Web Link: Funding may be used for environmental enhancements, capital projects, natural space improvements, and trail development. Funding may be used for capital costs and one-time events that benefit local neighborhoods. Email: info@vancouverfoundation.ca. Funding may be used to support festivals, sporting events, and senior sporting events.
The Recreation Foundation of British Columbia (RFBC) is a registered charity (No.
Funding is intended to address the cultural and recreational needs of children and youth, and for general community needs. Grants of up to $5,000, grants of up to $25,000, and grants of up to $50,000 to Saskatchewan nonprofit organizations, municipalities, schools, school boards, and health regions for projects that benefit local communities.
Green Team creates summer employment opportunities for youth aged 15 to 29 years. Grants to British Columbia organizations and community groups in eligible areas for projects that benefit the local community. http://www.gov.mb.ca/cyo/youth/employers/greenteam.html. Giving is easy!
Grants to Kamloops, British Columbia coaches, officials, and sports organizations for training opportunities in their respective fields.
Grants to USA, Canada, and International community organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and youth groups to purchase outdoor recreational equipment. For the purposes of this program, “”after school”” refers to any instruction or activities. Support community-driven projects that build community pride and citizen involvement, non-profit community organization, municipality, northern community council or co-operative, non-profit community organization, small business or co-operative. 89232 0441 RR0001), the purpose of which is to advance parks, recreation, arts and culture, health and the environment in BC; and to fund the activities of not-for-profit volunteer and educational organizations in the province which implement programs consistent with the Foundation’s purpose, including the BC Recreation and Parks Association. Full-time employees are those working 30 hours or more per week, Web Link: The employment period is between May 1 and August 31. Who’s Eligible: Grants of up to $75,000 to USA, Canada, and International researchers to complete a short-term (less than 6 months) research project that works towards solving an acute anti-doping problem, or prepares for a larger-scale project. Web Link: Canadian Tire Jumpstart Grants to British Columbia nonprofit societies for programs that enhance the lives of residents in eligible locations. http://www.gov.mb.ca/cyo/youth/leadership/asaep.html#deadline. Grants and in-kind support to British Columbia groups for new or recurring festivals and other community events in eligible locations. Eligible projects will address community needs and will demonstrate cultural sensitivity and awareness. http://www.pch.gc.ca/eng/1267728945673/1269445868906.
The RFBC works to advance education through support programs for individuals, such as scholarships and other forms of assistance. Grants will be given up to $2,500.
Grants of up to $8,000 to British Columbia registered nonprofit societies to support innovative projects, events, and activities that enhance the quality of life in eligible regions and improve the local community. More .
In order to qualify for a donation from RBC or the RBC Foundation, an organization must fall within our giving guidelines and be a registered charity with the proper authorities in its jurisdiction. : 11928 1640 RR0001, Tel: 604-688-2204
Grants to Alberta nonprofit organizations and community groups for activities that enhance and enrich the community in the areas of arts, culture, heritage, recreation, environment, and community spirit. Grants to New Brunswick registered charities, municipalities, government agencies, and amateur athletic associations to enhance the quality of life for residents in eligible locations. Arts Development Project Support (ADPS)
Allocates funds and/or bingo events to non profit, volunteer community service, social service, recreation, and health-related organizations in Manitoba.
Overview: Grants of up to $10,000 to British Columbia registered charities in eligible locations for heritage, arts, and culture events and activities that benefit local residents. We envision: Enabling People: Overview: Funding is intended to relieve social need and poverty, to promote education, and for activities that are beneficial to the community. Individuals or unincorporated groups may apply under the endorsement of an eligible organization. The Province provides recreation operating grants to provincial organizations who offer diverse types of programs and services that support Manitoba’s recreation delivery system.
ADPS provides funding support to encourage projects which offer Manitobans opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in the arts or to experience the work of Manitoba artists and artworks. Private sector employers must have 50 or fewer full-time employees across Canada to be eligible. Grants of up to $1,000 to British Columbia nonprofit organizations to enhance the local community in eligible locations.
Take advantage of the many recreation opportunities available across the diverse landscape of mountains, rivers, lakes and coastlines.
a non-profit organization, community group, local government, school or school division, or, a private individual with the written endorsement of any eligible group or organization, able to demonstrate a history of involvement in arts-related events, education or programs, enhance existing arts education programs or provide new arts education initiatives to school-aged children who do not normally have access to arts programming.
Grants to Manitoba nonprofit organizations in eligible areas for programs and projects that benefit local residents.
* Operating costs and building maintenance costs are not eligible.
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit organizations for public welfare activities. Grants of up to $7,500 to Ontario formal and informal neighborhood groups for resident-led projects that build local communities.
Overview: Canada Summer Jobs FCC Agri Spirit Fund Urban/Hometown Green Team Canada Summer Jobs Hometown Manitoba Small Capital Sponsorship Program RBC Learn to Play Project Community Places Program (CPP) Manitoba Community Services Council (MCSC) Enabling Accessibility Arts Development Project Support (ADPS) … Grants to Ontario nonprofit organizations in eligible locations for community benefit activities. Tire Stewardship Sports grants & recreation facilities grants to enhance the lives of girls and boys through physical activity and responsible sports, youth sports, wildlife sports, and community sports programs.
providing information and communications technologies to make them more accessible for the community. Community Places Program (CPP)
There are many avenues for funding for recreation in your community. Funding is intended to support impactful projects that address social needs across the globe. Enabling Accessibility Grants to Yukon registered charities, government agencies, First Nation governments, and school councils to provide opportunities for marginalized youth.
: 11928 1640 RR0001. Mountain Equipment Co-op My Philanthropy is Vancouver Foundation's secure, online portal that gives individual, agency and corporate fund holders access to fund information, investment updates and newsletters. Successful projects have included hospitals and medical centres, childcare facilities, fire and rescue equipment, playgrounds, food banks, libraries, recreation centres and community gardens., Web Link: Grants to Saskatchewan nonprofit organizations operating youth sports programs in eligible locations to defray the cost of facilities rental. Eligible recipient organizations are those working in the following fields: education, health, environment, community development, literacy, recreation, and arts and culture. http://www.gov.mb.ca/cyo/recreation/funding.html#rec. The organization endorsing the applicant must provide a letter of support for the project. The organization must have been in existence for at least one year. The subsidies supported before and after school recreation programs that focused on physical activity, connecting to nature, outdoor play, and engaging in culture, sports and the arts.
Who’s Eligible: Thank You for Submitting Your 2019 Grant Application with the Recreation Foundation of BC. Government agencies academia (universities, schools, research institutes, etc.) RBC Learn to Play Project
Funding is intended for programs and activities that promote community belonging and emphasize the spirit of the community. Grants to British Columbia community-based organizations, nonprofit societies, registered charities, service organizations, and individuals in eligible areas for projects and programs that benefit local residents and communities.
Grants to British Columbia nonprofit sports organizations for urgent support during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) health crisis. Grants of up to $14,000 to Alberta nonprofit organizations in eligible locations to support arts and cultural festivals benefitting the local community.
Organizations that are registered charities in their jurisdictions Donations. must be a registered charitable or registered non-profit organization; maximize developmental/learning and community involvement opportunities; be based in Manitoba or have a Manitoba Division; be able to demonstrate sound financial practices; provide an obvious benefit to the community; provide recognition to Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries for support; and, Provide instruction/learning of a new skill or sport that the child/youth would otherwise not have an opportunity to experience; and/or, Emphasize and expose children/youth to a multi-sport or multi-skill participation experience; and/or, Implement a new approach/delivery to sport and physical activity through the creation of programs recommended by Canadian Sport for Life. Grants to Alberta individuals, organizations, or groups in eligible areas for projects that improve the quality of life in local communities. Richardson Foundation Please go to the Donate page for further details. Overview:
The organization applying must be a non-profit body which seeks funds for a purpose deemed by the Council to be a community service within the Province of Manitoba and serving more of the community than the self-interest of the Board of Directors of the organization; Its management must be directed by a duly constituted board of volunteers which assumes accountability to the community and meets at least four times a year (the board shall serve without remuneration); The organization must be in existence for at least one year and its latest financial statements must be provided. All rights reserved. Section Navigation: News. Grants of up to $500 and grants of up to $1,000 to British Columbia sports organizations and individual sports officials and coaches in eligible locations for training and professional development activities. The subsidies supported before and after school recreation programs that focused on physical activity, connecting to nature, outdoor play, and engaging in culture, sports and the arts. School and Community Arts Program – After School Arts Enrichment Program Grants of up to $1,500 to British Columbia resident groups for community building projects in eligible locations. Benefits: Who’s Eligible: Go to Events and click on the 2019 RecreOPEN link.
http://www.communitiesinbloom.ca. We commit to: Conserving the ecologically and recreationally important places where we adventure and that sustain us Grants to British Columbia registered charitable organizations to benefit the residents of the Mission community. activities that focus on the well-being of animals, including pets.