I love this song so much I’m 17 and I would love for the YW and YM in ward to sing this in sacrament meeting.
To ransom you and me. I’m sure it will become one of their favorites. It really helped us much to do the singing with the minus one music via zoom to our Christian’s community. Thank you so much for posting my comment. Shawna, I am so much blessed today with the very touching lyrics and the singing of your song. Shawna, thank you for such a beautiful song.
I just cried. A few now what a God given gift. If possible, I want to share this song in my language so can be understood more. I am from the remote part in the Philippines. King Jesus, King Jesus is alive, Grave where are you now, you've been overpowered Thank you and God bless all of you for this beautiful song. Death where is you string conquered by the king And in that barren place the world forever changed, For hope was born when Jesus rose that day, And still His wounded hands reveal the love He has, And He will come again, and one by one we’ll rise, To praise His holy name and see the living Christ. His friends believed that everything was lost. May you always be blessed with His abundance of goodness.
To ransom you and me. That crushed the enemy Your music is wonderful!!
Thank you. Thank you so much for this song and for all your beautiful, uplifting music.
To bring us home again. Breaking through the fear To conquer death and sin. I will be very greatful if you can share to us the music piece. Risen.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your effort and for sharing with the world! So here they are: When darkness veiled the sky the day that Jesus died, They took His body down and laid it in a tomb. Last.fm Music | Copyright © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. / All rights reserved. Is there any means i can secure a minus one of this song? What a wonderful song, truly an inspired moment each time I listen to it, and beautifully performed by One Voice Children’s Choir. May the Lord powerfully use your songs to bless hearts. Risen.
Thanks for sharing this lyrics Shawna especially at this crucial time of self isolation and stay-at-home period. To bind up every broken heart.
I never tire of listening to it, and my girls are singing it this Easter Sunday at church. Risen King is an upbeat Easter song by Don Chapman and Adam Fisher Is it possible to have the piano sheet and choir sheet for this song, how? I really love your songs have downloaded Thank you for sharing such a powerful, beautiful testimony of the resurrected Christ. The best Good Friday and Easter home celebration. Risen Praying for your ministry to touch lives. Grave where are you now, you've been overpowered Death where is you string conquered by the king Resurrected one shining like the sun Breaking through the fear Victory is here, victory is here now. All your songs are amazing, but this one really IS perfect! Victory is here, victory is here now, Oh, oh, oh, hallelujah
My grandchildren sang it for our in-home sacrament meeting last Sunday and it was so beautiful.. Risen, He's risen
The same power lives in me. Blessings. Jesus be lifted higher, we serve a risen Savior, The same power, the same power ("Risen" is sung by Kristen Scott, Hallie Cahoon and members of the One Voice Children's Choir. I’ve been looking for a song to share with others and this is the one. i am using this song to sing in our Night Feverhttps://www.stmarysgosport.org.uk/events-1/nightfever-4 To bring us home again. POPULAR SONG: The Kid LAROI - "WRONG" ft. Lil Mosey - LYRICS, HOT SONG: Daddy Yankee, Anuel AA & Kendo Kaponi - "Don Don" - LYRICS. Your songs have touched my heart and the hearts of so many with whom I’ve shared them!
hi Shawna, thank you for sharing this song,
I’m thinking of doing a summer program.
I don't usually do this, but sharing the message is my priority on this song. For Mary heard her name and saw the living Christ. God bless you. Risen, He's risen, forever glorified But when the third day came, the darkness turned to light. Alleluia, He lives. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world Shawna. Alleluia, He is Risen.
Thank you so much for this song!
Risen. oh, oh hallelujah oh, oh hallelujah. The same power, the same power Is There is an instrumental part it risen. To bind up every broken heart. I've had people ask for the lyrics. How I wish we could sing it in our choir this Easter Sunday to give wonderful message and introduce your song to God’s people.
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Arranged by Daniel Blomberg.) This song touches my heart. thank you you are most blessed for your worship song.
To set the captives free. My daughter loved it and has just downloaded it. I purchased everything yesterday, and plan to use it with our grades 1-12 singers & instruments.
The message of what Jesus did for us is so clear.
To conquer death and sin. in 3 weeks time, and when we practice last night the rest of the singer is how beautiful is this song.
Oh, He is risen. It is really anointed.
Resurrected one shining like the sun
Jesus Lives!
Thank you for sharing the song and the lyrics. I believe God loves it and His name is exalted, and many souls are blessed by this song. Risen. Such true lyrics! Question: have you written any youth musicals or cantatas? Thanks, Thankyou so much for the beautiful song the words so full of meaning and sung with such depth of feeling .I was transported . It’s such a blessing for being able to understand it more after reading the text. To set the captives free.
Risen, He's risen King Jesus, King Jesus is alive. Is it ok if I try to translate it to Bahasa Indonesia, or perhaps you already have the lyrics in Indonesia? When I played the video for my grades 1-5, I was going to pause it partway through because we were running over our rehearsal time, and the kids with their eyes glued to the screen, put up little hands and sort of whispered, “no………I wanna see it.” That convinced me we would learn it with the combined Youth Music Ministry.