Resuspension in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake. This study illustrates that relatively small areas of land cover can determine the equilibrium state of the atmosphere-biosphere system of an entire region. Stress, Disturbance and Change in Rangeland Ecosystems.
The Aspects and the Role of Diversity in Socioeconomic Systems: an Evolutionary Perspective. Rangeland Ecology - Understanding and Managing Change. Home > Research > Thresholds Database > Database . Scientific concepts for an integrated analysis of desertification. Some attempts were made to restore the grasslands in bare areas by reducing livestock numbers, but this has had little effect. Landscape/Local.
Regime Shift Category: 3a. Traditionally, migratory pastoralists lived with their cattle in balance with the vegetation. Deforestation reduces the net surface radiation and entropy flux, resulting in a decrease of boundary layer entropy and rainfall over the coastal land, limiting the northward extension of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The bare areas have remained in this state for more than 20 years. The Resilience Alliance is a research organization that focuses on resilience in social-ecological systems as a basis for sustainability. Database . Regime Shift Category: 5. Vegetation and Soil Feedbacks on the Response of the African Monsoon to Orbital Forcing in the Early to Middle Holocene. Role of Vegetation Dynamics in Enhancing the Low-Frequency Variability of the Sahel Rainfall. Vegetation and Soil Feedbacks on the Response of the African Monsoon to Orbital Forcing in the Early to Middle Holocene.
3. 2.
Subsequently, the annuals were grazed out, leaving a landscape of bare soil and shallow rooted unpalatable shrubs. Persistent Unstable Equilibria and the Grace Period in Dynamic Models of Environmental Change.
Location: Pacific Ocean, Easter Island. Certainty of shift: Proposed. Tree Clearing and Dryland Salinity Hazard in the Upper Burdekin Catchment of North Queensland. Shrub clumps of the Chilean matorral vegetation: structure and possible maintenance mechanisms. Seasonal Dynamics of Daphnia and Algae Explained as a Periodically Forced Predator-Prey System. Ecosystem Type. A Test of the Metapopulation Model of the Species-Area Relationship. Trust-building, knowledge generation and organizational innovations: the role of a bridging organization for adaptive co-management of a wetland landscape around Kristianstad, Sweden, Regime Shifts in Lake Ecosystems: Pattern and Variation. El Nino as a window of opportunity for the restoration of degraded arid ecosystems. Open Acacia scrub with perennial grasses ... To Do What? Here the soils are sandy, low in organic matter and deficient in phosphorus and nitrogen. Certainty of shift: Demonstrated. 1.
Ecological and social dynamics in simple models of ecosystem managment, Coping with collapse: ecological and social dynamics in ecosystem managment. CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Critical Thresholds in Species Responses to Landscape Structure. Field Descriptions . Rediscovery of Traditional Ecological Knowledge as Adaptive Management. Location: Europe, Netherlands. Spatial Scale. Effects of Fish on Plankton Dynamics: a Theoretical Analysis. For unmanured cropland, soil fertility can be maintained when 3/8 of the arable land is left fallow. * 2.5oC is the figure used in the simulations as a surrogate for a documented warming in the southern hemisphere oceans in association with shift of the inter-hemispheric distributions of the SST and surface pressure around the time of the onset of the drought. El Nino Effects on the Dynamics of Terrestrial Ecosystems. 1. Some of the land previously available for grazing was converted to growing cash crops, increasing the density of livestock in the remaining grazing lands. Indirect Effects of Fish Community Structure on Submerged Vegetation in Shallow, Eutrophic Lakes - an Alternative Mechanism. Database . Biodiversity, Resilience and the Control of Ecological-Economic Systems: the Case of Fire-Driven Rangelands.
System Type: Social-Ecological. Home > Research > Thresholds Database > Database . Soil fertility is affected by the ratio of total herbage intake by livestock to total palatable herbage available during the wet season. Productivity is limited by soil fertility, which is related to a combination of fallowing (for non-manured croplands) and herbage intake by livestock. Top-Down Control of Cyanobacteria: a Theoretical Analysis. Canberra ACT 2601, Keywords Rediscovery of Traditional Ecological Knowledge as Adaptive Management. Canberra ACT 2601, Keywords The Resilience Alliance is a research organization that focuses on resilience in social-ecological systems as a basis for sustainability. Alternate Stable States and Threshold Effects in Semi-Arid Grazing Systems. Improved medical and veterinary aid led to a rapid increase in the populations of people and livestock. 1% per year for the 20 years preceding the drought onset) is enough to maintain this shift, in the form of a multi-decadel drought. The Resilience Alliance is a research organization that focuses on resilience in social-ecological systems as a basis for sustainability. Extinction and Spatial Structure in Simulation Models. by the end of the 20th century, less than 10% of the primary rainforest remained. Threshold Effects of Landscape Structure on Biological Control in Agroecosystems. Indigenous knowledge and resource management systems in the Canadian subarctic. Constant intensive grazing has destroyed the rootstock of palatable perennial shrubs, giving way to short-lived, shallow rooted annuals. The Resilience Alliance is a research organization that focuses on resilience in social-ecological systems as a basis for sustainability. Type of Resource Use. The Resilience Alliance is a research organization that focuses on resilience in social-ecological systems as a basis for sustainability. Desertification (mosaic of bare ground and unpalatable shrubs). Boreal Forest and Tundra Ecosystems as Components of the Climate System. Grazing Effects on Patchy Dryland Vegetation in Northern Patagonia. The most likely scenario for triggering the Sahel drought includes regional changes in land cover and changes in the patterns of global and regional sea surface temperature, which was seen around the time of the onset of the drought. Subsistence Agriculture. The grasslands have been replaced by desert. Examples are included in the database if the threshold mechanism is either described explicitly or is strongly suggested. From the 1950's, many people settled in the south of the Sahel in villages around watering points, resulting in overgrazing in these areas. (2002) produced a model for cropping (subsistence and cash) and livestock farming in Western Niger, in the southern Sahel. Coexistence and Collapse: an Experimental Investigation of the Persistent Communities of a Protist Species Pool. Implications of the Effects of Trawling on Sessile Megazoobenthos on a Tropical Shelf in Northeastern Australia. Integrating Salmon, Trees and People: Watershed Management: Balancing Sustainability and Environmental Change. Persistence of 2 Species of Gecko (Oedura-Reticulata and Gehyra-Variegata) in Remnant Habitat. Metapopulation Models for Extinction Threshold in Spatially Correlated Landscapes. Ecosystem Dynamics and the Sahel Drought. A continuous drought has accompanied this shift in vegetation. Deforestation along the southern coast of West Africa may result in a reduction in regional rainfall and a possible collapse of monsoon circulation. Economic sustainability was measured as a minimum threshold for the basic needs of household members. The Structural Connectivity Threshold: an Hypothesis in Conservation Biology at the Landscape Scale. PO Box 284, Landscape/Local. Did the shift in vegetation type trigger the prolonged drought, or did the drought contribute to the shift? Eradication Thresholds in Epidemiology, Conservation Biology and Genetics. Fernandez et al. descriptive, conceptual model, Ecosystem Management, Physical/Climate, deforestation, Food and fibre (agriculture, forestry), fuel (wood). ABOUT THIS DATABASE This is a database of thresholds and regime shifts in ecological and linked social-ecological systems. Regime shifts, resilience and biodiversity in ecosystem management. Much of the topsoil with its nutrients, was blown or washed away, leaving bare rock. A 20% reduction in vegetation cover (i.e. Climatic Warming Causes Regime Shifts in Lake Food Webs. Ecosystem Management, descriptive, model, desertification, grazing pressure, economics, grazing systems, semi-arid grasslands, plant-soil interactions, land degradation, Grazing cattle, sheep and goats; food and fibre, Soil infiltration, leaf biomass, agricultural productivity, Grazing pressure, soil moisture, soil depth, soil fertility. Designing a Dry Tortugas Ecological Reserve: How Big Is Big Enough? Indigenous knowledge and resource management systems in the Canadian subarctic. Thresholds Database > Floating plant dominance in Dutch ditches. System Type: Social-Ecological. The Resilience Alliance is a research organization that focuses on resilience in social-ecological systems as a basis for sustainability. Spatial Scale . South Africa's Arid and Semiarid Rangelands: Why Are They Changing and Can They Be Restored? A Universal Law of the Characteristic Return Time Near Thresholds. On the Dominance of Filamentous Cyanobacteria in Shallow, Turbid Lakes. Field Descriptions . CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Stability Properties Of Semiarid Savannas In Southern African Game Reserves. The Resilience Alliance is a research organization that focuses on resilience in social-ecological systems as a basis for sustainability. Trust-building, knowledge generation and organizational innovations: the role of a bridging organization for adaptive co-management of a wetland landscape around Kristianstad, Sweden, Regime Shifts in Lake Ecosystems: Pattern and Variation. In the southern Sahel, a rapid increase in the populations of people and livestock has resulted in overgrazing. A Resilience Alliance / Santa Fe Institute database. PO Box 284, Resilience of an Australian Savanna Grassland to Selective and Non-Selective Perturbations.
Coupled biosphere-atmosphere simulations (Wang and Eltahir, 2000a) have shown that a warming of 2.5oC(*) sea surface temperature (SST) is sufficient to trigger a shift from a self-sustaining wet climate equilibrium to a self-sustaining dry climate equilibrium.
Effects of Interdecadal Climate Variability on the Oceanic Ecosystems of the Ne Pacific. The Role of Vegetation in the Dynamics of West African Monsoons. Ecosystem Type. Increases in population have resulted in land clearing for agriculture and timber harvesting for domestic and commercial use. Spatial Heterogeneity and Irreversible Vegetation Change in Semiarid Grazing Systems. Other . Roots could not penetrate this hard layer and no germination could occur. Range Condition Assessment and the Concept of Thresholds - a Viewpoint. Command and Control and the Pathology of Natural Resource Management.