounter at Cal Anderson Park last week, some real solutions to help drug addicts who violently break the law. Climate Hustle 2 examines the scientific claims and motivations surrounding the global warming debate. All rights reserved. He talks with Kirby about his latest book: The New Map: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations. The latest nail in the coffin of downtown Seattle, how the devoutly anti-business city council continues to drive away jobs and commerce in the heart of the city, expectations for civil unrest in Louisville KY as a grand jury prepares to announce any charges or not in the police involved shooting death of Breonna Taylor last March, will the legal factor of who shot first during the suspected drug raid be a factor in the grand jury's decision? , meanwhile support for the Seattle police union seems to be rising in the face of the activist city council, California's push to renew Affirmative Action policies is struggling. The Most Experienced Team of Travel Professionals in the Industry! 7am hour -- Big Announcement: your chance to join KVI's first-ever virtual event--a political town hall, the KVI virtual event will cover the governor's race + Trump/Biden and other local elections, a Carlson prediction for January if Biden wins election, the prediction is connected to Trump's speech yesterday on Constitution Day, Trump addresses the left wing (and even public school) efforts to foster an 'America is evil' attitude for young people. 8am hour -- interruptions versus personal insults in last night's Presidential debate, why moderator Chris Wallace is enduring criticism this morning, the moment Wallace should have cut off Biden, how Biden is avoiding scrutiny on his plans for the US Supreme Court, one idea to improve some of the bickering in last night's debate, will the last one out of Everett please turn out the lights? ; Trump drills Biden over Biden's lack of support from law enforcement, meanwhile the Kenosha Co. 6am hour -- if Biden won the debate why are liberal media pundits so concerned this morning, Biden quickly confirms he'll be at 2nd debate, KVI callers sound off on debate and start with the question about accepting results of the election outcome, another notes lack of substance, Biden refuses (again! ) Simply send your feedback to one of the email addresses below. He has been a commentator on modern and ancient warfare and contemporary politics for National Review, The Washington Times and other media outlets. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or distributed. 7am hour -- recounting John Carlson's scramble to return home from a Central Oregon motorcycle road trip, Puget Sound must wait a few more days for wildfire smoke to clear out and improve the attrocious air quality, is Bob Woodward or Joe Biden running for President? Since the current EEO rules went into effect the station has experienced no notable difficulties in our outreach efforts as of the date of this application. Democrats try to turn wildfire crisis into a campaign issue as way to distract from the anti-police rioting, why are fires burning more acres now more than 20+ years ago, even CA governor admits their state could do better forest management to prevent bigger fires, guess who said "parts of the Arctic on fire"!?! Every Monday and Friday we will read a key word at 8:05a & 4:05p giving you a chance to win $500 each time! Gov. 6am hour -- Seattle judge rules recall effort against socialist city council woman can proceed, the recall petition organizer joins John Carlson to start next hour, will Pac-12 allow football now that the other major hold-out (the Big 10) reversed course to start play late next month?

Space for the free event is limited and registration is required. Through it all, they keep helping those who need it most. He is Vice Chairman of IHS and founder of IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates. If your organization would like to receive notification of job vacancies at our station, please notify: ©   Hey KVI listeners, let's all come together for a moment. Shedding new light on the two Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies ambushed earlier this week, awe for how one female officer managed to survive after being shot in the jaw, a look at the real priorities of educators in one district during the virus pandemic, the story proves that public schools are not all about the children. Victor Davis Hanson is an American classicist, military historian, columnist, and farmer. Kirby brings Shannon O' Donnell in to the studio to hopefully share when this smoke will clear, callers are concerned about the election and we hear stories about heroes. The man hired for that position--as the city continues to struggle with anti-police vandalism and property damage--is the driving force behind the voter approved I-940 which intends to bring more accountability to police officer involved shootings (OIS). Kirby shares stories of the day, callers share thoughts about the winner and the loser in last nights debate, plus we learn about what happened on This Day in History.

6am -- Democrats now focused on only one of Trump's two most likely SCOTUS nominees, the book/TV show "The Handmaids Tale" is now being invoked over Trump's SCOTUS nomination,Gov. KVI Inslee's bogus claim on "climate fires", ironic that high tech is protecting a politician claiming something that is demonstrably false, archived audio of Ronald Reagan in the late 1960s is the perfect response to 2020's lawless (anti-cop) protesters, Gov. It is Constitution Day and Kirby educates us on what happened 233 years ago, the petition to recall Kshama Sawant moves forward, callers share their thoughts andAnastacia Boden a constitutional attorney with the Pacific Legal Foundation joins Kirby. We are looking for organizations that regularly distribute information about employment opportunities to job applicants or have job applicants to refer. There was a dangerous scene in the street near the Space Needle Saturday night, as several people were hit by drivers who were spinning donuts. 7am hour -- air quality update for today, Facebook flags a John Carlson post about Gov.

This hour is all about Kirby's thoughts, and listeners thoughts about the Presidential debate last night. For additional information concerning the outreach efforts undertaken by stations in this employment unit, see link in the footer for the EEO Public File Report.

Lots of people are stepping forward to contribute to legal defense of 17 yr old charged with murder during a street protest in Kenosha WI last month, that 17 yr old--Kyle Rittenhouse--has received $2 million in contributions for his legal defense, how video recordings will bolster Rittenhouse's defense case, meanwhile the Kenosha Co. Sheriff is making an endorsement for President, and next door in Minnesota the regrets are piling up over a plan to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Dept. The KVI-AM radio station has a large listening audience in the Seattle - Tacoma, WA area that may be interested in your products and services.
A caller shares his joy at learning how to shoot a gun and how positive the community is, topics include stories of the day and the latest numbers on Covid-19 and opening up the state.

8am hour -- Seattle/Tacoma traffic levels are up steadily right now, Pierce Co. now only down 10-15% of pre-COVID daily levels,8:35am -- did you hear about the mentorship Amy Coney Barrett provided a blind law school grad now clerking at the US Supreme Court?? Sinclair offers local businesses select mobile ad inventory through its SparkSMB division. More on Trump's taxes the expect appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme court and callers have questions for Kirby.

Please note our remittance address has changed: Sinclair Broadcast GroupC/O KVIP.O. https://www. Chris Whipple, a writer and documentary filmmaker, is the author of the acclaimed New York Times best-seller, The Gatekeepers: How the White House chiefs of staff define every presidency. Callers want to talk about Covid-19 and how it is affecting kids education and a teacher shares that he is only getting 30% participation from his students, plus we learn what happened on This Day in History. 3.7K likes.

Our department managers attend job fairs at local and regional colleges in an effort to recruit candidates with an interest in a broadcast related field. Inslee deserves to be voted out of office:A deeper dive into a Snohomish Co.

8am hour -- why smokey Puget Sound air won't clear now until Saturday morning, one American school district proves why public schools are more about the adults than they are the children, federal charges against an Auburn WA man for illegally possessing two loaded handguns (oh and looting a Seattle store, too), KVI's first induction into the Seattle Dumbest Tweet Hall of Fame, some examples for Brett Hamil on better images of Seattle to accurately reflect the city in 2020. Community Involvement The owner and Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. continue to broaden its recruiting outreach by effectively establishing communication with recruiting resources in the broadcasting community, professional organizations, community based organizations and outreach through our corporate and local station job opportunities websites. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or distributed. Inslee insists on calling them "climate fires". The KVI Sales Team has the talent and experience to create advertising plans that get results with adults for your business!